《Android NDK Beginner's Guide》

《Android NDK Beginner's Guide》 《Android NDK Beginner's Guide》

  • 书名:《Android NDK Beginner's Guide》
  • 分类:编程
  • 作者:Sylvain Ratabouil
  • 出版社:Packt Publishing
  • 出版年:2012-1-26
  • 售价:USD 49.99
  • 装订:Paperback
  • 页码:436

《Android NDK Beginner's Guide》 内容介绍:

Android NDK is all about injecting high performance into your apps. Exploit the maximum power of these mobile devices using high-performance and portable code. This book will show you how to create C/C++ enabled applications and integrate them with Java. You will learn how to access native API and port libraries used in some of the most successful Android applications. Using this practical step-by-step tutorial, highlighted with comments and tricks, discover how to run C/C++ code embedded in a Java application or in a standalone application. You will create a real native application starting from project creation through to full implementation of native API and the porting of existing third-party libraries. You will discover OpenGL ES and OpenSL ES, which are becoming the new standard in mobility. You will also understand how to access keyboard and input peripherals and how to read accelerometer or orientation sensors. Finally, you will dive into more advanced topics such as debugging and ARM assembler instructions. By the end of the book, you should know the key elements to enable you to start exploiting the power and portability of native code.

作者Sylvain Ratabouil介绍:

ylvain Ratabouil is a confirmed IT consultant experienced with Java and C++ technologies. He worked in his earlier years in the development of control centers for the space industry at Communication & Systèmes. He then got involved in Aeronautic industry projects at Valtech Technologies, where he now takes part in the digital revolution. Sylvain earned a Masters degree from the IUP ISI curriculum at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse and an MSC in Computer Science from Liverpool University. As a technology lover, he is passionate about mobile technologies and cannot live without his Android smart-phone.

《Android NDK Beginner's Guide》 目录大纲:

What you will learn from this book :
Jump in the starting block and create your first Android native project
Communicate with Java through Java Native Interfaces
Display 2D and 3D graphics with OpenGL ES
Play sound and music with OpenSL ES
Manage Android input and sensors
Debug applications and discover advanced ARM instructions
Port existing C/C++ code to Android
Combine graphics, sound, input, sensors and physics in your application


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