【译文】  罗斯 :只想为芝加哥打球




1月13日 ESPN公牛随队记者 Nick Friedell对Rose 的个人专访, 由小编翻译。水平有限,翻译不易转载请注明来源,谢谢!


After all the ups and downs Derrick Rose has dealt with over the past four years, few would blame him if he wanted to start over somewhere else. But despite all the speculation surrounding his future, Rose, who will become a free agent after next season, wants to make something very clear: He doesn't want to leave the Chicago Bulls.

The former MVP hit on that topic and many others during a recent conversation with ESPN.com. He still believes in himself, and he still has love for his hometown despite all the hits he has taken in recent years. Rose has finally gotten his season on track after climbing the mental and physical hurdles that came after a facial fracture suffered during the first training camp practice in late September.

In recent weeks, he has ditched the protective mask and started fresh. He has been attacking the basket more, and, in the process, he has also started to shed some of the inconsistencies that have plagued his game all season. Rose, like the rest of his teammates, is also adjusting to the shift in leadership within the Bulls' locker room as Jimmy Butler takes a more vocal stance than ever before with his play -- and his words.

Despite all the setbacks, the youngest MVP in NBA history remains confident and believes he can still be an MVP-caliber player, no matter what his critics say.


Nick Friedell: After all that's happened the past few years, how good do you feel right now?




Derrick Rose: I feel good, but [it's] still going to take time. I know it's a process, and all I got to do is keep getting the most out of each one of my days and keep trying to be the best athlete I can become.

DR: 我感觉很好, 但是我还是需要一点时间。

我知道这是一个过程, 我所能做的就是尽可能的去用好我的每一天,然后慢慢成为 变成最好的自己。

Friedell: I know we're still only a few months into the season, but what do you like most about coach Fred Hoiberg?


我知道 赛季刚开始才几个月,谈谈霍依波格教练,


Rose: The person he is. I think good things come to good people, and there's a reason why he's here. There's a reason why he has this group. And I think we can really win with him being our head coach, so he has nothing but my respect, all my attention and I'm trying to give him my all while I'm on the floor playing for him.



他现在能够在这里 能够执教这支球队肯定是他有自己的过人之处。

我真的觉得我们能够在他的带领下赢球, 我对他只有敬重。当我在场上时,我将会尽力为他付出所有。

Friedell: What do you miss most about Tom Thibodeau?

Nick: 你最想念锡箔杜哪方面?

Rose: To tell you the truth, I haven't thought about Thibs since last year. A great coach, I had a real good relationship with him, but right now I can't be in between going back and forth thinking about coaches. I'm just thinking about Fred and the team right now.




他是一个伟大的教练,我和他关系很好, 但是现在我不能在两个教练间来回比较讨论。 我想的是专注与Fred(霍依波格)和现在的球队情况。

Friedell: So you haven't talked to him at all?

Nick: 所以,你到现在都还没有和锡箔杜谈过?

Rose: I haven't talked to him, seen him, thought about him. I've just been focused -- to tell you the truth, I've just been focusing on this year.



我一直让自己保持专注, 我一直专注于今年的情况。

Friedell: Two-part question: How do you think you've changed most as a person in the past four years, and how do you think you've changed most as a player over that same time?








Rose: As a person, I would say I'm more patient, way more patient than I was when I came in [to the league], before the injuries. But I think just going through everything, just maturing a little bit more, getting older, you start to see what it is and I'm good, man. I live a great life. I can't complain. We're winning games. I'm healthy, my family's good and there's nothing I can really complain about.


: 个人来说, 我想说 我更加耐心了, 比我刚进入联盟比我未受伤前耐心的多。 但是我觉得 经历了这一切, 慢慢的变得更加成熟一点,年纪也多了一点,


我过着很好的生活,我怎么还能够抱怨这一切了。 我们还在赢球,我也挺健康的, 我的家人情况也不错, 所以我觉得没有什么是我应该抱怨的。

Friedell: And as a player?


Rose: I think that my IQ level grew as a player. I think that I [run] the game a little bit better. I'm waiting for the game to come to me, and I'm picking and choosing my spots instead of just going out there and just doing whatever because I don't have to do that with this team?


Friedell: What do you think the biggest key will be in your evolution as a player moving forward?


你觉得你作为一个球员(后卫)来说, 让自己不断的进步然后演变成更好的球员


Derrick Rose says everything he does is for his son P.J.Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE/Getty Images

Rose:Who knows? That's like a mystery. I can only do so much. All I can do is just go in there and tighten up my game, tighten up my handles. Just all the little basic things that you wouldn't even think about, the fundamental parts of the game. Because I feel like I have everything else as far as being creative and athletic -- like you can't teach that. But it's the little things that's going to push me over, like ball-handling, passing, boxing out when I'm setting screens. Little things like that that you would overlook that can make me a complete player.

