



都市传说 VS 科学事实


养猫爱猫人可能听说过FIV, 或是它更通俗的名字“猫艾滋”。FIV全称Feline Immunodeficiency Virus 猫免疫缺陷病毒, 感染该病毒会导致猫咪免疫系统受损, 从而降低它们抵抗其他病菌感染的能力。然而,除了“猫艾滋”这个耸人听闻而且不准确的名字引起的恐惧之外,我们对FIV的了解程度仍然停留在少量的事实夹杂着大量的道听途说。今天让我们来认识一下关于FIV的都市传说和科学事实。

FIV stands for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, a condition that weakens a cat’s immune system. Most of us have heard of FIV, however, myths about the disease abound and are easily mistaken for reality.

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Myth#1: Cats

with FIV don’t live long and require special care.

Truth: Many FIV+ cats live long, healthy lives. They can live their entire life without ever coming down with any symptoms of FIV. As long as they are not exposed to any other virus or bacteria that their weakened immune system can’t handle,they can live healthy, normal lives. For this reason, cats with FIV should be kept indoors, fed a balanced, nutritionally complete diet (no raw meats), and should see a vet twice per year.

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Myth #2: Cats who have the virus will eventually develop the disease and die from it.

Truth: Feline immunodeficiency virus infection does not lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in cats as often as human immunodeficiency virus leads to AIDS in people. 90% of cats who have the actual FIV virus will lead completely normal lives.

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科学事实:FIV病毒只在猫之间传播,不会传染人、狗、 蜥蜴、仓鼠或任何其他动物。

Myth#3: My dogs or children are at risk of contracting FIV.

Truth: FIV is a species-specific disease. It cannot be transmitted to humans or any other animal. Your dog, horse, iguana or gerbil cannot contract FIV.

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科学事实: 现代医学研究表明,FIV的传播需要非常密切的身体接触,最主要的途径是猫打斗时很深的咬伤, 所以生活在户外、未绝育的公猫是最容易感染的群体,而室内猫被感染的情况非常少见。 由于FIV病毒在猫咪体外最多只能存活几秒钟,而且很容易被洗涤剂或消毒液杀死,所以日常生活中的接触很难传播病毒。很多研究显示, 在一个FIV阳性猫和正常猫混居的多猫家庭里,只要猫咪之间关系稳定,不互相打斗,FIV病毒不会互相传染。

Myth#4: My other cats will get FIV from eating out of the same bowls or sleeping with a FIV+cat.


Modern medical research has shown that transmission requires serious physical interaction. Deep bite wounds seem to be the primary mode of the virus transmission. The virus can only live a few seconds outside the body, and can be easily killed by detergent or diluted bleach, so sharing food and water bowls is not an issue. Studies show that FIV+ cats living in a multi cat home do not appear to spread the disease as long as all the cats in the household have a stable social structure where housemates do not fight.

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Myth #5: The FIV test shows the existence of the FIV virus,and is 100% reliable

Truth: The test measures nothing but antibodies which are microscopic organisms that fight the virus. The error rate is more than 20%, and even higher in kittens. FIV Infected mothers rarely, if ever, pass the infection to their kittens, but the kittens may test positive at first because of the presence of the maternal antibodies. Thousands of kittens are killed because of the errors.

The bottom line is that a positive test for FIV is not a mandatory death sentence. If your cat has been diagnosed as FIV-positive, you'll want to work with your veterinarian in designing a management program. For cats with no other symptoms, and otherwise generally good health, this might simply be a matter of ensuring he gets a sound diet, possibly with added vitamins, anti-oxidants, and Omega 3/Omega 6 fatty acids, as well as prompt, aggressive treatment of infections andother conditions as they crop up. Even flea control is important, as fleas transmit a number of other parasites such as Bartonella. The largest threat to FIV-positive cats is secondary infections, such as bladder, skin, and upper respiratory infections. Kidney failure is also frequently seen in cats with FIV. These secondary infections should be treated promptly and aggressively in any cat, but especially with an FIV cat.

Currently there are several healthy cats with FIV living at PPAR shelter. They are just like any other cats; FIV does not stop them from purring,playing, cuddling and loving people. They deserve to be loved back. So please consider opening your heart and giving them a home.

惬意的午后,他们和其他猫咪一样享受阳光。在基地为数不多可以晒到阳光的房间里,特地为他们安排在这,他们需要的是更好的照顾,而不是默默被隔离在某个角落,然后遗忘 --- 他们反而是我们最关注的宝贝。

In a lazy afternoon, they are enjoying the sunshine just like other cats. There are not many rooms where can get sunshine all the time, these cats are settled in this room because they deserve more attention and love instead of being separated and forgotten. They are the ones we care the most.


Huabao is stretching her body. She is about 3 years old with three colors.


Here come two “gangsta” cats ——Qiuqiu and Big Bear


Qiuqiu was stuck in metro station when he was a kitten and he suffered a lot. He is a needy boy. When he lived in the foster, he loved to sleep together with people and the cats that stayed with him during that time didn’t get infected by his disease at all, which means there is very low possibility to get contact infection.


Big Bear is a three-year-old boy. He has got green-blue eyes and he is FAT. He is actually very strong and he doesn’t get beaten by the disease.


Little Tiger is a chubby orange tabby cat. He is the sweetest cat that the rescuer has ever seen. He used to walk the dog together with the rescuer and after he got neutered, he stayed in the yard of the rescuer, waiting for him to come back home from work everyday. When Little Tiger went to the vet’s to get stomatitis treatment, he was diagnosed as FIV+. The rescuer wanted to adopt him, but he has got too many cats at home and one of the cats is super aggressive, so Little Tiger could only stay outside of the room. He is regularly dewormed and he is recovering from the stomatitis.


Tiger, a little boy with big round eyes. He is more friendly than most of the cats because he can be petted by strangers and he doesn’t even mind being touched around his tail, which is a fairly sensitive area for cats.


Immunodeficiency doesn’t

lead to a tragedy of

their whole life, we will love them and take care of them as long as we can.


Stray animal shelter should be in scientific management to make sure the animals are healthy. The cats in PPAR are under regionalization management, which means that the FIV+ cats are separated from other cats to lower the possibilities of infection.




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