


尹 飞


出生于山东青岛,11岁跟随王建华教授开始学习打击乐至今。2003年以专业第一的成绩考入中央音乐学院附中,后又跟随中国第一位打击乐硕士乔佳老师继续系统学习民族与西洋打击乐。附中期间学习成绩优秀,连续五年获得专业优秀奖学金,并多次荣获等级奖学金。2009年以优异成绩保送进入中央音乐学院本科,跟随王建华教授继续学习深造至今。在中央音乐学院学习期间,曾受到李真贵、阎学敏、王以东、陈佐辉、田隆信、Gert Motenson、Robert Van Sice等国内外著名打击乐专家学者的悉心指导。除此之外,还跟随一些名师学习世界民族打击乐器的演奏与理论,如高兴(拉丁打击乐)、姜铁、伊利亚尔·阿友甫(阿拉伯打击乐)、Keshav Talegaonker(印度塔布拉鼓) 、Nyoman Windha(印尼巴厘岛加美兰)和Risnandar(印尼爪哇岛加美兰)等。2011年考入本院音乐学系(第二专业),跟随李昕教授研习世界民族音乐。2013年考入中央音乐学院研究生部,同年开始从事院内民族打击乐副修课的教学工作。





2014年“第九届全国青少年打击乐比赛” 民族打击乐独奏青年A组第一名,并获得大赛组委会颁发的“李民雄特别大奖”;






Yin Fei

Yin, a postgraduate of Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM), is the member of Chinese National Orchestra Society, member of Chinese Musicians Association National Percussion Society, executive member of the council of China Marimba Association, the winner of  “Li Min-xiong Special Award”, winner of National Scholarship and the National Scholarship for graduate students, the “Outstanding Graduates” of Beijing City, “Merit Student” of Central Conservatory of Music, chief of music department of Central Conservatory of Music National Orchestra, and member of the Jin Qing , De Yin and Yi Jing Chamber Orchestra.

Yin Fei was born in Qingdao, Shandong province and has been learning percussion from Professor Wang Jian-hua since he was eleven  years old. Yin was enrolled by the Central Conservatory of Music Accessorial Middle School with the first rank in professional grade in 2003. Afterwards, he continued to learn Chinese percussion and western percussion from Qiao Jia, the first master of percussion in China. At the Accessorial Middle School, he has been the winner for the professional scholarships for consecutive five years because of his excellent academic achievements and meanwhile being the winner for the Level Scholarship many times. In the year of 2009, Yin was recommended for the admission to Central Conservatory of Music based on his outstanding grades and performances and was successfully enrolled by CCOM where he continues his further study with Professor Wang Jian-hua.

During the time at Central Conservatory of Music, Yin has been taking classes from numerous famous percussion experts and scholars at different circumstances, within China and abroad, like Li Zhen-gui, Yan Xue-min, Wang Yi-dong, Chen Zuo-hui, Tian Long-xin, Gert Motenson and Robert Van Sice etc. Besides, he also learned the performing skills and theories of the world folk percussion with some famous teachers such as Gao-xing (Latin percussion), Jiang-tie, Ilial Ayofu (Arab percussion), Keshav Talegaonker(Indian Tabla ), Nyoman Windha(Indonesian Bali gamelan)and Risnandar(Indonesian Jawa gamelan). In 2011, he was accepted by the Department of Musicology of CCOM and started to study world folk music with Professor Li Xin. In 2013, he began his the postgraduate study in CCOM and at the same year, he started to teach the national percussion music as a minor subject.


Golden Award of the mixed group of the Third Annual of “Chinese Star” National Youth Instrumental Music Contest in 2013;

Golden Award of the solo young professional group and Golden Award of the ensemble young group of the First Drum Beijing Youth Drum Music Invitational Tournament 2007;

Golden Award of national percussion music youth group A of 2014 First International Chinese Percussion Competition, Silver Award of western percussion music youth group A, Silver Award of national percussion music youth ensemble group;

The First Prize of national percussion music solo youth group A of the 2014 the Ninth Annual National Youth Percussion Competition and the Li Min-xiong Special prize awarded by the competition committee;

Wen-hua Art Academy Award 2014– Golden Award, Silver Award and Excellent Performance Award of small chamber music group of the Fifth National Art Academy National Instrumental Music Competition.

During his university-hood, Yin has been excellent both professionally and socially and has been the winner for multiple scholarships and competitions; in 2013, he won the title of “Merit Student” of CCOM and the title of “Outstanding Graduates” of Beijing City; in 2015, he won the Wa-ha-ha chamber music scholarship; in 2016, he won the national scholarship for postgraduates.

Performance Experience:

Yin has visited more than ten countries ranging from Asia, Europe, Africa to North America. In 2012, he started to undertake the chief of music department of Central Conservatory of Music National orchestra and to take part in the major festivals at home and abroad for more than ten times. He has successfully cooperated with both domestically and internationally famous orchestras such as the Central National Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchestra, the German National Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Armed Police Art Ensemble, the Macau Chinese Orchestra, Shanghai Traditional Orchestra and Beijing national orchestra, etc. During his college life, Yin has been actively working as the percussion accompaniment with other national instrumental music where he excelled himself in many major competitions like the Golden Bell Awards, Wen-hua Awards, Golden Lu-sheng Awards etc. Yin also arranged a large amount of percussion accompaniment such as Zhudi music, Huxuan Dance, Ruan music Mountain Song, and the Gu Zheng music Fengqiao Yebo etc.

In recent years, Yin has participated hundreds of performances including solo, ensemble, and tutti and other various performances. Yin is an excellent and talented young performer who is active on the stage of Chinese modern percussion.

    关注 尹飞打击乐艺术空间


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