JZ Club 一周演出预告 4.11-4.17 Schedule



JZ Club



徐汇区复兴西路46号(近永福路) West Fuxing RD, near Yongfu RD, Xuhui District



  • 重要公告 | 关于上海JZ Club的坏消息和好消息
在5月15日来临之前我们会天天奏乐到黎明!用音乐纪念JZ Club与『爵士复兴』的历史。JZ Club is leaving West Fuxing Rd soon. We would like to invite all fans to join our "Farewell to West Fuxing" festivities beginning this week.
周一MON 4/11 21:30


Three of a Kind

Guitars: Vladimir Gourko & Etienne Jeanne

Bass: Aliocha Derevitsky

“三个诸葛亮”是一个法国原声三重奏乐队,由来自俄 罗斯的吉他手Vladimir GOURKO,贝斯手Aliocha DEREVITSKY和来自法国的吉他手Etienne JEANNE组 成。他们于2003年在巴黎的俄罗斯吉普赛卡巴莱餐馆 相遇,从此他们之间对东欧音乐和爵士乐擦出的火花便 一发不可收拾。他们的风格包括原创音乐、标准爵士、 忧郁的情歌、以及来自世界各地的旋律和节奏:巴西, 新奥尔良,西班牙,俄罗斯,罗马尼亚,非洲,中国… 他们致力于尝试各种形式的音乐,加上他们热情极具感 染力的即兴表演,哪怕最无动于衷的观众也会被他们深深触动。

THREE OF A KIND is a French acoustic trio composed of Vladimir GOURKO (guitar), Aliocha DEREVITSKY (bass), all two from russian origins, and Etienne JEANNE (guitar). They met in the heat of the russian/gypsy cabarets of Paris in 2003 and have been sharing a passion for East-European tones and jazz music since then. Their repertoire includes originals, jazz stand- ards, melancholic ballads, melodies and rhythms from all around the world : Brazil, New Orleans, Spain, Russia, Romania, Africa, China…Their work is truly dedicated to all forms of music, with a key- note for furious improvisations which always charm even the coldest audience!
周二TUE 4/12 21:30


Teresa Lee the Mad Jazzers

Vocals & composition:Teresa Lee

Saxophone & flute& bass clarinet:Alec Haavik

Piano & Composition:Mark Bai

Bass:Danny Zanker

Drums:Charles Foldesh


Teresa Lee is one of China's most outstanding jazz singers. Teresa studied under Grammy nominated singer Roberta Gambarini and has performed with Richard Grayson at the Shanghai Conservatory. She continues to grow her reputation by playing all the established jazz venues in Shanghai.
周三 WED 4/13 21:00
门票:50元 DOOR: 50RMB

21:00 – 22:00


Jade Lee Quartet
中国新生代爵士歌手、教育者李婕(Jade Lee)出生于中国广东,从小学习钢琴和舞蹈,并在广州星海音乐学院学习了4年流行演唱和音乐剧表演,2012年以优异成绩考取英国皇家威尔士音乐与戏剧学院爵士演唱专业并获得了奖学金,成为第一个考入该校的中国爵士女歌手,并于2014年取得爵士硕士学位。在英国深造期间,李婕师从于英国国宝级爵士名伶Tina May、英国青年爵士声乐教育家Nia Lynn、英国当代爵士女歌手Brigike Beraha、ECM签约爵士钢琴家Huw Warren、英国杰出爵士教育家及贝斯演奏家Paula Gardiner等,还得到了格莱美获奖者Jacqui Dankworth、英国著名爵士歌手Claire Martin、英国当代爵士和灵魂乐歌手Zara McFarlane等音乐家的专业指导。

Jade Lee is a Chinese young jazz vocalist and educator. Jade started her music study by learning piano and dancing in her childhood. Jade graduated from Guangzhou Xinghai Conservatory with popsinging and musical performance degrees, then was admitted into Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, which made Jade become the first Chinese female jazz singer in this school, to study jazz singing and performance. During the oversea studying time in UK, Jade was under the tutelage of well-known British Jazz singer Tina may, British jazz vocal educator Nia Lynn, British jazz singer Brigike Beraha, jazz pianist Huw Warren, British distinguished Jazz educator Paula Gardiner, Grammy Award winner Jacqui Dankworth, famous British Jazz singer Claire Martin and British jazz and soul singer Zara McFarlane.

