10种消除你生命中负能量的方式 10 Ways To Remove Negative Energy From Your Life




The further you dive into your journey in personal development and spirituality, the more you’ll begin to notice the importance of protecting yourself from negative energy. As you become spiritually awakened and in-tune, your sensitivity to energy is bound to shift as well.


As an empath, I have always felt the energy around me very strongly. I am sensitive to people and environments with strong or over-powering energies and can become completely depleted if I allow my own energy to be sucked out or transformed by the negative energy around me. (Ever heard of energy vampires before? They do exist.)


Here are a few examples: You may walk into a meeting, a bar, or even a new city you’re visiting and get an overwhelmingly bad feeling or even just the feeling that something is off, not right. That’s negative energy. Or you watch a really violent film or are standing in line behind someone who will not stop complaining. How do you feel? Generally, you feel a little gross, bothered, annoyed, and pretty darn negative.


Then, of course, there are the things bringing negative energy into our life that we don’t even think about. I address some of those below and give you ways to eliminate that bad energy. Depending on where the bad energy is coming from in your life, some big changes might have to be made. Others are quick tips and tricks to protect your energy and keep the bad stuff away. Here we go:


Cut ties in relationships


This deserves its very own blog post because it’s such an important part of moving through life positively in alignment with your truth. Do not become a victim of your surroundings. This includes the people you surround yourself with. Assess the types of people in your social circles, your work environment, and even your family. Are there people who constantly berate you? Doubt your dreams? Carry drama with them everywhere they go? You get the point.


Change the people you are around. If someone stops being a positive influence in your life, consider saying goodbye. If there is just no way you can completely cut ties with this person, cut back on the amount of time you’re around them. Set boundaries. Be aware of the energy around the people you spend time with and adjust accordingly.

更换你周围的人。如果有人不再对你的生活有积极的影响,考虑说再见。如果你不能完全切断与这个人的关系, 削减你和他们相处的时间。设定界限。觉察与你共度时光的周围人的能量,并进行相应的调整。

Additionally, find people and communities who vibrate at the same frequency as you do. Surround yourself with other people who walk in the light, people who lift you, see you, inspire you. 


Stop watching the news



The media centers around fear, violence, gossip, scandal, drugs, etc. The other day, I was at the dentist and they now have TV’s above every chair. I was asked if I wanted to watch TV so I said, “Sure,” hoping HGTV would be on. Instead, it was CNN. Within seconds, I got extremely uncomfortable and told her, “Never mind. You can turn it off.” For two years, I’ve chosen to not have cable and this reminded me why. There are many other ways to keep up with what’s going on in the world. I strongly encourage you to set some boundaries with how media infiltrates your life.

媒体以恐惧、暴力、绯闻、丑闻、毒品等为中心。有一天,我在牙科诊所,现在每一把椅子的上方都有电视。有人问我想不想看电视,我说,“当然,”希望有HGTV。取而代之,是CNN。几秒钟后,我感到非常不舒服,并告诉她,“没关系,你可以把它关掉。“两年了,这提醒了我为什么选择不需要电缆。 有很多其他方式来跟上世界上正在发生的事情。我强烈地支持你,对媒体如何渗入你的生活设置一些界限。

Separate yourself from gossip


Office gossip, trashy magazines while waiting in line at the grocery store, even social media ‘stalking.’ Cut that shit out right now. And when your friend starts ragging on someone else, put your hand up and stop that shit before it starts too. If you allow yourself to become a part of the conversation, you’re taking part in the gossip too. Shut it down. And, if you’re around someone who tends to gossip more than anything, see above.Remember, you have control over what you allow into your life.


Use sage to cleanse


If you’re feeling down, stuck, or negative, smudging is a great way to clear your space and home from negative energy. Buy a bundle of white sage from your local New Age/Metaphysical store, on Etsy, or even Amazon carries sage. Hold the bundle over a fireproof container. Many people like to use an abalone shell, similar to this one to hold the sage and prevent any ashes from falling. Open a window. Once you gently light the end of the sage on fire, blow it out, and the smoke will start to billow. Using either your hand or a feather, walk clockwise throughout your house, dispersing the smoke and cleansing the air and energy.


As you’re doing this, repeat a blessing or intention such as:


“Smoke of Air
And Fire of Earth,
Cleanse and bless this home and hearth.
Drive away all harm and fear;
Only good may enter here.”


Gemstones + crystals


I am always wearing at least one gemstone/crystal. Whether it’s in the form of jewelry or I simply have a stone in one of my pockets, I keep my stones near to me to bless and protect me. When I am going to be in large crowds or working with others, I keep at least one or two grounding stones with me. Here are a few of my favorites:

Black Obsidian – Extremely powerful so use with caution. I currently have Snowflake Obsidian in my pocket.

Tigers Eye



黑曜石– 非常强大所以慎用。我的口袋里现在有一块雪花黑曜石。



Visualize white light


I know this one might seem especially “woo woo” for some of you but just hear me out. When you don’t have crystals, don’t have sage, and don’t have much control over your environment, you can try a white light visualization.


  • Close your eyes and visualize a radiant white light surrounding you in a protective cocoon. You may feel its warmth. You may suddenly feel very safe. You may feel an overwhelming sense of love. This white light is a cleansing bath for your own spirit, and washes away any negative energy.
  • 闭上你的眼睛,观想在一个保护茧中,有一束光芒四射的白光围绕着你。你感到它的温暖。你可能会突然觉得很安全。你可能会感到一种强烈的爱。这白光是你灵性上的洗涤,能洗去任何负能量。

Ask Archangel Michael to protect you


The first thing you need to know is that Archangel Michael is the man. You can call upon him to clear any lower negative energies from in and around you.


Close your eyes and ask Archangel Michael to cut all the cords that have been draining your energy and have not been serving your Highest Good. Then, ask him to fill you with white light and protect you from any negative energy. Thank him for his healing.


Use an affirmation


Sometimes, it’s really just as simple as repeating a phrase over and over to shift the energy in your environment by focusing your own energy on the Highest Good.


“I release all negative energy.”“我释放所有的负面能量。”



I’ve become quite the minimalist these days, compared to how I used to be and one thing I highly recommend to my clients who are moving or people who feel a lot of static energy lingering around, is to go on a de-cluttering spree! Go through all of your stuff and get rid of everything that you don’t absolutely need.


Hanging on to mementos and photos from former relationships or postcards and letters that we “might want to read again one day” are not only collecting dust and taking up space,but they are also stagnant (and often negative) energy that we no longer need in our life.


So, go through your house with a trash bag and ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” And then place it into the bag to donate, and say, “I am free. I am light. I am cleared.”

Move :)


I always think about that quote, “If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree.” Some of us live in cities that are magnets for bad energy. Towns that stifle our passionate flame or just do not energetically align. If that seems to be the case, I encourage you to go explore other cities and parts of the world to see what feels best.


For example, San Diego has always been a magnet for my soul. While it’s not entirely perfect and not a city for everyone, it’s a vibrational match for me. Explore different areas to find where your vibrational match is. It might be as close as the park down the street you’ve yet to explore or the new coffee shop that just opened up!Allow yourself to move around and shift the physical environment you are in.


Above all, keep your own vibes high, positive, and your connection with the Universe strong.


And remember:


Amazing things happen when you distance yourself from negativity.


What is your go-to way to get rid of negative energy? Or, which of the above do you think you’ll try the next time negative energy overtakes your life? Let me know in the comments! If you think this article would help someone you know, please use the social media icons below to share.





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