"亚历山大" 与 "戴奥真尼斯"



Lying on the bare earth, shoeless, bearded, half-naked, he looked like a beggar or a lunatic. He was one, but not the other. He had opened his eyes with the sun at dawn, scratched, done his business like a dog at the roadside, washed at the public fountain, begged a piece of breakfast bread and a few olives, eaten them squatting on the ground, and washed them down with a few handfuls of water scooped from the spring. Having no work to go to and no family to provide for, he was free. As the market place filled up with shoppers and merchants and gossipers and sharpers and slaves and foreigners, he had strolled through it for an hour or two. Everybody knew him, or knew of him. They would throw sharp questions at him and get sharper answers. Sometimes they threw jeers, and got jibes; sometimes bits of food, and got scant thanks; sometimes a mischievous pebble, and got a shower of stones and abuse. They were not sure whether he was mad or not. He knew they were mad, all mad, each in a different way; they amused him. Now he was back at his home.


It was not a house, not even a squatter’s hut. He thought everybody lived fat too elaborately, expensively. What good is a house? No one needs privacy: natural acts are not shameful; we all do the same things, and need not hide them. No one needs beds and chairs and such furniture: the animals live healthy lives and sleep on the ground. All we require, since nature did not dress us properly, is one garment to keep us warm, and some shelter from rain and wind. So he had one blanket--- to dress him in the daytime and cover him at night---and he slept in a cask. His name was Diogenes. He was the founder of the creed Cynicism (the word means “doggishness”); he spent much of his life in the rich, lazy, corrupt Greek city of Corinth, mocking and satirizing its people, and occasionally converting one of them.


Diogenes was not a degenerate or a maniac. He was a philosopher who wrote plays and poems and essays expounding his doctrine; he talked to those who cared to listen; he had pupils who admired him. But he taught chiefly by example. All should live naturally, he said, for what is natural is normal and cannot possibly be evil or shameful. Live without conventions, which are artificial and false; escape complexities and superfluities and extravagances; only so can you live a free life. The rich man believes he possesses his big house with its many rooms and its elaborate fuiniture, his pictures and his expensive clothes, his horses and his servants and his bank accounts. He does not! He depends on them, he worries about them, he spends most of his life’s energy looking after them; the thought of losing them makes him sick with anxiety. They possess him. He is theit slave. In order to procure a quantity of false, perishable goods he has sold the only true, lasting good, his own independence.


Diogenes thought most people were only half-alive, most men only half men. At bright noonday he walked through the market place carrying a lighted lamp and inspecting the face of everyone he met. They asked him why. Diogenes answered, “I am trying to find a man.”


To a gentleman whose servant was putting on his shoes for him, Diogenes said, “You won’t be really happy until he wipes your nose for you: that will come after you lose the use of your hands.”


And so he lived --- like a dog, some said, because he cared nothing for privacy and other human conventions, and because he showed his teeth and barked at those whom he disliked. Now he was lying in the sunlight, as contented as a dog on the warm ground, happier (he himself used to boast) than the Shah of Persia. Although he knew he was going to have an important visitor, he would not move.


The little square began to fill with people. They were the attendants of the conqueror of Greece, the servants of Alexander, the Macedonian King, who was visiting his newly subdued realm.

With his handsome face, his fiery glance, his strong, supple body, his purple and gold cloak, and his air of destiny, he moved through the parting crowd, toward the Dog’s kennel. He spoke first, with a kindly greeting. Looking at the poor broken cask, the single ragged garment, and the rough figure lying on the ground, he said: “Is there anything I can do for you, Diogenes?”

“Yes,” said the Dog, “Stand to one side. “You’re blocking the sunlight.”




There was silence, not the ominous silence preceeding a burst of fury, but a hush of amazement. Slowly, Alexander turned away. A titter broke out from the elegant Greeks, who were already beginning to make jokes about the Cur that looked at the King. The Macedonian officers, after deciding that Diogenes was not worth the trouble of kicking, were starting to guffaw and nudge one another. Alexander was still silent. To those nearest him he said quietly, “If I were not Alexander, I should be Diogenes.”

此言一出,人群一片哑然,这并非暴怒前的不详之兆,而是被惊得哑口无言。慢慢地,亚历山大转身离去。体面优雅的希腊民众中传出一阵窃笑,他们开始逗弄这条瞧着亚历山大大帝的“疯狗”。军事将领们想用脚踹他,但又觉得不值一踢,便开始彼此推搡着哄笑起来。亚历山大依然沉默着。他对离自己最近的人轻声说道:“如果我不是亚历山大,我应该是戴奥真尼斯。”  (完)



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