22:30 – Late


Lawrence Ku Trio

Guitar: 顾忠山Lawrence Ku

Organ: Steinar Nickelsen

Drums: Nicholas McBride

暌违JZ Club 9个月之久的顾忠山三重奏The Lawrence Ku Trio将于4月13日重返复兴西路! 这支得到第十六届华语音乐传媒大奖“最佳器乐专辑”殊荣的现代爵士三重奏将为乐迷朋友呈献哪些新作和惊喜?4月13日,上海JZ Club现场来听!

After 9-month wait, the Lawrence Ku Trio established by Lawrence Ku finally come back to JZ Club on 13th April. What will they surprise you with their upcoming album. Let’s wait and see their excellent performance this Wednesday.
周四 THU 4/14 21:00
门票:50元 DOOR: 50RMB

21:00 – 22:00


Xu Peng Trio

毕业于北京现代音乐学院的徐鹏从很小的时候就开始接触音乐,在北京求学的过程中分别从师于高太行,Antonio Hart及Jaleel Shaw.之后的几年,他累计了大量的现场演出经验,是北京爵士萨克斯的一颗冉冉升起的新星。后来他与鼓手Anthony Vanacore等人组建的三重奏在全国各大爵士俱乐部演奏,本周四来到了JZ Club,一起期待他们的精彩演出吧。

Graduated from Beijing Modern Music College, Xu Peng, the saxophonist starts his journey of music at an early age. During his stay in the college, he met Antonio Hart and Jaleel Shaw etc. and gained much experience in performance. Later he formed a trio with Anthony Vanacore and etc. and performed in many jazz clubs in China. And for this Thursday, we are honored to have them at JZ Club.

22:30 – Late


Nakahara Shoko Trio

Vocal: 中原翔子

Piano: 森田珠美

Bass: 中野雄矢

中原翔子来自大阪,自幼开始学弹钢琴,高中时期便作为歌手开始参加各种演唱活动。2007年她在海外留学地组建小乐队,随后她就开始了4年半的海外演出经历,还独立发行了首张CD。现在中原翔子主要在京都的爵士俱乐部为进行各种演出,正在成为一名不局限于爵士乐、能在广泛的音乐领域中进行探索与表现的歌手。2013年在“札幌CITY JAZZ”大赛中,她被选拔进入决赛,2014年在“金泽 CITY JAZZ”大赛中再度进入决赛,凭借清澈透明的音色而获得好评。此外,中原翔子还受邀在丸之内KITTE举办的圣诞活动中进行个人演唱会,也曾与居住于纽约的萨卡斯演奏家Stan Killian同台演出,并出版了专辑,今年2月还在涉谷Cerulean Tower的Jz Brat进行现场演出。

Nakahara Shoko is a musician from Osaka. She learns the piano from childhood, in earnest to start his career as a vocal at high school, she released the debut CD from indie label in the band that was formed in the 2007. Through the play activities in Shanghai over four years, currently she is in the action of the Tokyo metropolitan area to the main.
周五 FRI 4/15 21:30
门票:50元 DOOR: 50RMB

21:30 – 22:30


J3 Trio

Keys – 黄健怡

Sax – Wilson Chen 陈嘉俊

Drums – Jhonny Joseph

J3三重奏成立于2010年,年初发行了专辑《红人》,由黄健怡、陈嘉俊、Jhonny Joseph三位优秀的爵士音乐家组成。J3的音乐风格受到Fushion、Funk、摇滚和现代爵士的影响,注重音乐的整体性,强烈的律动感及乐手现场的即兴对话。不同音乐背景的三位乐队成员,在长期演出磨练中逐渐形成了独特鲜明的音乐风格,既承袭西方现代音乐体系,又将中国音乐的特殊元素融入其中,探索出J3专属的东西方音乐文化的融合,也吸引了一众热爱其音乐风格的拥趸。 4月,超级原创融合爵士三重奏J3 Trio将在JZ Club为大家倾力呈现4场演出,喜欢融合爵士的朋友们,一场都别错过。

Formed by keyboard player Jianyi Huang, saxophone player Wilson Chen and drummer Jhonny Joseph, J3 Trio has release their debut album “Redman” whose genre is fusion, funk, rock and modern jazz. Under the influence of western music, their music combines tradition with the modern element which is unique to this trio.

