Pokemon Go



Pokémon Go

《精灵宝可梦》,另有常见非官方译名:《口袋妖怪》(游戏译名)、《宠物小精灵》(动画译名)、《神奇宝贝》(漫画译名),是由Game Freak和Creatures株式会社开发,任天堂发行的系列游戏,是精灵宝可梦媒体作品的主要部分。最初的作品是在1996年于日本发行的Game Boy角色扮演游戏。精灵宝可梦系列一直贯穿任天堂的各代掌机之中。系列中的游戏通常成对发售(有所区别),复刻版常出现在初版游戏发布的几年后。游戏的主系列由角色扮演类游戏组成,旁支系列的游戏则包含有其他的类型,例如动作角色扮演游戏、益智游戏和电子宠物等。精灵宝可梦系列是世界上第二热销的系列电子游戏,仅次于任天堂的超级马里奥系列。
Pokémon Go
Pokemon Go, described in simple terms, is a clever concept: Walk to real-life locations called PokeStops marked on amap on your phone to get items and collect the Pokemon that pop up along the way to gain XP. Use those Pokemon to take over real-world objectives called Gyms from other players. It has all the basics covered to make it a functional mobile treasure-hunting app, though technically its performance (and that of its servers) is often very poor on iOS and Android. But the main appeal of the free-to-play Pokemon Go is how being out in the real world, finding tons of other people who see the same augmented reality you do, brings the sort of intangible dream of Pokemon to life.


The Verdict

Right now, Pokemon Go is an incredible, can’t-miss social experience — like Pokemon is actually real and everyone is on board — but its RPG mechanics and combat don’t have nearly enough depth to support itself in the long term. If people start to lose interest due to its lack of depth once the novelty of seeing Pokemon pop up around their everyday lives expires, the community will fall apart and the spell will be broken. What Pokemon Go needs is more features to support that real-world interaction. Things like Pokemon trading and leaderboards, which developer Niantic says are incoming, could keep that momentum up. Even if it will be short-lived, though, there’s no doubt it’s exciting to be a part of while it lasts.  IGN Logo






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