


在托福写作中有时句式单调单一,语言质量不高是让考生颇感苦恼的问题。要解决这样的问题,勤于练习也并非能解决所有的问题。这其中国际性杂志的The Economist(《经济学人》),可以给正在备考的你带来一丝新意。


FOR too long Europe has closed its eyes to Syria’s foul and bloody civil war, and tried to keep the suffering multitudes out. Suddenly the continent’s gates have been pushed open by two political forces. One is moral conscience, belatedly wakened by the image of a drowned Syrian child on a Turkish beach. The other is the political courage of Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, who told her people to set aside their fear of immigrants and show compassion to the needy.


从以上阅读中,我们可以提炼出值得参考借鉴的句式1sb’s conscience/consciousness on...isbelatedly/gradually/considerably/largely wakened by the image of…


A. Social conscience on the disadvantaged is belatedly wakened by the image of millions of people who still live in grinding poverty and fail to fill their belly.

B. Consciousness on environmental protection is largely wakened by the image of citizenstormented by extended bouts of choking, acid smog.


Yet the impulse to see migrants as chiefly a burden is profoundly mistaken. The answer to these familiar fears is not to put up more barriers, but to manage the pressures and the risks to ensure that migration improves the lives of both immigrants and their hosts. The starting point is a sense of perspective.


从以上阅读中,我们可以提炼出值得参考借鉴的句式2Yet the impulse to see...as chiefly a burden is profoundly mistaken.

例句:Yet the impulse to see sharing house chores, like cooking and cleaning, as chiefly a burden is profoundly mistaken with regard to some children over protectively nurtured.



In addition, the history of migration is a catalogue of overblown fears, with countless examples of exiles forming vibrant communities that enrich their host countries: the Jews, the Armenians, the Vietnamese boat-people and the UgandanAsians, to name but a few. Germany’s Willkommenskultur is right morally, economically and politically. It sets an example to the world.(Willkommenskultur:德语,“欢迎文化“,指社会、企业或教育机构等对外来移民的开放与包容。)



a catalogue of overblown fears:一系列过分夸大的恐惧,或者也可理解为:过分担忧(a catalogue of,这里可理解为:a series of…)

从以上阅读中,我们可以提炼出值得参考借鉴的句式3Those fears on/about…are virtually/largely overblown.(意思是言过其词,过分担忧,夸大了的担忧)


Those fears on losing old social connections once allocating to new communities are profoundly overblown, with further analysis on the modern multifarious communication tools readily available.



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