《国之语》动画  华夏科技:“杂交水稻”之父——袁隆平









  动画:“杂交水稻”之父——袁隆平   在线点播  


袁隆平,1930 年9 月7 日生于北京,中国杂交水稻育种专家,中国工程院院士,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”,“ 感动中国2004 年度人物”。

当别人问他成功的秘诀时,他以“知识+汗水+灵感+机遇”做了精辟的回答,并且还讲了一个故事:“1953 年到1966 年,我在农校一边教课,一边做育种研究,每年都去农田选种。从野外选出表现优异的植株,找回种子播种,看它第二年的表现,这样来筛选具有稳定遗传优异性状的品种,这称为系统选育法,是常用的一种方法。1962 年,我在一块田里发现一株稻鹤立鸡群,穗特别大,而且结实饱满、整齐一致,我是有心人,没有放过它。第二年我把它种下去,辛苦培育,满怀希望有好的收获,不料大失所望,再长出来的稻子高的高,矮的矮,穗子大小不一。这时候一般人感到失败就放弃了,我坐在田埂上想为什么失败了呢?我想到第一年选出的是一棵天然杂交种,不是纯种,因此第二年遗传性状出现分离,而如果按照那棵原始株杂交种的产量来计算,亩产能达到1200 斤,这在60 年代是非常了不起的。我突发灵感,既然水稻有杂交优势,我为什么非要选育纯种呢?从此我致力于杂交水稻育种。”


The Father of Hybrid Rice — Yuan Longping
The Father of Hybrid Rice in China, Yuan Longping was born in September 9, 1930 in Beijing. Being an expert in breeding hybrid rice and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Yuan Longping is selected by CCTV channel
s TV program
Man who Moved the Chinese People
 in 2004.

When asked the secret of success, he replied briefly with “knowledge + perspiration + inspiration + opportunity”. He told us one of his story:” From year 1953 to year 1966, I was a teacher in an agricultural school and at the same time, I did my research at spare time. When spring came, I went to farmland to select seed. Most of the time, I chose the best plant from the wild, collected its seeds then seeded it to see how it grows the next year. In this way, I can get plants with stable genetic traits, such kind of selection is a common method called breed selection. In 1962, I found a plant which was very big with bigger and neat ear of rice in a farm, I didn’t miss it. The next year, I bred it hoping to have a good harvest. But it let me down because the plants’ sizes were uneven and the ears of rice were not full. Given such situation, for some people, they might give up, but I didn’t, I sat on the ground and thought why I failed. What came to my mind was what I picked up was a natural hybrid plant of rice, not a purebred one, so when I bred it the next year, the genetic traits changed. If calculated the yield of the original plant which I got the previous year, the yield per unit area would be 600 kilograms, in 1960s, it was unbelievable. Then, suddenly, I was inspired, since hybrid rice yielded more, why did I spare no effort to select and breed purebred plant? So, from then on, I began to make a research on the study of hybrid rice.”

Yuan Longping then worked in the field for another 50 years, his research achieved great success, settling the food problem for hundreds of thousands of people. He is honored as “Contemporary Shen Nong”.






配       音:杨月乔





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