





福永中学机器人小组参加了本次竞赛的机器人综合技能赛和机器人足球赛两大项目。经过紧张的调试、激烈的角逐,我校机器人小组的学生凭借扎实的功底、娴熟的技巧包揽了综合技能项目前三名及机器人足球比赛第三名,并将代表深圳市参加5月中旬在肇庆举行的第十六届广东省青少年机器人竞赛。The Fuyong Middle School robotics team participated in a robot comprehensive skills competition and robot soccer game competition. After fierce competition, with solid foundation and adept skills, students from our school robotics team finished in the top three of the robot comprehensive skills competition and won the third prize of the robot soccer game competition. They will take part in the 16th session Youth Robot Contest of Guangdong province which will be held in Zhaoqing on behalf of Shenzhen.

此次综合技能比赛的特点是现场公布竞赛场地和任务,要求参赛队员根据公布的任务在现场自行拼装机器人、编制机器人运行程序、调试和操作机器人。其目的是检验青少年对机器人技术的理解和掌握程度,同时起到激发学习兴趣、培养动手能力的作用。One characteristic of the comprehensive skills competition was that the competition venues and task were announced live. It requires the competitors to assemble robots, prepare the robots to run the program, commission and operate the robots according to the assigned task. The purpose is to test teenagers’understanding of robot technology, to stimulate their interest in learning, and to cultivate practical abilities.

而机器人足球比赛则要求参赛选手启动机器人后,在规定的场地内不得使用任何遥控方式完成与其他对手的对抗任务,这充分考验了各团队机器人学、机电一体化、通讯与计算机等技术的运用能力。其中所采用的“实时采集、实时控制、实施行动”技术,是机器人足球的难点之所在,也是其魅力之所在。The robot soccer game requires players to start the robot, and play against other competitors without remote control of any kind. In this way, the application ability of electromechanical integration, communication, and computer technology of the teams were tested. The real-time acquisition, control, and implementation of the action are both the difficulty and charm of the competition.

在此次比赛中,福永中学机器人小组取得了优异的成绩,在此也希望我校的机器人工作能在不断的创新中形成良好氛围、再创辉煌!Our robotics team has made outstanding achievements in this competition. We hope that through more practice, our robotics team can create an even more brilliant future!




After five days of intense competition, our school basketball team triumphed with the championship of both male and female groups. We became the only representative of Bao’an District to attend the Shenzhen Middle School Basketball Competition. In addition, our school basketball team won the "Sportsmanship Award" honor with ourunity, enterprise, and courage.

在激烈的赛场上,我校男篮成员们凭借默契的配合、迅猛的进攻及积极的防守,不断将现场的气氛推向高潮,同时也展现出了福中学子不畏艰难、拼搏进取的青春活力。女篮成员们也不甘示弱,面对强敌毫不退缩,以勇往直前、全力以赴的精神迎难而上,博得了全场热烈的欢呼声。期间,球员们对对手、裁判的尊重,更表现出一支优秀球队应有的体育精神和素养。During the game, our men's basketball team members pushed the atmosphere to a climax with their great cooperation, rapid attack and active defense. Women's basketball team members showed the enterprising spirit and youthful vitality of our school and won the warm cheers of the audience. The respect our team showed to the opponent and the referees revealed our sports spirits.

精彩视频在最后 你我不容错过

此次夺冠不仅归功于篮球队队员们一直以来的辛勤付出,还离不开校领导及体育组教师的通力支持和配合。在此,希望我校篮球队再接再厉,在深圳市中学生篮球比赛中再创佳绩!The honor not only belongs to the basketball team players, but also is inseparable from the school leaders and sports teachers’ support and cooperation. We hope that the school basketball team creates another success in the coming Shenzhen Middle School Basketball Game!

    关注 深圳市福永中学


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