DR: 谁知道了?

这种事情就像迷一样, 我能做的就是这么多。

我所能做的一切, 就是上场更好的掌握比赛,更好的处理球。

做好那些最基本的你们甚至都想不到的小事情, 做好比赛最根本的部分。因为我觉得只要我不断的让自己保持有创造性的不断的运转-----(这些是你们所教不会的) 我就能慢慢的拥有 掌控好比赛。

类似 传球、运转、设置挡拆 , 你们可能会忽略掉的, 但是就是 做好这些基本的小事情,可能会让我成为一个更好的球员。

Friedell: From the first time we talked, you always talked about how much you loved Chicago and how you wanted to be the player to bring a title back to the city. Has your love for the city and wanting to be that guy changed at all over all this time?

Nick : 从我们以前第一次交谈,

你就一直在谈论你有多么的热爱芝加哥, 谈论你有多么想为这座城市带来总冠军。


你对于这座城市的热爱,对于自己的目标, 是否有所改变?

Rose: Never. Never. I can't get mad about peoples' opinions, I always say that. That's their opinion. They got every right to say or think whatever they want to say and think. And whatever they say and think don't affect my life. I don't live in that world where I'm on social media, I don't got social media. Or I'm reading articles [about my game], so it's like I hear stuff by word of mouth a couple of days after so it never gets to me. So I can't get mad about what they say.


我不会对其他人的观点感到生气, 我已经说过很多次了。 那是他们的观点, 他们有他们权利说任何想说的话,但是他们所说的话影响不了我的生活。 我并不活在社交媒体的世界中,我不怎么接触社交媒体。或者这样说吧,我只读关于谈论我比赛的报道,



Friedell: You told me a long time ago you never wanted to play anywhere else. Is that still true?




Rose: That's still true. Still true. Just having my son [P.J.], I'm doing all this because of my son now, you know? Just wanting to be around him every day, having him come up here, shoot with me or see me shooting til he's able to become a ball boy. Little things like that I think about long term. Just trying to get him groomed, trying to get him used to being in the environment.



你知道吗? 我现在有了儿子PJ, 我所做的一切都是为了他。 我想要每天都在他身边,让他和我在一起,让他看着我训练 直到有一天他也成长到能够打球。

像这样细小的事情让我向着长期考虑, 我想慢慢的培养让他长大,让他熟悉芝加哥这里的环境。

Friedell: You want to retire here still.

Nick: 你依旧还想在这里退役?

Rose: For sure, for sure.


肯定的, 当然想要。

Friedell: Do you just laugh sometimes about all the stuff that's being said on the outside?

Nick: 对于外界对于你的各种报道你是不是就 笑一笑 ,一笑而过?

Rose: That's the only thing I can do. That's the only thing I can do because they're judging me off of one [thing]: injuries. And two, things that they don't know about me. Like I know who I am as a person. Like anybody that's ever been around me or friends that you could talk to that's around me, I never disrespected no one. Or did something that would hurt someone, so for them to say the things that they're saying or do the things that they're doing or whoever's saying whatever, I really can't get into that. All I can do is let God handle that.





我知道我是怎么样的一个人, 你可以和任何曾经在我身边呆过的 或者朋友谈论,


所以对于外界的那些说法和报道,对于任何人的关于我的报道, 我都不会让自己被卷入参与进去。


Having a talent like Jimmy Butler alongside him is something Derrick Rose has "been dying for" in his career. AP Photo/Steve Dykes

Friedell: What do you think is the biggest misconception about you now?

Nick: 目前为止,外界对于你最大的误解 和报道是什么?

Rose: I really don't know right now. Every week it changes probably. I'm serious. I don't know -- it's probably -- in the beginning of the year it was, Did I want to stay here and did I want to win? But my whole life, I mean from the beginning, I said I wanted to stay here and play here and my whole life I've been a winner, so that's not going to change.

DR: 这个我真的不清楚。

每个礼拜都会有新的报道出现, 我说的是认真的。


有的话 ----那应该是赛季初

, 他们在谈论我是否还想呆在芝加哥 ,我是否还一心向着赢球。


从我最开始 我就说过我想呆在这里为这座城市打球,

我一直想着成为一个获胜者, 所以这一切是不可能改变的。

Friedell: Do you think you still love the game as much as you did when you first came in?

Nick: 你觉得你是否还和刚进入联盟时那样, 对比赛充满着热爱吗?

