音讯 罗马交响乐团长笛首席卢卡·马尔科尼大师班


罗马交响乐团长笛首席卢卡·马尔科尼大师班  时间:2016年5月24日-25日...


时间:2016年5月24日 - 25日(9:00~16:00)



Luca Marconi has started to play the flute at the age of 10, and he graduated as a private student under the guide of S. Gori at the age of 18 at the Reggio Emilia conservatory with the highest marks. Luca participated to masterclasses of important flutists such as: K. H. Schütz (principal flute at the “Wiener Staatsoper Orchestra” and principal flute at the “Wiener Philharmoniker Orchestra”), W. Auer (principal flute at the “Wiener Staatsoper Orchestra” and at the “Wiener Philharmoniker Orchestra”), G. Cambursano (ex principal flute at the “Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala”), D. Formisano (ex principal flute at the “Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala”), A. Oliva (principal flute at the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia), S. Bellio (first flute at the “Orchestra del Teatro San Carlo di Napoli”), D. Alfano (first flute at the “Orchestra del Teatro Comunale di Bologna"), C. Montafia (principal flute at the “Orchestra Filarmonia Veneta”), B. Grossi (principal flute at the “Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana”), G. Pretto ( first flute at the “Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai”), M. Marasco (principal flute at the “Orchestra Regionale Toscana”), C. Tonelli (ex principal flute at the “Orchestra del Maggio musicale Fiorentino”), B. Kuijken. He took a European course of specialization in orchestral master with the participation of important flutists such as D. Formisano, A. Oliva, W. Auer, C. Montafia and D. Alfano, which he completed with the highest marks (100/100). He studied at the “Accademia Internazionale di Imola” with M. Valentini and A. Oliva. He took the master course “I fiati” of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia under the guide of A. Oliva (principal flute of the Orchestra). He worked as first flute at the Winds Orchestra “Eisenach”, first flute with the “VCO Orchestra Sinfonica Giovanile”, with whom he performed during the Stresa Festival, first flute at the “Accademia” Winds Orchestra, first flute at the “OFSI” (Orchestra di Fiati della Svizzera Italiana). He worked as first flute and also as second flute in the “OGI” Italian Youth Orchestra, playing in Palestine, Israel and Kenya. With the same Orchestra, in collaboration with the “Luigi Cherubini” Youth Orchestra, he played during the Ravenna Festival. He gained the eligibility as first flute at the “Orchestra Sinfonica Giuseppe Verdi di Milano” and as added flutist on stage at the “Orchestra del Teatro alla Scala”. He has collaborated as first flute in the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia. He worked with several directors including: Yu Feng, R. Muti, N. Luisotti, U.B. Michelangeli, A. Battistoni, A. Boreyko, N. Paszkowski, D. Giorgi, F. La Vecchia. Until July 2014 he was the principal flute in the “Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma”.

卢卡·马尔科尼,罗马交响乐团长笛首席,10 岁开始学习长笛,在 S.Gori 的指导下 18 岁以最优异的成绩从雷焦艾 米利亚音乐学院毕业。卢卡曾参加众多长笛大师班,如 K.H.Schütz(维也纳国家歌剧院交响乐团和维也纳爱乐乐团长 笛首席)、W.Auer(维也纳国家歌剧院交响乐团和维也纳爱乐乐团长笛首席)、G. Cambursano(米兰斯卡拉剧院管弦乐 团前任长笛首席)、D. Formisano(米兰斯卡拉剧院管弦乐团前任长笛首席)、A. Oliva(罗马圣契奇利亚音乐学院交响乐 团长笛首席)、S. Bellio(拿波里圣卡罗剧院交响乐团长笛首席)、D. Alfano(博洛尼亚市歌剧院交响乐团长笛首席)、C. Montafia(维尼塔爱乐乐团长笛首席)、B. Grossi(瑞士提契诺交响乐团长笛首席)、G. Pretto(意大利国家广播电台交响乐 团长笛首席)、M. Marasco(托斯卡纳交响乐团长笛首席)、C. Tonelli(弗洛伦斯五月音乐节交响乐团原长笛首席)。卢卡 参加过由众多著名交响长笛演奏者参与的欧洲乐团课程,包括D.Formisano、 A.Oliva、 W.Auer,、C.Montafia和D. Alfano,并以满分(100/100)的优异成绩结业。卢卡在伊莫拉国立音乐学院跟M.Valentini 和 A.Oliva学习,在A.Oliva 指导下参加了圣契奇利亚音乐学院 I Fiati 大师班课程。卢卡曾担任 Eisenach 管乐团长笛首席、斯特雷萨 VCO 青年交 响乐团长笛首席、阿卡德米亚管乐团长笛首席、提契诺菲亚特交响乐团长笛首席,作为第一和第二长笛随意大利青 年交响乐团到巴勒斯坦、以色列和肯尼亚演出,卢卡在拉维纳音乐节上随意大利青年交响乐团与凯鲁比尼青年交响 乐团合奏演出。卢卡也担任米兰音乐学院交响乐团长笛首席并与斯卡拉剧院交响乐团合作演出,作为首席长笛与圣 契奇利亚音乐学院交响乐团合作演出。卢卡也与多位艺术家合作,如 Yu Feng, R. Muti, N. Luisotti, U.B. Michelangeli, A. Battistoni, A. Boreyko, N. Paszkowski, D. Giorgi, F. La Vecchia。2014 年 7 月正式担任罗马交响乐团长笛首席。


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