



How can brand marketers game change the Marketing Operation System versus just a Simple Update Patch in this ever competitive business environment? At ROI Festival 2015, a group of forward thinking business leaders engaged in a heated debate about reinventing innovation in the mobile era.


Let’s review what’s changing in mobile era.


查立 著名天使投资人 起点创业投资基金/起点创业营创始合伙人

Cha Li, Angel investor, Managing Partner of Istart Incubator and Istart Ventures



Centralized media to social media

“I don’t read magazines for restaurant reviews. I listen to my friends. The whole thing is changing and I am looking for strange ideas. ”
Personalization and Big Data

Miranda Tan 革命性社会化营销和内容营销平台Robin8 CEO及创始人

Founder and CEO of Robin8. Robin8 is the next generation social and content marketing platform.“有了大数据技术,我们可以实现对每个人的个性化。就如这个人之前他搜索过哪些东西,你是可以知道的。有了手机这个超级电脑,对市场人来说,是个梦想。因为有了数据,你可以知道每一个消费者的情况,来有策略的为他们定制相关和有价值的信息。人们不想看到任何垃圾信息。人们并不想看到广告,但是如果是从朋友那边看来的,你就会相信它。因为这是你的朋友传达的。如何能把这方面的信息处理好,就可以产生巨大的影响。”

“With data you can personalize it down to each person. Before the person actually searches something, you know what they want already. Mobile is a super computer. It’s like a dream now. With big data, we can actually personalize to each one of you. It’s relevant and it’s useful. People don’t want crap out there. They don’t want to see ads but if it’s from our friend, I trust that. That’s my friend. It’s super powerful now. Get the message processed. ”
Targeted and Mobile First Content

Anne Dumesges 知名品牌主强生视力健市场总监

Anne Dumesges, Marketing Director of Johnson& Johnson Vision Care


“Mobile is critical. Before mobile was just a tool, now it’s part of your body. The content should be snappy, short and sharable. What is the attention spin on mobile? Whenever you get a message that is not loading very well, how much are you willing to spend on that? 3 seconds? ”

Jeanette Pang: 说90后完全没有耐心是有缺陷的假设。


Jeanette Pang: It’s a flaw to say the 90’s generation doesn’t have attention span.

“The content is not targeted to me and it’s not mobile first. Whatever your idea is, you cut it down for mobile. It’s not engaging to me why should I stay? Absolutely don’t push me to read the content. If it is something I want to read, I will spend hours to read it and research it. ”
Hidden Human Needs


Cha Li: People don’t know what they want.

“I missed an opportunity of investing in a mobile app that would have strangers wake people in the morning. The founder met with 30 VCs in Shanghai but nobody got his idea. During your private moments in the morning, why do you need strangers to wake you up? Now this app has over 10 million downloads. You didn’t need a mobile phone 10 years ago. You don’t need to eat three times a day. I have fasted for 28 days. You don’t know really know what you want.”
Generation Gaps

Jeanette Phang 新生代代表 浩腾媒体业务智询总监

Jeanette Pang, Director of Business Intelligence of OMD China, Millennial representatives

Jeanette Pang:着眼最基本的人类需求去解决代沟问题


Jeanette Pang: Fundamental human needs solve generational differences.

“People always say there is a huge gap between different generations. We start to forget there are fundamental human needs. Sometime it’s age. The 2000’s generation are in the age of getting people to like them. Generation differences are not as big as we think. As marketers, the more you think it is, the harder for you to understand and to reach and engage them. ”
Disruptive Technologies

符传志 宏盟媒体集团移动营销Airwave总经理

Alvin Foo, the Head of Airwave,the Mobility Business Unit at Omnicom Media Group China.







React fast when you meet disruptive technologies.

The problems for companies that failed are

a.) not caring what the customer wants

b.) not innovating fast enough



What is gonna happen in the next 5 years?

Where does Cha Li see things that need innovation?

Robin8 is a data-driven, influencer platform.
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Please click [read more] to watch the ROI Festival video (start from 23:32) .

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