


8. LISTEN聆听You must learn to listen before you can speak. Every language sounds strange the first time you hear it, but the more you expose yourself to it the more familiar it becomes, and the easier it is to speak it properly:你必须在你说之前学会听。每个语言听起来很奇怪,在第一次听的时候,但当你听得越多,你就会越熟悉,说起来就更简单了。

“We’re able to pronounce anything, it’s just we’re not used to doing it. For example the rolled r doesn’t exist in my form of English. When I was learning Spanish there were words with the hard r in them like perro and reunión. For me, the best way to go about mastering that is actually to hear it constantly, to listen to it and to kind of visualize or imagine how that is supposed to be pronounced, because for every sound there is a specific part of the mouth or throat that we use in order to achieve that sound.”我们可以发任何音,只是我们不经常这样做而已。例如在英语中不存在的卷舌。当我学西班牙语的词有着那个很难发音的R在里面像perro和reunión。对我来说,最好的方法是去掌握它就经常听,有种形象化或想象是怎么发音的,因为每个音有独特的嘴或喉咙部分来实现发音。

9. WATCH PEOPLE TALK看人们说话Different languages make different demands on your tongue, lips and throat. Pronunciation is just as much physical as it is mental:不同的语言对你的舌头,嘴唇和喉咙有不同。发音只是身体和大脑一致的。

“One way – it might sound a bit strange – is to really look at someone while they’re saying words that use that sound, and then to try to imitate that sound as much as possible. Believe me, it might be difficult at the beginning, but you will. It’s something that is actually quite easily done; you just need to practice it.”一种方法——可能听起来有点奇怪——真的去看着别人说的每个词是怎么发音,然后试着尽可能模仿。相信我,开始会很难,但你可以的。有些事真的很容易做到,你只要练习。

If you can’t watch and imitate a native-speaker in person, watching foreign-language films and TV is a good substitute.如果你不能观察和模仿母语者本人,可以看国外电影或电视是个很好的替代。

10. DIVE IN潜心学习So you’ve made the pledge. How to proceed? Is there a proper way to go about learning? Matthew recommends the 360° maximalist approach: no matter which learning tools you use, it’s crucial to practice your new language every single day:所以你已经做出承诺。该怎么进行?有没有适当的方式去学习?马修建议360度最大化方法:不管你用什么工具学习,重要是你每天都练习。

“I tend to want to absorb as much as possible right from the start. So if I learn something I really, really go for it and try to use it throughout the day. As the week progresses I try to think in it, try to write in it, try to speak to myself even in that language. For me it’s about actually putting what you’re learning into practice – be that writing an email, speaking to yourself, listening to music, listening to the radio. Surrounding yourself, submerging yourself in the new language culture is extremely important.”我试着吸收尽可能多从一开始,所以我学了什么就试着用它。像每周的进步我用它来想来写,试着和自己说。把所有你学的都用上——写邮件,说话,听音乐,听广播。使你有这语言氛围和沉浸语言文化中是尤其重要的。

Remember, the best possible outcome of speaking a language is for people to speak back to you. 记者,最好可能说这语言的结果是人们可以跟你交流。

Being able to have a simple conversation is a huge reward in itself. Reaching milestones like that early on will make it easier to stay motivated and keep practicing. And don’t worry, you won’t annoy people by speaking their language poorly. If you preface any interaction with, “I’m learning and I’d like to practice…” most people will be patient, encouraging and happy to oblige. Even though there are approximately a billion non-native English-speakers around the world, most of them would rather speak their own language if given a choice. Taking the initiative to step into someone else’s language world can also put them at ease and promote good feelings all around:可以讲简单的对话是对语言的最大回馈。早点触摸到里程碑更容易保持积极和保持练习。不用担心你不会烦扰到别人当你说得不好,当你开始任何互动之前说我在学,很愿意练习,很多人会很耐心,鼓励和乐于去帮助。即使估计有数千万不是母语者在世界上,大部分的人宁愿说自己语言如果可以选择的话。主动去到说其他语言的人的世界里,也可以让他们更舒适,促进更好的感觉:

“Sure, you can travel abroad speaking your own language, but you’ll get so much more out of it being able to actually feel at ease in the place you are – being able to communicate, to understand, to interact in every situation you could possibly imagine.”当然你可以在出国旅游的时候说自己的余元,但你可能会感受到更多以外东西当你——可以交流,明白和在每个你可以想象的情况做出互动。


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