




I understand banyan trees better than this friend from the north, for my life has accumulated more of their green leaves than had his.


All around my home town, in the mountains and the wilderness banyan trees grow, on land fertile and poor, in soil hard and soft, on ground covered with soil or almost devoid of it.


They grow there all the time, in the mountains and the wilderness, in wet seasons and dry, on days rainy or frosty, in spring and other seasons.


When I was young, I was infatuated with a sturdy little banyan tree which sprouted on land with hardly any soil. It shot out of a round rock behind my house. For three whole years, I followed its growth and watched its steady progress.


I was not aware where in the cracked rock it germinated. All I saw was a tender sapling emerging from a crack and, slowly and steadily, stretching and climbing up, blazing a new path towards a new future.


Wherever it spotted a thin layer of soil in a small pit on the rock, it would determinedly strike roots and make camp and then continue to extend and advance, indefatigably groping its way along a perilous road towards a perilous hope.


What astonished me most was that at places where it could not make camp, it would put out roots like silk from the mouths of silkworms, which then grew persistently downwards until they touched the grass on the ground. These, I learned later, were aerial roots. Where there was no soil, the persistent aerial roots would absorb moisture from the air and become one of the lifelines of the banyan tree.


Breaking out, struggling, developing, and pressing on: these made up the green march of life, a song of victory like a stream of molten iron.


It was exactly this soundless and fearless song which instilled a magnificent tenacity into my poor, barren childhood and my early life.



Later, I saw the fantastic cliff banyans of Mount Qingyuan in Quanzhou and Mount Yushan in Fuzhou and became aware that there existed a grander march than the one behind my house.


The Qingyuan cliff banyan is a miracle of life. This magnificent tree grows on a cliff as high as a three-storey building and is itself two storeys tall. One has to raise one’s head to look at it.


Along the cliff a number of thick roots project to the ground like hanging cables or wreathed serpents and hug the cliff so tightly that from above the tree appears to be holding a gem in its strong arms and trying to extricate it from the womb of the earth.



I had the luck to see the Qingyuan banyan on a misty day when fog rose like smoke from cooking stoves, denser and denser till it shrouded the cliff, which disappeared behind a seas of clouds so that the banyan tree seemed to be standing on a misty white tray, appearing now and then from behind the mist like a fairy tree in the sky. A more interesting sight was a temple rising hazily behind the tree like a palace in a sea of clouds. The scene carried me away, and I seemed to be standing before palaces and gorgeous trees on a fairy mountain surrounded by clouds and hearing the poet Su Dongpo recite in a southern accent:

“What year is it tonight, I wonder,
In those celestial palaces on high?”


On Mount Yushan I saw another gorgeous banyan with roots like serpents growing on the shoulder of a big rock on a cliff.


Yushan was where the Fuzhou people celebrated the victorious return of the Ming Dynasty general Qi Jiguang after battle against Japanese invaders, a celebration that took place beside this magnificent banyan, whose soundless march of life echoing in the hearts of the people not only coloured the general’s heroism but also reminded the people of his great deeds. It also reminded them that the Chinese nation, nurtured by the great Yangtse and Yellow Rivers, was full of invincible life.

(Yu Fanqin 译)


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