7 Most Romantic Things That Ever Happened



Marilyn Monroe & Joe Dimaggio

3120 Roses Bouquets For 20 Years

Although their marriage only lasted for a volatile 274 days, baseball player “Joltin” Joe DiMaggio remained devoted to Marilyn Monroe. He never remarried, and after her death, he sent long-stemmed red roses to her grave in Los Angeles three times a week for the next 20 years.

Edward VII & Wallis Simpson

Walked Away From His Throne for Her 

Edward VII became King of England in 1936. But by December of that year, deeply in love with a married American woman named Wallis Simpson, he was forced to choose between her or his throne. He chose her. She divorced her husband and they were married the next year.

爱德华七世在1936年登上了英格兰王位。但是在那一年12月,他爱上了一位名叫Wallis Simpson的美国已婚女子。要迎娶一个二婚,这明显让王室蒙羞,他被要求在王位和爱人之间进行抉择。爱德华毅然决然选择了自己心上人。第二年女子与丈夫离婚,与爱德华七世结为连理。
Brigitte & Gunter Sachs

Hundreds of Raining Roses

Blonde French bombshell Brigitte Bardot was probably the most sought-after sex symbol the 1960s. To woo the elusive golden goddess, German playboy Gunter Sachs paid for the helicopter to drop hundred of roses over Bardot’s villa in the French Riviera. It worked, and they married in 1966.

法国金发美人 Brigitte Bardot在上世纪60年代是人见人爱的性感女郎。为了追求心中的女神,德国花花公子 Gunter Sachs花钱请了直升飞机从Bardot家别墅上空撒下百枝玫瑰。浪漫指数爆表,果然在1966年抱得美人归。
Clark Gable & Carole Lombard

“You’re Driving Me Crazy”

Dapper and mustachioed, Clark Gable was one of Hollywood’s biggest male symbols from the early 1930s all the way to the early 1960s. In 1936-for their first date- screen siren Carole Lombard bought him a used Model T Ford, had it painted white with red hearts all over, and delivered to him with a note that said “You’re driving me crazy”. They married three years later.

从上世纪30年代开始长达30年的时间里,魅力四射的Clark Gable是家喻户晓的人物,爱慕者无数。1936年,同样身为大众偶像的 Carole Lombard和Gable开始了约会,她送了Gable一台二手福特汽车,上面有无数个红色桃心喷绘,并且附上了一句话:你让我着迷(drive sb crazy中drive与车的呼应)浪漫之举让两人在三年后顺利成婚,成就了一对佳人。
Paul McCartney & Linda

All The Love Songs Only For Her

They met eyes across a crowded room in 1967, and Paul says he feel in love at first sight. They were married in 1969, raised four children together, and spent every single night together until her death in 1998.

Paul: I always think of Linda still as my girlfriend. That’s how we started out in the 1960s, just as friends. Whenever I was working late somewhere, I just never fancied it. I thought: Well. I could stay overnight in this posh hotel, or I could go home to Linda. And it was always the brighter of the two options: Yeah, go home to Linda. It was just I liked being with her, quite frankly.”


British Soldier & Jewish Translator

200 Escapes From Concentration Camp

Captured by the Nazis in 1940 and placed in a concentration camp, British soldier Horace Greasley fell head over heels for a Jewish translator named Rosa Rauchbach. After Greasley was moved to a camp forty miles away, he escaped the camp to be with her an estimated 200 times— sometimes up to four times a week. Tragically, after Greasley was liberated in 1945, both Rosa and her baby died while delivering Greasley’s child.

1940年,英国大兵 Horace Greasley被纳粹关在集中营时,见到了名叫Rosa Rauchbach的一位犹太翻译,两人一见倾心,相爱相惜。后来Greasley被关到了40公里开外的地方,他每周越狱四次,就为了和Rosa在一起,在此期间共计越狱200多回。但令人惋惜的是,1945年 Greasley 重获自由时, Rosa因为难产而永远的离开了Greasley,他从未谋面的孩子也随着Rosa离开了人世。
Indian Emperor Shah Jahan & Wife

Taj Mahal— The World’s Most Beautiful Tomb

Indian Emperor Shah Jahan was so heartbroken at the death of his wife Mumtaz Mahal— who died while delivering their fourteenth child in the year 1631— that he commissioned over 20000 workmen and over 1000 elephants to build her tomb as a symbol of his underlying love. It took over 22 years to build but is now one of the world’s most famous and instantly recognizable buildings— the Taj Mahal.

1631年,印度王 Shah Jahan 的妻子Mumtaz Mahal在生产他们第14个孩子时难产离世,国王悲痛不已。他找来 20000个工匠和 1000匹大象为她建造陵墓,作为他们爱情至死不渝的象征。这座陵耗时22年才竣工并成为了全世界知名度最高的建筑之一,它就是 泰姬陵。

How about now?

Ben Affleck bought Jennifer Lopez the world’s most expensive toilet seat for the world’s most beautiful ass in 2002.

He spent $105000 to buy her a toilet seat covered in rare gems such as diamonds, rubies and sapphires.

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