


Paintings made withwatercolor can be some of the most beautiful works of art out there. There issomething about watercolor painting; done right, it can bring any subject tolife. Whether it's a portrait, landscape, or still life, a painting done withwatercolors can draw in a viewer into the subtle details and smooth washesunique to this painting medium!


Unfortunately, watercolors are notoriously unforgiving. It can be tough whenyou're just starting out. Painting with watercolors can be incrediblyrewarding, but when an honest mistake completely ruins your artwork, it's easyto become frustrated and give up. Years of trial-and-error to learn techniqueswhich may or may not work for you seems a daunting journey. But wouldn't it benice to create something like the beautiful artworks done with watercolors?


This quick guide will give you 10 great tips to start your watercolor careeroff on the right foot!


Tip 1: Get The Right Paper


Unlike painting with acrylics or oils, where you can pretty much painton anything up to and including a piece of scrap wood in the alley, paintingwith watercolors is a big headache if you don't have a proper surface to painton.


Stick with "watercolor paper". Thereare a huge variety of watercolor papers available, and it will take some experimentationto find what kind of paper you like best. Art supply stores stock a number oftypes, start with an inexpensive watercolor paper and go from there.


Another good option is a "watercolorblock". These are basically small sheets of watercolor paper glued into a"sketchpad" type of setup. However, more of the edges are glued, tokeep the paper from warping and buckling. These are especially good for studiesand the like.


Note: Don't even try to paint on regular "bond" paper (thestuff that comes out of printers and photocopiers), or poster board, oranything like that. Stick with watercolor paper. You'll thank me.


Tip 2: Get The Right Brushes


When you're starting out in watercolors, you've got enough to wrap yourmind around without having to deal with inferior brushes. Fighting withimproper tools means your work isn't going to be as nice as it could be. Plus,the added frustration means you're that much more likely to give up. Which isnot what we want!


I'm going to say this right up front: goodwatercolor brushes are expensive. But, you don't need to buy a whole bunch ofthem. When you're starting out, all you'll really need are a couple roundbrushes (small and medium), and a couple flat brushes (medium and large). Thisway, you can enjoy top-quality brushes from the outset, and then simply addmore brushes as you go, and your budget allows.


Tip 3: Make A Proper Work Area


If you're going to be spending a good amount of time painting, you'llreally need a good painting area.

If you have a room you can use as a studio,that's great! You'll be able to have a dedicated area for your painting, androom to outfit it with handy items like a drying rack, or a plan file (acabinet with wide, shallow drawers great for storing paintings).


If you don't have the space, or budget, for such fancy items, don'tworry. All you'll really need to maximize your enjoyment while painting is atable with enough space for your paper and supplies, and a nice chair that willbe comfortable and easy on your back, neck and shoulders while you spend hourspainting.

Try to keep your area neat and tidy, as well asorganized. Clean and organized spaces are calming, while cluttered ones causestress and frustration. Not being able to find a tube of paint or a brush whenyou need it also causes stress and frustration, so try to keep your areaorganized!


Tip 4: Don't Buy Too Many Expensive Paints


Like brushes, good quality watercolor paints aren't cheap. But ratherthan buy a tube of everything, you simply need the basics. The primaries: yellow,red and blue. Black. White (not quite as necessary in watercolor painting, butfeel free to experiment). Maybe a nice green, or a brown. That's about it,really. You can mix any color out of those basic paints.


In fact, by limiting yourself to this basicpalette, and forcing yourself to mix your desired colors by hand, you'll gain abetter eye for color overall. Save money while improving your skills!


Tip 5: Practice Seeing


One of the hardest lessons for budding artists to learn, regardless ofwhat medium they choose to use, is how to "see".


The ability to observe properly is one of themost important tools that an artist has. In order to gain this tool, however,we have to alter how we look at the world around us.

Most humans look for "content andcontext". When we see a face, we look to see if it's someone we know. Welook to see if there is an expression on that face that contains importantinformation, like if the person looks angry or aggressive. It's human nature.But if you want your art to capture the world around you with any accuracy,you're going to have to go beyond that.


When you look at a face, you're going to haveto look and see the spatial relationship of its parts. The distance between thebottom of the nose and the top of the lip, for instance. The size of the ears.The shape of the eyebrow. Not only that, but you'll have to look for the"tone" or "value" (the lightness or darkness) of the skin,the shadows and the highlights. You'll have to look for the colour. Is it warm,or cool? Is it bright, or less saturated? How would you describe the color, andhow would you mix it on your palette?

Observation is an incredibly important skillfor an artist. Try it out today! As you improve at observing the world aroundyou with artist's eyes, you'll find that your artistic skills will improve evenwhen you're not painting!


Tip 6: Do Thumbnail Sketches & Studies


When the great masters started their masterpieces, do you think theysimply walked up to their canvas and started painting? Of course not. They madedozens of little sketches, and studies, to work out the large and small ideasthey had for the work. And so should you.

