时刻Workout 10天实现Bikini body可能吗?10x10 - 夏日新开始



你的夏日bikini要拿出来了? 对身材要求极高的“运动”就是晒美照啦~ 今天CC给大家带来一个10x10的biniki workout beginner self training. 你可以在办公室空地,或者家里联系。也可以让你的私教帮你进一步定制。







Today we also introduce a new machine, which you can find in some highend studios already, such as Prime.

At Prime, the ethos is to use natural movement patterns to improve the functional fitness and physique of our clients. We are constantly looking for new ways and new pieces of equipment to make your workouts more fun, challenging, and efficient while staying true to our principles. Much of the best workout equipment - barbells, ropes, balls, and kettle bells has been around for centuries and has not been improved upon since. But every now and then, something comes along which we regard as a worthwhile addition to our studios - this time, its the SkiErg.


Developed by the same company that makes Prime's indoor rowing machines, SkiErgs mimic the sport of Nordic skiing, just without the snow. Nordic skiing has long been known to be one of the toughest yet healthiest sports since it is a brutally hard yet low impact workout that serves as an excellent strength building and cardiovascular activity. Because you must push yourself forward using your feet and legs as well as your shoulders and arms (by using “ski poles”), you're working the entire body. And because you're in an upright position, the Ski Erg is also a highly functional and useful core workout.

SkiErg由prime室内划船机的同一家公司所研发,它的设计很好的模仿了北欧滑雪的运动特点。长期以来,北欧滑雪一直被认为是最难的但也是最健康的训练项目之一,它难度大但是相对温和,可以作为一种很好的力量训练和心肺练习。因为你必须用你的腿、脚、肩膀和手臂(通过使用滑雪杆)来使自己前进,所以你的全身都在运动。当然也因为你滑雪的时候处在一个站立的姿势,Ski Erg还能使你的核心肌肉得到很有效的锻炼。

Sound intimidating? Fear not, with careful instruction from their trainers, SkiErgs can be suitable for all ages and levels, even if you have never tried skiing. You are in complete control of the resistance - the harder you pull, the more resistance you are creating, and it’s very easy on the knees and ankles. Moreover, as if providing a holistic and effective workout that allows you to build muscle, develop endurance and strength while burning lots of calories is not enough, SkiErgs are also a great complimentary workout to (indoor) rowing since the movement involved is so different and therefore works many diametrically opposite muscle groups. And if you have missed our reasons for truly appreciating the rowing machine, here is why rowing is the new spinning (link to previous article).



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