Down the Mississippi River 沿密西西比顺流而下



标签: 美国地理 游记

Down the Mississippi River

Last summer, my family took a river trip down the Mississippi. The river starts out as a small creek that flows from a lake in Minnesota. We began our trip at St.Paul, the capital of Minnesota. There the river is wide enough for bigger boats. After we left St. Paul, we saw some cormorants. These are birds that eat fish and swim. While Mom watched them dive for fish, Dad saw an eagle.

Farther south, we saw a sign on the riverbank where Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin meet. As we went on, we saw islands and sandbars. The river has lots of twists and turns.It widened as we went farther south. This is because more rivers merge with it. Also, it collects water that runs off the land. One day, we saw a tugboat pushing 15 barges. Barges are flat ships that carry goods. Later on we saw tugs with 50 barges. Once, when we were south of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, we saw ocean ships on the river. As we got close to New Orleans, I saw two alligators.

Our trip ended in New Orleans, but the Mississippi River runs on to the Gulf of Mexico. The riveris more than 3,200 kilometers (2,000 miles) long. It flows along the borders of 10 states!








密西西比河(Mississippi River)是美国最大的河流,是世界第四长河。

若以发源于落基山脉东部的最大支流密苏里河的源头起算,长6020千米,名列世界第四。流域北起五大湖附近的艾塔斯卡湖,南达墨西哥湾,东接阿巴拉契亚山脉,西至落基山脉,流域面积322万Km²,约占北美洲面积的1/8。汇集了共约250 多条支流,水量丰富。



* 父河(The Father of Waters)

* 汇集的水(The Gathering of Waters)

* 大河(Big River)

* 老人河(Old Man River)

* 伟大之河(The Great River)

* 国家之体(Body of a Nation)

* 强大的密西西比(The Mighty Mississippi)

* 泥泞之河(The Muddy Mississippi)

* 老蓝(Old Blue)

* 月河(Moon River)


马克·吐温的许多作品的背景都是密西西比河,比如《密西西比河上的生活(Life on the Mississippi)》、《汤姆·索亚历险记》、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》。

    关注 耶鲁美爸


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