为什么做DJ该从小抓起 CTRL Student Wins Remix Competition



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Gerard是目前为止CTRL学院的最年轻的学生之一!也是最专注和有毅力的学生。他在上海惠灵顿国际学校学习了CTRL学院的Ableton1对1音乐制作课程之后他参加了Green United Remix比赛,并拿下了冠军头衔,还于Craft做了他的首次个人DJ表演。他从繁忙的巡演和不间断的学习生活中腾出了片刻,和他的上一任制作导师Q-kraft做了简短的采访。
Gerard is one of the youngest students we have had at CTRL Academy so far! Also one of the most dedicated and determined! After taking our Ableton Music production course at Wellington International College and some 1on1 sessions at our studio in Shanghai he won the Green United Remix Competition and last week played his first DJ set at Craft in Shanghai. Between his now hectic touring schedule, homework and constant bouts in rehab; he managed to find time to catch up with his OLD tutor Q-Kraft for a quick interview.
Click "Read More" at the bottom to listen to his first DJ set ever
采访者 Interviewer: Q-Kraft  
Q-Kraft: 你好 Gerard,恭喜你拿下Green United Music Remix比赛冠军,可以和我们讲一下你的参赛作品吗?
Hey Gerard, congrats on winning the Green United Music Remix competition, now tell us a bit about your remix?
Gerard: 参赛者有 3首歌曲选项;Adele - Hello,Mako - Smoke Filled Room,以及我选择的Tiesto - Chemicals。我优先选择了这一首是因为没有人去选择它!在风格上我决定做EDM。我用修剪的人声做了简单的开端,然后我把原曲保留到第一个Drop前,才修改了旋律并使它更像EDM风格,接下来是很长的带有人声的过度桥段,当然这里面我还加了特效!之后进入第二个Drop以及结尾。
Well the competitors actually had 3 different tracks that you could choose: Adele Hello, mako smoke filled room, and finally and the one I did was chemicals by Tiesto. I think I got a lot of priority by choosing chemicals mainly because no one did it! In terms of genre I decided on EDM. 

I added a simple intro with a vocal chop and then I left the same track until the first drop which I then changed the melody and make it more of an EDM track, and then made a big brake down putting the vocals back giving it a nice touch to it, of course I added FX as well! And then had a second drop and finally the outro.
Q-Kraft: 很棒,那你使用了什么制作软件和插件?
Nice, so what software and plugins did you use to make it?  
Gerard:  Ableton Live 9软件,最主要的插件是Massive。
I used Ableton Live 9 and mainly used massive.
Q-Kraft: 听说你最近还购买了一台鼓机?可以跟我们讲讲这台设备吗
You also bought a hardware drum machine recently? Tell us about that
Gerard: 对,其实我早在去年12月就买了这台Roland 最新款TR8了,它应该是目前市面上最好的鼓机之一。它复刻了经典的707和 808鼓机,所以自带了音源以及像延迟、混响、Gate、Flanger等等特效。我觉得Roland TR8与Ableton软件非常的匹配,许多软件用户应该会喜欢它!在现场演出时它也有非常不错的表现,许多名人如;KINK,Ean Golden也在演出时使用它。
Yeah actually I got it in December and it’s the Roland tr8 the latest drum machine and probably one of the best ones in the market so far. It’s a remake of the 707 and the 808 so it has a lot of built in sounds and effects such as decay reverb. And you also have a built in FX section that has gate, flanger etc etc. I think the Roland tr8 is a really nice piece of machinery that goes really well on Ableton and Ableton users would really enjoy playing with!! It is also really good for live shows many famous DJs such as KINK, Ean Golden use it in their live performances.
Awesome, so maybe you can start incorporating it to your Dj sets!
Q-Kraft: 说到这,听说你在上海的Craft做了第一次DJ演出,感觉怎么样?有没有播放自己的歌曲?
So speaking of which, you recently played your DJ first set at Craft in Shanghai; how did that feel? And did you manage to play your own tracks?
Gerard: 能在一个专业的俱乐部的向人们展示技能的感觉太美妙了,我试着以Deep House为主要内容,和比较多的类似Robin Shulz风格,拥有大量人声与吉他,以及琶音的歌曲。事实上我只播放了1首自己的歌曲,认为会和现场的氛围搭配融洽,而且反响不错。我觉得那一段绝对是当晚最让我满意的时刻。
I felt really good to finally show people what I could do in a proper Club, I tried to play mainly deep house and more of a Robin Shulz kind of style with loads of vocals and guitars, arps. I actually just played 1 of my old tracks that I thought would suit best for the enviroment and the crowd reacted,The crowd reacted really nice and it kept dancing, and I think that is one of the most satisfying moments of the night.
Q-Kraft: 有没有想过把音乐事业定为目标行业?将来想有什么计划?
So at 13 you definitely have age on your side! Are you aiming to make a career in the music industry…? What would you like to do?
Well I actually turned 14 now and my dream is to play in front of thousands of people headlining all big festival main stages. I am super dedicated and fortunate to have the supplies for producing music. I think everybody can make a career out of music but the key is to be dedicated and have a lot of passion, so I hope if I follow those steps one day I will be headlining big shows! Hopefully hahaha
 Q-Kraft: 作为一个年轻的制作人,你已经露出了足够的天赋和热情,我们对你有信心。
Well you've already shown a lot of talent and enthusiasm from such a young man. So we have a lot of faith in you!
Gerard: 非常感谢!
Hahaha thank you very much!
Q-Kraft: 谈一谈你最崇敬的制作人/DJ吧
Which Producer/DJ would you say you respect the most and why?
Gerard: 我非常喜欢 Martin Garrix,他凭借Animals在16岁时就大获成功!在DJ和制作时他影响了许多。希望有一天可以见到他,并且像他一样成功。
I feel so much respect for Martin Garrix because he succeeded at such a young age (16) when he first dropped animals! I think that he influenced me the most in terms of DJing and producing. I really like him and hopefully I will meet him one day!
Hopefully I will be like him in the future.

