我是风暴粉  写给风暴的一封情书 STORM & Me




对于电音狗来说这是一个完美的盛会  但是对于我来说,这是一个梦的开始。
 “到时候我要抱着Avicii合影”,“开什么玩笑,我们要到时候可以组团一起去”,“好赞好赞  终于可以看到男神了”……在风暴开始几个月前,热爱电音的朋友在豆瓣上看到风暴组织群的帖子,推给正在犹豫是否去风暴的我,“到时候人挺多的,你可以找个组织一起玩啊”,也行,反正到时候也就两三个,不如多点人热闹点。


“到时候你可以跟着我一起玩啊,反正你也没有伴”本着想找个女伴一起玩的想法,主动约了她,可是却被她的“大家一起玩不好么?” 打击到了。天生喜欢挑战的白羊座表示不服,非要把她拿下…万万没想到的是,和她拌嘴,聊天。



-在风暴两天的时间里,我见到了梦寐以求的大神,像Tiesto,Blasterjaxx, DVBBS,Laidback Luke,Yellow Claw以及A-Trak。








The Rookie in the STORM Group
“I will definitely hold Avicii and take photos at the event.” “No kidding! We have to go together!” “It’s gonna be great! I can finally meet my crush.”... A couple of months before Budweiser STORM Festival, my friend saw a post on Douban about Xiuxiu organizing a group to attend the event, and recommended I join it. I thought it would be much more fun to join others at this event than go by myself…I used to actually love western pop music, but as more and more EDM started taking over Billboard’s lists, I gradually turned into an electronic music fan. However, in 2012 this type of music was still brand new and rare to China. In my friend circle for example, people usually claimed electronic music was simply noisy club music. It was difficult for me to find other people in common with my music interests. When I joined this online group, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the new group had over 200 members who were just as addicted to electronic music as me.

- Budweiser STORM has been known to bring all electronic music heads from across the globe together, to share in the glory of Electronic Dance Music. 

Considering that the two-day Budweiser STORM Festival might not be long enough for people who came all the way from outside of Shanghai just for the event, I wanted to host an additional house party with a DJ and electronic music. Up until the day of the party, there was a hesitant girl that had joined our group chat with seemingly tons of questions who caught my interest. So I asked her to be my companion at STORM but I was a bit discouraged when she replied, “Why don’t we all have fun together?” Although I was rejected, the night of my party we ended talking the whole time and became even fonder of her. I discovered that although she didn’t obsess over electronic music like me, she actually just loved to vibe to the rhythm. I soon realized her calm and composed outward image was hiding an adventurous and carefree attitude she rarely showed to strangers.

I was enamored with this girl which only grew as we talked almost every day after the party. One day, I foolishly confessed my love to her. As I feared, she turned me down. Looking back, it was probably too soon and came out too straight-forward which likely scared her away. Afterwards, our conversations became less frequent and meaningful, until one day she asked my advice on her outfit for STORM. She sent me this very cute photo of her in this great outfit and I realized that I couldn’t keep my mind off her. I told her she looked great, and meanwhile saved the photo to my phone.
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 The Big Day for STORM had finally arrived.
Our group had set a meeting at the metro station, but when I got there I realized in the excitement leaving my apartment, I had left my ticket on my bed! I was very upset, but I was told by other members in the group that I could probably buy another one at the door. The other problem? After waiting for more than an hour at the station, she still hadn’t showed up. I sent her a text asking if she was still coming and to my relief she replied that she was on her way. However much to my dismay, when she arrived she was with another guy! “ Hi! Give me a hug,” I said to her opening my arms. She looked a bit surprised by my behavior and initially stepped back a little bit, but then changed her mind and gave me a slight hug. I noticed her face was blushing. From there, we all took off for the festival. But when I got there, all the regular tickets were sold out, and the people privately selling them were charging way too much.

Discouraged, I decided not to buy one and instead go home. I didn’t tell her, but as I was walking away I saw her standing in line with this guy and couldn’t help but feel extremely jealous. When I got home I checked my phone to see that she had texted me multiple times asking, “Where are you? “Can you come with me because I can’t find my group.” I realized that I had made a mistake not buying a ticket and agreed that I’d come back and meet her after the festival got out. At 10:30 we met outside and exclaimed to me “Why you didn’t go inside?” I told her I couldn’t afford a new ticet “But I really wanted to go to the festival with you.” She was clearly very upset. I regretted not going with her but I was also happy that she missed me.

The whole next day at STORM all I could do was think about her, wishing she was there next to me to enjoy this amazing festival. As I was leaving I pulled out my phone to text her a photo when I noticed someone standing there by the entrance. I looked up and there she was, waiting for me just like I had for her the day before.  I smiled and took her hand. Together we climbed into a cab and never looked back.

I wouldn’t have expected it, but thanks to Budweiser STORM Festival we were now together.

This is the end of story of meeting each other, but our story just begins.

Let's meet at 2016
Budweiser STORM Festival. 


If you want to join 2016 Budweiser STORM
 and enjoy it in the best possible way, 
please log on to the only official website now to learn more!

点击上图查看购票详情 Click the photo above 

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