


 ◆ ◆

《三字经》是中华民族珍贵的文化遗产,与《百家姓》、《千字文》并称为三大国学启蒙读物,也是早期传教士介绍中国文化之首选。它短小精悍、琅琅上口,内容涵盖历史、天文、地理、道德以及一些民间传说。全文虽然不足两千字,但文字内涵丰富,典故琳琅。自19世纪以来,《三字经》英译本不少,但从“音”、“形”、“义”三方面来兼顾的译本却很少。 赵彦春教授敢为人先,在这方面做出了大胆的实验。他尝试以三个英文单词来对译汉语的三个字,在音节和押韵方面都力求做到丝丝入扣,形神兼顾。


róng sì suì

融   四  岁,

néng ràng lí

能  让  梨。

dì yú zhǎng

弟 于  长,

yí xiān zhī

宜  先  知。

 Aged four years,

  Rong proffered pears.

    Bear in mind

  Fraternally be kind.


And in the Han Dynasty, Rong (Kong Rong), Confucius’ descendant, offered his pears to his elder brother although he was only four. Everyone should learn this kind of respect for affinity.


shǒu xiào tì

首 孝 悌,

cì jiàn wén

次 见 闻,

zhī mǒu shù

知 某 数,

shí mǒu wén

识 某 文。

Stress piety more

Than your lore.

Learn some numeracy,

       Know some literacy.  


Piety (loving parents and brothers) is more important than knowledge. As for knowledge, one should learn some numeracy and literacy.

yì ér shí

一 而 十,

shí ér bǎi

十 而 百,

bǎi ér qiān

百 而 千,

qiān ér wàn

千 而 万。

One to ten,

A hundred then,

One thousand more,

Ten thousand afore.


Decimalism is adopted in China: one to ten is primary, the next is one hundred, then one thousand, ten thousand, and so on. All computations can be done with this.

sān cái zhě

三 才 者,

tiān dì rén

天 地 人。

sān guāng zhě

三 光 者,

rì yuè xīng

日 月 星。

Tri-vitals, of worth:

Man, heaven, earth;

Tri-lights, a boon:

Sun, stars, moon.


And one should know some rudiments, such as what we call tri-vitals, or three elements, that is, Heaven, Earth, Man, and what we call tri-lights or three luminaries, that is, Sun, Moon and Stars.


sān gāng zhě

三 纲 者,

jūn chén yì

君 臣 义。

fù zǐ qīn

父 子 亲,

fū fù shùn

夫 妇 顺。

Three tenets always:

Subject Lord obeys;

Child Father reveres;

Wife Man endears.


What are the three tenets one should always follow? The king or emperor should be obeyed by his subjects, the father should be revered by his children, and the man loved by his wife.

yuē chūn xià

曰 春 夏,

yuē qiū dōng

曰 秋 冬,

cǐ sì shí

此 四 时,

yùn bù qióng

运 不 穷。

Spring and summer,

Autumn and winter.

These four seasons

Cycle with reasons.



We have four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. They alternate according to a certain law, round by round, never to end.


yuē nán běi

曰 南 北,

yuē xī dōng

曰 西 东,

cǐ sì fāng

此 四 方,

yīng hū zhōng

应 乎 中。

South, north, west,

'N east, we quest.

These four ways

Upon center gaze.


We have four ways or directions called east, west, south, and north. These four ways are reciprocal, determined by a central position.

spring, summer, fall, and winter. They alternate according to a certain law, round by round, never to end.

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