Jesus! Did we not teach you anything at CTRL?? Hahaha only joking!
Q-Kraft: 和我们说一下,你在CTRL Sound Academy学到了些什么吧
So what did you learn from CTRL Sound Academy?
Gerard: CTRL音乐学院教会了如何制作音乐。从入学时的一无所知,到熟练掌握EQ,制作旋律、和声,声音设计、低音制作等等,CTRL带给了我很多。我喜欢Ctrl的所有,包括工作室,老师们以及授课方式,他们可以满足你为制作歌曲歌曲而提出的任何要求。
Well actually CTRL Sound Academy raised me in terms of producing I joined the academy with knowing barely nothing and then they thought me everything that comes in the software such as EQing, making melodies, chords, sound designing, making bass lines and many other tiny things that help you make a good track, I love everything about the academy the studio its self, the teachers and the teaching; they have all the supplies that you need to make a nice track.
Q-Kraft:非常感谢你的赞美,Gerard!CTRL Sound Academy为你感到骄傲!
 Thanks a lot for your time and your compliments and very well done mate! We’re all very proud of you at CTRL Sound Academy.

Who Are Our Tutors?

And More
CTRL DJ音乐教室同时提供中英课程,课程主要内容是DJ技巧、搓碟、电子音乐制作、录音技术。所有的课程都由上海顶尖的本地和外籍专业DJ教授。他们是CONRANK, MISLOOP, DJ Q-KRAFT,ZEAN, DAMACHA,  DEXTER,DJ CAUTION,你有机会和他们近距离学习如何制作最先进的音乐,和他们探讨制作经验。这些本地最优秀的DJ和制作人会给你们传授他们最独到的音乐制作技巧和经验。了解有关课程的更多信息,请点击我们的网站,或者打电话发邮件给我们。

We provide Chinese and English courses to learn DJing, scratching, electronic music production and recording techniques led by the top music professionals in Shanghai such as CONRANK, MISLOOP, DJ Q-KRAFT,ZEAN, DAMACHA,  DEXTER,DJ CAUTION. Check out our website:http://www.ctrlsoundacademy.com/ for more information on our courses.
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