【展讯】董师丨小鸡吃米图及其他 2016/5/14 - 5/25



  • 董师|小鸡吃米图及其他
  • Dong Shi丨Chick Pecking Rice & Others
  • 策展人:李泊岩
  • Curator:Li Boyan  
  • Opening Reception / 开幕酒会:2016/5/14  3:00pm
  • On View / 展览日期: 5/14-5/25
  • 地点 : 天津市和平区台儿庄路26号(泰安道壹号院A8)考拉空间
  • Venue : Koala Space, No.26,Tai’erzhuang Road,Heping District,Tianjin,China













2015年,“20位方块艺术家”  ,艺术家方块(carredartistes),上海

About Exhibition :

Koala Space are glad to provide you with the first personal exhibition of Dong Shi, the “Chick Pecking Rice and Others”. Dong Shi adopts his self-assumed “Circle Line” technique, which creates animals images by adding elements and colors tothe spring-like line drawn in one time. He discovered this game in surprise in school days after drawing the picture of “Chick Pecking Rice” on textbook. He then patiently repeated the “circles” one after another, fabricating out different postures of animals. It seemed like that he wanted to keep in mindof, be proficient in and carry forward this suddenly discovery. With optimist attitude, Dong Shi offers these paintings with both conscious irony and child-like innocence. These paintings, bearing successive features of the Republic of China cartoon and based on simple lines, imply the disordered and confusing, helpless and fugacious current life. Of course, we also could not easily label these works as “bad painting”. Although he painted with traditional brush and ink, and intended to bring an unrestrained sense to the picture, Dong Shi gave more emphasis to the “meaningful forms” rather than the connotation of the ink painting itself. He will start from the formal beauty of modern painting, and put it into his natural perception of individual’s life. The Exhibition will exhibits 20 pieces of the new works of Dong Shi, fully displaying his artistic exploration beginning from the “Chick pecking Rice”.

Curator :Li Boyan

About Artist :

Dong Shi, born in 1985 in Shanxi Province, graduated from Department of Art and Design of Nankai University in 2011. He is now mainly working and living in Shanghai. Dong Shi focuses on mainly two aspects, the first is to develop more possibilities of flat drawing through the exploration of techniques and materials. He is good at presenting his understanding of painting and expressing subjective mentality through comprehensive application of drawing techniques, and deconstructing authorities in an easy and ridiculous way. On the other hand, he tries his best to make clear the connections between his own life and the specific life space,and make it the core of his creation, discussing the relations between individual, space and time by placing the carefully designed behavior into target space.

Personal Exhibitions:

2014, “Felt and Water, Guess and Waiting”, Yi Gallery,Shanghai

2009, “Pretend to Understand”, Nankai University, Tianjin

Group Exhibitions:

2016, “Kill a Magpie”, Space Regeneration Projects, Tianjin

2015, “Garden within Garden” the 10th ChinaInternational Garden Expo Shanghai Park, Wuhan

2015, “A Collective Migration of Public Art”, Koala &Art Space, Tianjin

2015, “20 Square Artists”, Carré d'Artistes, Shanghai


《飞鸟》宣纸水墨  30x69cm  2016

《小白 (5只小狗)》 宣纸水墨  45x70cm  2016

《萌虎图(6只老虎)》 宣纸水墨  52x86cm  2016




About Us

Founded in 2015 and located in Tianjin, China, Koala Space is a gallery aiming to promote the transmission and communication of contemporary art. Thus, the space devotes to giving the regional culture of contemporary Chinese art a new possibility.

Working closely with media, art museums, non-profit art organizations, auction houses and art institutes, Koala Space attempts at exclusively introducing young emerging artists who have great potentials. With our open minds and diverse professional and cultural perspectives, we hope to build an international platform of showcasing and communicating for young artists.

e. koalaspace@vip.163.com

t. +86 183 0227 7030

f. 400 8892 163转125176

a. 天津市和平区台儿庄路26号(泰安道壹号院 A8) 考拉空间

Koala Space, No.26, Tai'erzhuang Road,Heping District, Tianjin, China

    关注 考拉空间


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