《Design for Emotion》

《Design for Emotion》 《Design for Emotion》

  • 书名:《Design for Emotion》
  • 分类:交互设计
  • 作者:Van Gorp, Trevor; Adams, Edie; Fogg, B. J.
  • 出版年:2012-7
  • 售价:$ 39.49
  • 页码:256

《Design for Emotion》 内容介绍:

"Design for Emotion" introduces you to the why, what, when, where and how of designing for emotion. Improve user connection, satisfaction and loyalty by incorporating emotion and personality into your design process. The conscious and unconscious origins of emotions are explained, while real-world examples show how the design you create affects the emotions of your users. This isn't just another design theory book - it's imminently practical. "Design for Emotion" introduces the A.C.T. Model (Attract/Converse/Transact) a tool for helping designers create designs that intentionally trigger emotional responses. This book offers a way to harness emotions for improving the design of products, interfaces and applications while also enhancing learning and information processing. "Design for Emotion" will help your designs grab attention and communicate your message more powerfully, to more people. Foreword by BJ Fogg, Founder & Director, Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab Creative professionals who design consumer products, entertainment, software, websites, marketing, and communications are beginning to appreciate the importance of evoking emotions and personality to capture viewers' attention and create satisfying experiences. "Design for Emotion" addresses the basic questions around designing emotional experiences; why, what, when, where and how do we design for emotion? With extensive real-world examples to help illustrate how emotion and personality are communicated through design, "Design for Emotion" isn't just another book on design theory - it's an imminently practical guide to applying and eliciting emotion in design. "Design for Emotion": explains the relationship between emotions and product personalities; details the most important dimensions of a product's personality; examines models for understanding users' relationships with products; explores how to intentionally design product personalities; provides extensive examples from the worlds of product, web and application design; and includes a simple and effective model for creating more emotional designs. The book also features interviews with Stephen P. Anderson, Aarron Walter, Marco van Hout, Patrick W. Jordan and Trish Miner, and case studies from Moni Wolf, Matt Pattison, Shayal Chhibber, Chris Fryer and Damian Smith. Harness the power of emotional design to enhance products, websites and applications while improving user experience and increasing customer satisfaction. "Design for Emotion" will help you communicate your client's message and brand values with the appropriate emotions and personality for their target audience.


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