23:00 – 01:30

Studio 188乐队

Studio 188

Studio 188是在上海驻扎了十年的“多国部队”。他们表演的是属于上海这座新移民城市的灵魂乐、疯克和摇滚乐。因为成员众多,他们的音乐里有澳大利亚的原始生猛、拉丁美洲的精致和激情、欧洲的优雅和理性、东方的神秘,以及不断变幻的异国风情。据说十年前,Studio 188只是一些外国职场人士的业余爱好,而十年来经过上千场的演出和不断的,它已经演完全变成了一支勤奋、技艺熟练、富有激情的专业乐队。而他们也会在今年的爵士春天音乐节带来精彩演出。

Studio 188 is Shanghai’s number 1 party band. Performing a wide range of music including soul, funk, disco, pop and rock ‘n’ roll, this eleven-piece powerhouse has a comprehensive set list that covers music from the last 6 decades. After 11 years on the road and 650+ shows under their belt, the show is extremely polished and their matching wardrobe and style brings the party alive the moment they hit the stage. The high-energy, totally danceable, and fun loving band Studio 188 are simply, “Soulicious”! Meanwhile, they will perform for the JZ Spring this year.

02:00 – Late


Jam Session

周六 SAT 4/16 21:30
门票:50元 DOOR: 50RMB

21:30 – 22:30

Misha Kalinin四重奏

Misha Kalinin Quartet

Mikhail Kalinin是一名吉他手,毕业于莫斯科的艺术大学,2005年开始参与各种音乐企划,从爵士到嘻哈,也与各类音乐人合作。也许你不认识爵士音乐人Misha Kalinli,但这个月逢周五、周六的早场一定会让你见识到他及他的四重奏的魅力,相约JZ Club,过一盘爵士瘾吧。

Mikhail Kalinin is a guitar player and composer, studied music at renowned Arts University in Moscow during 5 years. Starting from 2005 he took part in many different famous projects in different kind of music styles from jazz to hip-hop. Cooperated with many famous musicians and being a part of bands he has been touring Europe, Russia, Asia. At the current time he is working and lives in Shanghai.

23:00 – 01:30


Trumpet & Laptop:Toby Mak

Sax:Alec Haavik

Keys:Zhu Mang

Guitar:Eddie Lewis

Bass:Damien Banzigou

Drums:Nicholas McBride

and Special guest

在TTechmak Live Band这场演出,你可以欣赏到来自澳大利亚土生土长,在当地非常活跃的爵士音乐家Toby Mak的现场。还有同来自澳大利亚鼓手Nicolas McBride,他和Sean一起成立非盈利音乐组织“Jazzgroove协会”, 在悉尼享有很高知名度和影响力。当然还有来自全球艺术之都纽约的Alec Haavik,他专注于高音、次中音萨克斯风的演奏多年,擅长即兴创作与爵士风格演出,并和Jane Monheit, Ronnie Burrage, Daniel Carter, Taro Koyama, Gregory Hutchinson, Shoko Nagai,及Eric Harland合作。另外还有吉他手Eddie Lewis,贝斯手Damien Banzigou和键盘手朱蟒。最潮最嗨的爵士,不一样的体验,尽在周六的TTechmak现场。

During the show of TTechmak Live Band, You can find the Toby Mak who was born in Australia and still actively played in some jazz shows. Meanwhile, we have an Australian drummer Nicolas McBride who has founded a non-profitable organization called “jazzgroove” with Sean which enjoys a good reputation in Sydney. And of course, we have Alec Haavik from New York who is expertise in saxophone and improvisational performance of jazz and also collaborates with Jane Monheit, Ronnie Burrage, Daniel Carter, Taro Koyama, Gregory Hutchinson, Shoko Nagai and Eric Harland. Moreover, we have guitarist Eddie Lewis, bassist Damien Bangzigou and keyword Zhu Mang. This will be the most fashionable live show of jazz and totally different from what you have experienced about the traditional jazz. Let’s expect the TTechmak on Saturday.

02:00 – Late


Jam Session

周日 SUN 4/17 21:30

Savana Trio



Savanna Trio will bring you fusion jazz.


徐汇区复兴西路46号(近永福路) West Fuxing RD, near Yongfu RD, Xuhui District



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