国际资讯 科学家提议合成人类基因组




A group of 25 scientists on Thursday proposed an ambitious project to create a synthetic human genome, or genetic blueprint, in an endeavor that is bound to raise concerns over the extent to which human life can or should be engineered. A synthetic human genome potentially could make it possible to create humans who lack biological parents - raising the specter, for instance, of made-to-order human beings with special genetic enhancements.

The scientists said that was not their aim. They said potential applications from a synthetic human genome include: growing transplantable human organs; engineering immunity to viruses; engineering cancer resistance; and accelerating vaccine and drug development using human cells and organs.



The equity markets and U.S. dollar traded lower Friday, while gold soared higher on the heels of the release of the Employment Situation report — the key piece of employment data that the Federal Reserve considers for monetary policy. The report showed that the U.S. economy created the fewest number of jobs in more than five years in May as employment in the manufacturing, mining and construction sectors fell sharply. Payrolls only increased by 38,000 jobs last month, well below the consensus forecast of 164,000.



Just 10 years ago, Cambodians relied on dingy, storefront internet cafes if they wanted to surf the web. Computers were old, power cuts were frequent and overhead fans creaked along in a futile effort to keep customers cool as they paid to send and receive emails by the minute. Local businessman Sourn Narein recalls a time not so long ago when smartphones were as peculiar as Wi-Fi-enabled laptops. One recent morning in Phnom Penh, as he sipped Italian-style coffee in a trendy air-conditioned cafe — surrounded by fellow smartphone- and tablet-wielding young professionals — he stated the obvious.

十年之前,柬埔寨人仅有昏暗的临街小铺的网吧供他们上网。电脑破旧,时常断电,当顾客以分钟计费接发邮件时,头顶嘎吱作响的风扇徒劳无功地给他们解暑。当地的商人Sourn Narein 回忆起没有很久前,智能手机和有WIFI功能的手提电脑一样稀奇。在近几年的柬埔寨早晨,他在装着新型空调的咖啡馆里喝着印度风味的咖啡,被同伴的智能手机和年轻人专用的平板电脑包围,他陈述的是事实。

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