


Chorus pedals are among the most commonly used guitar effect by professional guitarists. 对于专业吉他手来说,合唱大概是最常用的一种效果器了。

Its versatility makes it useful in a variety of musical styles, and can be applied to clean, effected and distorted sounds. 你可以在各种风格的音乐中使用合唱,可以和清音、失真音以及其他效果音共同配合使用。

Whether you want subtle chorusing to get bell like clean tones, or if you aim to bring back the '80s era with a heavily chorused lead tone, you will find a chorus pedal that's right for you in this pedal roundup. 不论你是想得到只有微妙合唱铃铛一般的清音,还是1980年代重度合唱的主音吉他,你都需要在效果器包里面准备一个合唱效果器。

第一名 Boss CH-1 Super Chorus

Our pick for the best chorus pedal goes to the humble Boss CH-1 Super Chorus. 榜单第一名就是BOSS公司出品的 CH-1 超级合唱。

It is simple and straightforward, offering sufficient chorus control and versatility. 操作简便、直接了当,但是又有足够的控制力和灵活度。

It may not have the extreme chorus sounds that other expensive pedals specialize in, but it more than makes up for with its clean sound and versatility. 它的合唱效果可能不如某些昂贵的极端效果器那么浓重,但是在清音中拥有足够的运用灵活度。

With just a few knob tweaks, this pedal will simply get the job done, every time. 旋钮设置尽可能的简洁有效。

Since its a boss pedal, integrating into a rig is never a problem, and its tried and tested design is sure to be road worthy.  只要是BOSS出品,你就不必担心它的选材、设计以及质量检测。

第二名 TC Electronic Corona

The impressive TC Electronic Toneprint Series is represented in this by the Corona Chorus. 来自知名效果器厂牌TC的 Toneprint 系列效果器里面,最具有代表性的大概就是 Corona Chorus 了。

This simple looking effect pedal gives you all the basic parameters that you can traditionally tweak to find your sound. 看起来很简单的一个脚踏,但是却能为你的音色提供足够的参数调节。

But there is more to this humble pedal than meets the eye, under the hood is TonePrint technology  还有更重要的东西是你看不见的,那就是TonePrint 设计内核技术。

it gives you access to custom pedal tones that are created by guitar professionals. 它是来自很多吉他大师的专业音色内部设置。

These presets produce great chorus sounds and make for good starting points for your own unique sound textures. 这就为你自身的调节制定了一个很好的起点。

第三名 DigiTech CF7 Chorus Factory

The Digitech CF7 Chorus Factory lives up to its name, it manufactures a wide variety of chorus sounds. 敢自称合唱工厂的 Digitech CF7 真的是名副其实,它能灵活的给出各种合唱效果音。

Although it is in a classic pedal shape, the CF7 is actually an affordable effects modeler. 它的外观传统,价格适中。

You get 7 chorus models that cover some of the best chorus pedals listed here and with impressive quality at that. 它有七种合唱模式,也就是说,你买了它相当于买了这里列出的所有七款合唱效果器,并且每一款的质量还不错。

Thanks to its concentric knob design, tweaking is not limited, you can explore the various sounds that each model has to offer. 旋钮是同轴式的,你可以在各种合唱模式下,不受拘束地调节参数。

If your taste in chorus textures varies widely, this is a great pedal for you.  如果你对合唱细节特别挑剔,口味广泛,那么一定要选择它。

第四名 Fulltone Mini DejáVibe

The Fulltone Mini DejáVibe is a modern chorus pedal that caters to picky ears that want distinctive vintage tone.  尽管Mini DejáVibe是一款现代感十足的效果器,但是它的声音却被很多严苛的复古派金耳朵们所认可。

This pedal features custom made photocells with correct glass-covered, hermetically sealed construction, closely mimicking old Univibe Chorus effects. 它甚至使用了那种已经停产的老式玻封光耦,以模仿老版 Univibe Chorus 的音色。

You get just the right level of brightness and '60s era chorus tone in the vintage setting, while the modern setting gives you higher output, louder chorus sounds. 你可以在经典参数设置下得到明亮的、60年代的合唱,也可以在现代参数设置下得到高输出的强力合唱效果。

Although a bit expensive, its sound makes the Mini DejáVibe worth every penny. 价格有点贵,但是谁让它是 Mini DejáVibe 呢,就是值这个价钱。

第五名 Electro-Harmonix Small Clone

If you are looking for a thick chorus sound that will not complicate your tone, your wallet or your sanity, then the Electro-Harmonix Small Clone is for you. 如果你的钱包、理智和音色都不想搞的乱七八糟,那么可以试试来自EH 的Small Clone 合唱效果器。

It is the most straightforward effects pedal in this list, having just one knob that controls depth and rate via a switch. 可以说这是史上最简单的一款效果器了,它甚至只有一个旋钮,通过一个开关,切换调节深度和速度。

It is a bit restrictive, but it adds its own distinct coloration, favored by many guitarists. 调节起来有点严格,并且会添加自己独特的渲染效果,不过很多吉他手就是喜欢这样。

Link it with a Boss DS-1 ala Cobain and you've nailed the '90s Nirvana sound. 柯特科本曾经把它和Boss DS-1 连接起来,得到我们熟悉的90年代涅槃乐队音色。

Since it sounds great as it is, adding more knobs may just mess it up. 它的声音已经足够好了,我觉得再多一个旋钮也是画蛇添足。

第六名 MXR M-134 Stereo Chorus

The MXR M-134 Stereo Chorus provides you with the most in-depth control over your chorus sound. 立体声合唱MXR M-134 能够为你的音色提供全方位的深度调节。

People that obsess over details will love that this pedal lets you control Bass and Treble along with the usual parameters like intensity, width and rate. 那些对细节精益求精的人这下可以不必烦恼了,通过它可以调节低频、高频以及强度、广度、速度等等各种合唱参数。

By playing with the EQ settings, you can add sparkle to your cleans 由于有了均衡调节,你可以在清音中增加明亮和闪耀的效果

or you can widen your overdriven sounds by applying subtle rates and intensity and playing with the width knob. 或者通过细致微妙的调节速度和广度旋钮,扩展失真音色的空间。

The MXR M-134 is ideal for experienced chorus users. 有着丰富演出经验的人才能完全驾驭MXR M-134

第七名 Maxon Vintage Series CS550

Maxon is known for their expensive line of vintage sounding effects, and the CS550 Stereo Chorus is no exception. 厂牌Maxon以生产昂贵、复古效果器而闻名于世,自然这款CS550立体声合唱也不例外。

It may not have as many users as the other pedals on this list, but those that tried it are all praises. 可能很多人没有听过它的声音,但是那些试过的人没有不说好的。

This one is ideal for vintage tone chasers, instead of variety and flexibility, this pedal offers detailed chorus textures. 它完全是一款主打复古牌的效果器,没有那么多的变化和灵活度,但是却有更细致的纹理和内涵。

It is voiced to replicate the classic chorus sounds that were popular in the past. 用它可以复制出很多经典老歌里面才出现的声音。

Controls are familiar and responsive, making it easy to dial in your favorite vintage settings without much effort.  参数控制方式也是完全传统的,不需要怎么费劲,就能调出各种经典音色。

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