英语故事城堡002A-- 听故事,学英语之启蒙系列




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今天的英语故事是《Are You My Mother?》(《你是我的妈妈吗?》)(上集),说的是一只刚出生的小鸟找妈妈的故事。视频之后,我们附上了故事的英文文本。

A mother bird sat on her egg.

The egg jumped!

“Oh! Oh!” said the mother bird.  “My baby will be here!  He will want to eat!!  I must get something for my baby bird to eat!” She said. "I will be back."

So away she went.

The egg jumped. It jumped and jumped and jumped. Out came the baby bird!

“Where is my mother?”  he said. He looked for her.

He looked up. He did not see her.

He looked down. He did not see her.

“I will go and look for her.” He said. So away he went.

Down, out of the tree he went. Down, down, down. It was a long way down. The baby bird could not fly. He could not fly, but he could walk.

"Now, I will go and find my mother." He said. He did not know what his mother look like. He went right by her. He did not see her.

He came to a kitten.

“Are you my mother?” he said to the kitten.  The kitten just looked and looked.  He did not say a thing.  The kitten was not his mother, so he went on.

Then he came to a hen. "Are you my mother?" He said to the hen. "No." Said the hen.

The kitten was not his mother. The hen was not his mother. So, the baby bird went on. "I have to find my mother." He said. "But where? Where is she? Where could she be?"

Then he came to a dog.

“Are you my mother?” he said to the dog.

“I am not your mother.  I am a dog,” said the dog.

The kitten was not his mother.  The hen was not his mother. The dog was not his mother.  So the baby bird went on.

Now he came to a cow.

"Are you my mother?" He said to the cow.

"How could I be your mother?" Said the cow. "I am a cow."

The kitten and the hen were not his mother. The dog and the cow were not his mother. Did he have a mother?

"I did have a mother." Said the baby bird. "I know I did. I have to find her. I will. I will!"


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