


Lydia is dead . But they don't know this yet .1977 , May 3 , six thirty in the morning , no one knows anything but this innocuous fact: Lydia is late for breakfast . As always , next to her cereal bowl , her
mother has placed a sharpened pencil and Lydia's physics homework , six problems flagged with small ticks . Driving to work , Lydia's father nudges the dial toward WXKP ,Northwest Ohio's Best News Source , vexed by the crackles
of static . On the stairs , Lydia's brother yawns , still twined in the tail end of his dream . And in her chair in the corner of the kitchen , Lydia's sister hunches moon-eyed over her cornflakes , sucking them to pieces
one by one , waiting for Lydia to appear . It's she who says , at last ,'Lydia's taking a long time today.

丽迪亚死了。但是他们还不知道。1977年5月3日,早上六点半 ,没有人知道任何事情,除了这个无伤大雅的现实:丽迪亚早餐迟到了。同往常一样,在她的麦片碗旁边,她母亲已经备好削尖的铅笔,以及丽迪亚贴着6个小便签的物理作业。此时她开车上班的父亲把频道推向WXKP,

Upstairs ,Marilyn opens her daughter's door and sees the bed unslept in :neat hospital corners still pleated beneath the comforter , pillow still fluffed and convex. Nothing seems out of place .Mustard-colored
corduroys tangled on the floor , a single rainbow-striped sock . A row of science fair ribbons on the wall , a postcard of Einstein . Lydia's duffel bag crumpled on the floor of the closet .Lydia's green bookbag slouched against
her desk . Lydia's bottle of Baby Soft atop the dresser , a sweet ,powdery , loved-baby scent still in the air . But no Lydia .


Marilyn closes her eyes . Maybe , when she opens them , Lydia will be there , covers pulled over her head as usual , wisps of hair trailing from beneath . A grumpy lump bundled under the bedspread that she'd
somehow missed before . I was in the bathroom , Mom. I went downstairs for some water . I was lying right here all the time .Of course, when she looks , nothing has changed . The closed curtains glow like a blank television

玛丽琳闭上了她的眼睛。也许,当她再次睁开的时候,丽迪亚就在那里,像往常一样拉开被子,露出几缕头发。也许被罩下面有个明显的人形凸起她之前没有看到。在她的脑海里,她听到丽迪亚在说:“我刚刚在洗手间,妈妈。我下楼喝水了。我一直在这里躺着。” 当然,其实当她睁开眼的时候,那里并没有任何改变。关闭的窗帘宛如没有图像的电视屏幕一样莹莹闪着光。

Downstairs , she stops in the doorway of the kitchen , a hand on each side of the frame . Her silence says everything . "I'll check outside ," she says at last . "Maybe for some reason-"
She keeps her gaze trained on the floor as she heads for the front door , as if Lydia's footprints might be crushed into the hall runner .


Nath says to Hannah , " She was in her room last night . I heard her radio playing . At eleven thirty . " He stops , remembering that he had not said goodnight

“Can you be kidnapped if you're sixteen?" Hannah asks .

Nath prods at his bowl with a spoon. Cornflakes wilt and sink into clouded milk.

奈斯对汉娜说:“她昨天晚上在房间里。我听到她的收音机在响,在11点半的时候。” 他突然停下,想起来他昨晚并没有对她说晚安。



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