Shelly原创高分答案-5月口语新题Good Personality




Good Personality-好品质

Describe a good part of your personality or character.

You should say:

What it is;

What this part of your personality orcharacter is like;

How it affects your life or work;

And explain why you think it is good.

仔细想想你以前是不是在趴1和趴2都准备过一个话题叫“help others”? 对嘛~雅思口语的话题都是考过来考过去,你们现在所谓的新题其实都是很久以前的旧题啦~有些是换汤不换药,还有一部分是给旧题穿了件马甲又拿出来考,其实素材完全都是相通滴~乐于助人当然算一个好品质啦!

Honestly speaking(副词绝对是拿分词汇哦), I am a person who is always ready to help others(乐于助人). Today I wanna share with you the most unforgetable experience of helping a foreinger last year.

开头一定要足够吸引考官注意力!千万不要Speaking of xxx, I would like to talk about xxx…很明显的模板痕迹!小学语文老师教导我们,写作文要龙头猪肚凤尾,意思就是开头和结尾一定要有亮点!

Last summer vacation, I traveled to Hainan. I bumped into(偶遇) a foreinger from New York at the train station unexpectedly. At that time, he was trying to utilize(use的高逼格版) the TVM,you know, the ticket vending machine.(自动售票机) However the language of the operating system(操作系统) was Chinese which was beyond his understanding.(不懂,相当于he couldn’t understand) He looked like a cat on hot bricks(热砖上的猫咪,相当于天朝的热锅上的蚂蚁) coz he thought there was no one around could speak English. Then I stepped forward(走上前去) to do him a favor(help的高逼格版) in no time(immediately的高逼格版). I purchased(buy的高逼格版) two tickets for him according to the time, date and destination he told me. He was so grateful(感激) to me that he treated(请客) me to a cup of coffee in order to return my favor(报答我的恩情). We exchanged contact information(交换联系方式) and have kept in contact with each other till now.


Believe it or not, that was the first time I communicated with a foreigner, which gave me a great sense of satisfaction and achievement.(满足感和成就感)As a saying goes,(俗话说得好)roses given away, fragrance stay.(赠人玫瑰手有余香,偶尔用谚语会极大地提升你的逼格) This personality helps me to get along well with people around me and leave a good impression on others. I suppose it’s a symbol of good cultivation,(高素质的象征) so if I had enough money and proper opportunity, I would definitely set up a charity(成立慈善机构) to help more people who need my favor.(help的高逼格版)

结尾一定要漂亮!一定要煽情!一定要够炫!Shelly最喜欢的结尾就是用虚拟语气啦~If+过去式,I would+动词原形,炒鸡好用!孩子们赶紧用起来吧!

看完你会发现,其实这篇还可以直接拿来说另外一个题卡(the first time you used English to communicate)是不是很机智?这才只是Shelly独门绝技的冰山一角哦~










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