


The tech giant Google has become notorious for asking fiendishly tough questions.



Every man in a village of 100 married couples has cheated on his wife…Every wife in the village instantly knows when a man other than her husband has cheated, but does not know when her own husband has. The village has a law that does not allow for adultery. Any wife who can prove that her husband is unfaithful must kill him that very day. The women of the village would never disobey this law. One day, the queen of the village visits and announces that at least one husband has been unfaithful. What happens?村子里有100对夫妻,其中每个丈夫都瞒着自己的妻子偷情......村里的每个妻子都能立即发现除自己丈夫之外的其他男人是否偷情,唯独不知道她自己的丈夫到底有没有偷情。村里的规矩不容忍通奸。任何一个妻子,一旦能证明自己的男人偷情,就必须当天把他杀死。村里的女人全都严格照此规矩办事。一天,女头领出来宣布,村里至少有一个丈夫偷情。请问接下来会发生什么事?

Answer, from reader Olivier Coudert: The cheating husband problem is a classic recursion pb. Once all the wives know there are at least 1 cheating husband, we can understand the process recursively. Let's assume that there is only 1 cheating husband. Then his wife doesn't see anybody cheating, so she knows he cheats, and she will kill him that very day. If there are 2 cheating husband, their wives know of one cheating husband, and must wait one day before concluding that their own husbands cheat (since no husband got killed the day of the announcement). So with 100 cheating husbands, all life is good until 99 days later, when the 100 wives wives kill their unfaithful husband all on the same day.

Job: Product Manager. 答案:(由读者Olivier Coudert提供)



No.2If the probability of observing a car in 30 minutes on a highway is 0.95, what is the probability of observing a car in 10 minutes (assuming constant default probability)?


Answer,from Reader ru: The trick here is that .95 is the probability for 1 or more cars, not the probability of seeing just one car. The prob. of NO cars in 30 minutes is 0.05, so the prob of no cars in 10 minutes is the cube root of that, so the prob of seeing a car in 10 minutes is one minus *that*, or ~63%Job: Product Manager答案:(由读者ru提供)



Four people need to cross a rickety rope bridge to get back to their camp at night…Unfortunately, they only have one flashlight and it only has enough light left for seventeen minutes. The bridge is too dangerous to cross without a flashlight, and it's only strong enough to support two people at any given time. Each of the campers walks at a different speed. One can cross the bridge in 1 minute, another in 2 minutes, the third in 5 minutes, and the slow poke takes 10 minutes to cross. How do the campers make it across in 17 minutes?

有四个人要在夜里穿过一条悬索桥回到宿营地......可是他们只有一支手电,电池只够再亮17分钟。过桥必须要有手电,否则太危险。桥最多只能承受两个人同时通过的重量。这四个人的过桥速度都不一样:一个需要1分钟,一个需要2分钟,一个需要5分钟,还有一个需要10分钟。他们如何才能在17分钟之内全部过桥?Answer, from an anonymous reader: 1 and 2 across (2 minutes); 1 goes back (3 minutes); 5 and 10 go across (13 minutes); 2 goes back (15 minutes); 1 and 2 cross (17 minutes) - and everyone safe and sound.

Job: Product Manager.答案:(由匿名读者提供)




You are at a party with a friend and 10 people are present including you and the friend…Your friend makes you a wager that for every person you find that has the same birthday as you, you get $1; for every person he finds that does not have the same birthday as you, he gets $2. would you accept the wager?


Answer: Ignoring seasonal upticks in births, there's about 1/365 probability that any other person has the same birthday as you and 364/365 chance that any other random person does not. Do not take this bet. Job: Product Manager



If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15, what is the angle between the hour and the minute hands? (The answer to this is not zero!)如果你看到时钟上面的时间是3:15那么其时针和分针之间的角度是多少?(答案不是零)Answer, from reader Matt Beauchamp: 7.5 degrees. Every minute on the clock represents 6 degrees (360 degrees/60 minutes). Every hour, the hour hand moves from one number to the next (in this case, it is moving from 3 to 4) which represents 30 degrees. Since it is exactly 1/4 past the hour, the hour hand is 1/4 of the way into its 30-degree trip or 1/4 or 30 degrees....which is 7.5 degrees.

