思慧 何德伦老师分享(5)觉知的益处



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前言:这分享来自于一位马来西亚的禅修者——何德伦先生,   他拥有30多年教授禅修的经验,并在德加尼亚禅师指导下修习四念处。何德伦老师分享在四念处修习当中的一些要点,无论对于初学者还是有多年禅修经验的人都有很大的助益。随喜他法布施的功德。善哉!   善哉!  善哉!

引用: 以下的文字来自何德伦先生微信讨论群,得到了何德伦先生的首肯后发布。转载请注明作者(何德伦先生)



同样的,会想去觉知是因为你关心你的心——什么正在发生和为什么会发生。你尽可能不去干涉地学习心的一切。另一方面, 心所做的事情对你和他人可能是有害的。这也警惕觉知-- 保证它不会走向极端。


Benefit of Awareness

When you keep watch over a situation, youdo it either to keep track what is going on, or to make sure that nothing goes wrong with it. Sometimes both comes in together as the purpose. Like for instant, caring a child. You give the child persistent attention over your routine work as you care what the child does and also to make sure that nothing goes wrong with him or her.

Similarly awareness comes into the equation because you care for your mind - what is happening and why it is happening. You learn as much as you can about the mind without interfering in it. On another hand what the mind does can be detrimental to you and others. That too becomes awareness vigilant - making sure it doesn't goes overboard.

As awareness diligently observes the mind,awareness too keep watch on gross defilements that may play up. But more importantly awareness gives rise to the potential of insight and understanding to what the mind is about, when right view is in place.


何德伦导师已经教授禅修30余年,吸收了许多先贤智慧的教导与他自己多年的正念经验之旅。他通过课程、工作坊、周末静修的方式为禅修者提供了一种当代的禅修方式。他的独特风格教学和分享啟发反思和讨论。通过以正念+智慧为工具,他擅长引导禅修者深入通过修习正念+智慧, 理解自心的运作,从而带来自由和快乐。

何德伦导师也是Clove&Clive的合办人,何德伦导师于2002年第一次与德加尼亚禅师会面,以后几乎每年都会前往缅甸雪吴敏中心禅修。在此之前,他是在马哈西尊者的传统下修习。他曾协助卡巴金博士编写两本书《Letting Everything Become Your Teacher》和《Arriving at your own door》。他编写了《爱的智慧》及一些供给团体结缘的书,定期更新博客“超越世间”http://illusiontoreality.com/。长按下面二维码直接订阅此公众号

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