Thumbnail sketches are a wonderful tool forartists. I will bet you'll even come to enjoy doing them. Thumbnail sketchesare small sketches, no more than an inch or two square, where you can quicklyexpress your ideas on paper and see how well they work. This is not the time toobsess over details; Simply have fun with it! Play around, doodle whatever youlike. The best ideas emerge when you're not trying to censor yourself.

Try this: next time you go to start a painting,do a half-dozen thumbnail sketches of various compositions you could use,before you even think about dipping your brush into paint. Go wild. Of course,you can do more sketches if you like. Hundreds even. Just try to make it morethan "a few" and you'll be alright.


Studies are also useful tools to figure out "how things shouldwork" when you're planning a painting. You don't have to stick to pencil,either. Maybe make a few "mini paintings" on a scrap piece ofwatercolor paper, to figure out what kind of color scheme you should use. Or ifyou aren't sure exactly how to paint a certain area, say a persons hand, youcan do a few "practice runs" to try it out seewhat works best.


Tip 7: Make Interesting Compositions


Even if you're a good painter, using a boring composition is akin to"shooting yourself in the foot". Even if it is nicely painted, aboring composition in your painting means that no one will want to look at itfor more than a few seconds, before moving on. Composition can be a verycomplicated subject, but luckily there are a few quick and easy tips forimproving your composition skills.


First, use the "rule of thirds". Takeyour paper and divide it into 3 columns and 3 rows. Now start to draw yourcomposition, putting the important parts (the "focal points") like aperson's face or whatever you might be painting, either OVER ONE OF THE INTERSECTIONSor ALONG ONE OF THE DIVISIONS. This way, you won't put the most importantpieces of your painting right smack dab in the middle (boring) or butted upagainst the edge (awkward). Try it! This method is tried, test and true, and isused by everyone from fine art painters to professional photographers.

Another great tip for designing goodcompositions is to avoid "tangents". Tangents are areas where edgesof objects just barely touch or overlap only slightly. Viewers will find this"uncomfortable" even if they don't know why. If you find yourcomposition has a number of tangents, here's what you can do: either A) moveyour objects apart a little more to give them some separation, or B) overlapthem some more so their edges aren't right together.

There's plenty more to learn about composition,but if you use these two tips you'll find it makes an immediate improvement.


Tip 8: Include A Large Range Of Values/Contrast


What is "value"? The "value" of something, in art,describes how light or dark it is. Imagine a scale starting with bright, purewhite and ending with deep, total black, with 50% gray in the middle.


A common mistake for beginning artists(especially those using watercolor) is to make paintings with predominantlymedium values. This will make your painting appear dull and "washedout". By including a wide range of values, your paintings will have moreimpact and be more dramatic. Try to make the darks DARK, and the lights LIGHT.

Note: You don't have to include a full range ofvalues in EVERY OBJECT. If you're not careful, this can make it look likeeverything in your painting is made out of plastic. Knowing what values to usecomes back to observation (see tip #5).


Tip 9: Design Harmonious Color Schemes


What's a harmonious color scheme? Colors that "go together"well. While the actual colors you paint with will vary as you mix and blendpaint, try to aim for "overall" colors that do not clash or seemgarish with one another.

One easy way to do this is to use"complementary" colors. A color wheel starts with yellow, goes aroundto green, blue, violet, red, orange before coming back to yellow. Complementarycolors are opposites on the color wheel. For instance, yellow is complementaryto violet. Green is complementary to red (think Christmas time!). Blue iscomplementary to orange (look at Squidoo's color scheme).

One thing to keep in mind is that when usingcomplementary colors in your color scheme, try not to have them be the same"value" (see above tip on value and contrast) and saturation (howvivid the color is). If this happens, the colors will seem to"vibrate" next to each other which will cause those looking at yourpainting physical pain (heh heh). The best way to see what I'm talking about isto try it out on a scrap piece of paper... try getting two blocks ofcomplementary colours as close as possible in value and saturation, right nextto each other... you'll see what I mean. To avoid this, simply make one of thecolors lighter or darker than the other, or less saturated.

Of course, this is only the tip of the icebergwhen it comes to picking colors. There are also triadic color schemes,tetradic, and more. A few resources for learning about colors and how theyrelate to each other are:ColorSchemeDesigner.com or https://color.adobe.com/

Tip 10: Practice, Practice, Practice!


As with anything in life, true mastery of watercolors will not comeovernight, or by reading a lens on Squidoo. You have to work at it. Practice your painting with thesetips in mind, and you will surely improve.正如生活中的其他事情,水彩的真正掌握不会一蹴而就。你必须为之付出。在练习绘画中运用这些提示,你必将有所提高。

Something to keep in mind while you'repainting: try to relax and enjoy the process. What use is having the ability topaint like a master if you don't actually ENJOY painting? The journey is moreimportant than the destination. Simply have fun with your painting, andeverything else will follow.

Thanks for reading!





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