《Getting Started with Google Guava》

《Getting Started with Google Guava》 《Getting Started with Google Guava》

  • 书名:《Getting Started with Google Guava》:Write better, more efficient Java, and have fun doing so!
  • 分类:编程
  • 作者:Bill Bejeck
  • 出版社:Packt Publishing
  • 出版年:2013-8-14
  • 售价:$22.49
  • 装订:Paperback
  • 页码:142

《Getting Started with Google Guava》 内容介绍:

Write more robust code that is easier to read and maintain Learn how to use Preconditions to prevent and find errors faster Shows how Guava Collections can make working with Java Collections a breeze

作者Bill Bejeck介绍:

Bill Bejeck is a senior software engineer with 10 years experience across a wide range of projects. Currently he is working on the storage and analysis of financial data using Hadoop. He has a B.A in Economics from the University of Maryland and an M.S in Information Systems from Johns Hopkins University. Bill also enjoys blogging at http://codingjunkie.net.

《Getting Started with Google Guava》 目录大纲:

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Basic Guava Utilities
Chapter 3: Functional Programming with Guava
Chapter 4: Working with Collections
Chapter 5: Concurrency
Chapter 6: Guava Cache
Chapter 7: The EventBus Class
Chapter 8: Working with Files
Chapter 9: Odds and Ends


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