《Practical CSS3》

《Practical CSS3》 《Practical CSS3》

  • 书名:《Practical CSS3》
  • 分类:编程
  • 作者:Mills, Chris
  • 出版年:2012-7
  • 售价:$ 50.84
  • 页码:336

《Practical CSS3》 内容介绍:

This book teaches how to use CSS3 to build cool, responsive user interface features that are feasible for use in real-world projects today. Readers will appreciate the author's approachable style and will catch on quickly with this easy-to-follow, practical guide. Well known and respected CSS3 expert Chris Mills devotes much of the book to creating fallbacks for older browsers, so that the content will still be accessible and usable. Each chapter begins with a quick reference sheet with all the syntax, fallbacks, backward compatibility, and browser support (including mobile). The author clearly explains what the CSS features do and why they are useful. Then he demonstrates a simple design that illustrates usage, followed by more complex variations. The chapter then covers appropriate fallbacks/shivs for older browser support and problems that currently exist for that feature. Topics include CSS3 typography, bling boxes, navigation buttons, animated effects using CSS3, using CSS3 to implement icons, CSS3 layout chops, adaptive layouts and responsive design, fluid layouts and percentages, and styling media. The book's companion website offers a PDF of each chapter's cheat sheet, as well as sample code used in the book, available for free download and updated regularly.


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