Job: Product Manager答案:(由读者Matt Beauchamp提供)



What is the probability of breaking a stick into 3 pieces and forming a triangle?将一根木条折成3段之后,可以形成一个三角形的概率有多大?

Since this question doesn't say the sticks must intersect at their tips to form the triangle, the answer has to be 100%. Any three sticks of any size can make a triangle. Job: Product Manager.答案:因为题目中没有说要求木条必须首尾相连的做成三角形,因此答案是100%。任何长度的三根木条都可以形成一个三角形。应聘职位:产品经理


There's a latency problem in South Africa. Diagnose it.南非有个延时问题。请对其加以分析。

This is obviously an extremely vague question, and there isn't really one correct answer. A good answer is one in which the interviewee demonstrates familiarity with the term "latency" and enough imagination to come up with an interesting problem with an interesting solution.

Job: Product Manager



How many lines can be drawn in a 2D plane such that they are equidistant from 3 non-collinear points?在一个两维平面上有三个不在一条直线上的点。请问能够作出几条与这些点距离相同的线?Answer, from reader Denis: Three. Take any two of the points. Draw a line that is parallel to the line segment made by those two points and halfway between that line segment and the third point. Repeat for every combination of two points.


Job: Software Engineer. 




What's 2 to the power of 64?2的64次方是多少?

1.84467441 × 1019 This is a pretty easy answer to figure out when you're not sitting in an interview with no calculator around. Job: Software Engineer.答案:如果你不是因为坐在面试室里,手边没有计算器的话,应该可以很容易找到答案,即1.84467441 乘以10的19次方。应聘职位:软件工程师


Imagine you have a closet full of shirts. It's very hard to find a shirt. So what can you do to organize your shirts for easy retrieval?假设你在衣橱里挂满衬衫,很难从中挑出某一件来。请问你打算怎样整理一下,使得它们容易挑选?

There's no one answer to this. The interviewer wants to test the interviewee's imagination and creativity with problem solving. We feel like reader "Dude" might impress a Google interview with this answer: Organize them according to types of clothes like a HASH and then organize each type into a 2-3-4-Tree or RedBlack Tree.Job: Software Engineer.答案:此题没有固定答案。考验的是被面试者在解决问题方面的想象力和创造性。我们觉得读者”Dude”的这个答案可能会给Google留下深刻印象:把它们按布料的种类进行哈希(HASH)组合。然后每类再按2-3-4树或红黑树(都是计算机算法)排序。应聘职位:软件工程师


How many resumes does Google receive each year for software engineering?Google每年收到多少份软件工程师的简历?Our answer A candiate for Quantitative Compensation Analyst should know that Google hired about 3,400 people in 2008. Figure 75%, or 2,550, of those hired were engineers and that, like Harvard, Google only accepted 3% of those who applied. 2,550 is 3% of 85,000.Job: Quantitative Compensation Analyst答案:这也是在考察应试者是否有能力把问题简单明确化,并提出创造性的解决方案。一个“量化报酬分析师”职位的求职者,应该知道2008年Google雇佣了3400人。估计其中75%,即2550人,应该是工程师,并且Google和哈佛的录取率类似,即从申请人中取3%。由此可知应该收到大约85000简历(85000 x 3% = 2550)应聘职位:量化报酬分析师

一个名叫Bruce R. Miller, 在Google工作的面试官说:“I come up with an interesting question.  I put a lot of thought into it.   I learn thatpresenting something a certain way just wastes time.  So I learn to present it a different way so that the candidate spends more time interviewing and less time listening to me explain. I get really good with this one question so I can use it to help the candidate show me what he is really capable of.”果真是有趣又有效的方式呢,你们问的开心就好……

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