


A Bass chorus is an electronic effect used with the electric bass. 贝斯合唱,顾名思义就是专门为了电贝斯而制作的电子合唱效果器。

It creates the same "shimmering" sound as a chorus effect for electric guitar chorus pedals. 它能够产生跟电吉他合唱一样“波光粼粼”的效果。

The difference is that bass chorus pedals are modified in various ways to suit the low pitch register of the electric bass.  区别在于贝斯合唱的内部电路有多种设计,以专门适应于贝斯的低频响应。

The requirements for a chorus effect using a pedal or effect unit can vary depending on the type of instrument being used. 针对不同的乐器来说,合唱效果器电路的设计要求是不一样的。

Bass is a perfect example because it operates at a lower frequency range than a guitar. 贝斯就是一个很好的例子,因为它的频率范围比吉他低很多。

As such, a standard multi-level chorus can make the sound of the bass notes much thinner. 正因如此,在贝斯上使用普通合唱会使声音听起来非常单薄。

This problem can be corrected by either mixing more of the un-affected signal into the mix or by increasing the amount of bass frequency chorused in the sound.  在混音过程中增加原来干信号成分,或者在伴随信号中增加低频响应,都可以改善这种状况。

Pedals such as the "I90" chorus from bass amplifier manufacturer Eden Electronics allow the musician to control both of these elements. 有的效果器在这两方面都可以由使用者控制,例如Eden Electronics生产的I90贝斯合唱。

The Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus "offers a split-frequency chorus effect capable of applying warm, rich chorusing to the higher frequencies without muddying up the lows." 说到贝斯合唱,不能不提Boss CEB-3,它“能够做到分频处理,在给出温暖、丰满的高频合唱的同时,低频也不拖泥带水”

Digitech's Bass Multi Chorus? is "designed specifically for bass".  还有Digitech 公司生产的Bass Multi Chorus,也是适合贝斯使用的一款合唱。

The manufacturer claims that "it keeps your low notes clean while giving you up to 16 bass chorus voices at the same time." 制造商声称:它能够同时制造16路伴随信号的合唱效果,而不减弱低频清晰度。

The MXR Bass Chorus Deluxe has a crossover which lessens "modulation in low frequencies is...at 100Hz", thus "keeping the low end in tune."  豪华版MXR贝斯合唱内部有一个电路,能够减少最小达到100赫兹的低频调制,因此可以保证即使很低的音符也不跑调。

The MXR outputs in stereo, creating a stereo chorus effect if used with two amplifiers.在使用双路功放的时候,还可以发挥MXR合唱的立体声功能。

It won an Editor's award from Bass Player magazine. 它曾经得到 Bass Player 杂志的编辑奖。

The review stated that the pedal uses "analog bucket-brigade technology—in which the signal runs through a series of capacitors to create an organic, warm-sounding effect." 有评论这样称赞它:纯模拟BBD技术的运用典范——信号通过一连串的记忆电容,以得到温暖、有活性的声音效果。

The Carl Martin Bass Chorus is designed to avoid the "mid-range heavy" sound that the manufacturer claims is produced by some bass chorus pedals.  有人说贝斯合唱电路自身会产生很重的中频音,来自 Carl Martin 的一款贝斯合唱声称可以抑制这种声音。

The Carl Martin Bass Chorus can apply the effect even "down as [deep as a] low B."  这款贝斯合唱最低能够给出 low B这个音符。

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