Rose: Yeah, yeah. I'm a fan of the game. I'm a student of the game. After all this is said and done, I just want to go down as a winner and that he gave it his all.

DR: 是的,我非常喜欢篮球比赛。

对于篮球比赛来说,我算是一个不断学习的学生。在这所有一切结束后,我想作为一个 胜者被人记住, 我想 作为“ 一个 为篮球付出一切的 人 ” 所被人记住。

Friedell: There's been so much talk about your relationship with Jimmy. Have you given him advice about leading?

Nick: 一直以来一直有关于 你和吉米的关系的谈论, 你有没有在领导方面给他一些建议?

Rose: I wouldn't say about leading. It's about just growing up, you know? He's a young guy. I remember Jimmy played [junior college] with my assistant, my best friend [Randall Hampton], so I remember when he was coming to the team and my friend was telling me he was coming to the team and just to his growth, you know what I mean? From there to where he is right now -- he's a player that I've been looking for. So I know in the heat of the battle he's going to be there, he's going to be giving his all, and this is something that I've been dying for so I'm happy to have him.

DR: 我不会说是有关于领导或者领袖的。

更多的最重要的是关于成长方面, 他是一个年轻的球员。

我记得吉米在大学时和我现在的助手(助理),我最好的朋友Randall Hampton 一起打过球 , 所以当他来到 这支球队的时候,我的朋友就和我谈及他了。


他已经慢慢成为了我想要的那种球员。 他是那种比赛逐渐白热化时,他会在关键时刻出现并且付出所有的人, 这是我一直所想要寻找的队友,能拥有这样的队友我很开心。

Friedell: Out of all the guys you've played with here, do you think he's the most talented guy?

Nick: 在这么多和你合作过的队友中,他是不是最有天赋的一个?

Rose: Yeah, for sure. For sure. And you still don't know, nobody still knows how good he could become, so that's the great thing about it.

DR: 是的,肯定是的。 你也不知道,也没人知道他到底能给变得多好,这是他最棒的地方。

Friedell: After all the stuff that's happened, how did you get over all the injuries while you were out there on the floor?


所以发生了这么多事情, 你是如何战胜伤病重新回到场上的?

"I wasn't supposed to take [the mask] off. I wanted to take it off because it's like I'm hiding behind something. And I took it off and it's been going good."

Derrick Rose

Rose: Just having faith. Having faith. That's one of the reasons why I took my mask off. I wasn't supposed to take it off. I wanted to take it off because it's like I'm hiding behind something. And I took it off and it's been going good.


信念, 拥有自己的信念。

这是我脱掉面具的原因之一, 我刚开始并不想脱掉面具, 但是如果没脱掉面具我感觉我就好像躲在某些东西之后。 所以我把它扔了,而现在扔了之后感觉还不错。

Friedell: You've always been confident in your game. You've always known how good you can be. Do you think that you can still get your game from where it is now to being in that MVP conversation again?


一直以来你对自己的比赛都很有信心,你一直知道自己能变得多好。 你觉得你还能够让你的比赛从现在的水平 提升到 足以让你回到MVP的讨论中吗?

Rose: I mean, that's the goal. That's the goal. I'm not doing this s--- just to get by or doing it just to be doing it. I'm doing this because of my son. He's everything to me. He's the reason why I get up and I work out the way I work out and train the way that I train. He changed everything about me, so he was a blessing.

DR: 对我来说,那是我的目标。 我现在所做的一切并不是说 只是为了做而做,只是为了去简单的完成它而做。 我为了我的儿子而努力,我是我的一切。他是我每天起床 ,每天那样努力训练的原因。 他改变了我的一切,他是上帝对于我的恩赐。

Friedell: Do you think about what it would be like to have him with you celebrating in Grant Park after a title, riding with him in the parade?


你有没有想过 在以后真的夺冠后



Rose: Yeah, yeah. I'll go further than that. Do I want him living here after I'm done or at the end of my career? Do I want him living in Chicago? I want him to have a life where he don't have to worry about kids treating him a certain way because of who his dad is. If it was up to me, I wouldn't want him to play basketball, but I just want him to have a regular life so that he's able to walk around and still be normal.

DR: 有的, 我确实有想过那么远的事。


在有一天我的职业生涯结束后 是否让他继续住在这里?


我想让他过着正常孩子的生活, 而不会因为他的老爸是谁 而被特别对待。

如果一切由我决定的话,我并不想让他以后去打篮球, 因为我想让他过着正常的有规律的生活,他能随便走在路上不被人打扰,过着普通人的日子。

The End!

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