尊享极致云端SPA,尽在康莱德 Enjoy Conrad Xiamen SPA in the clouds


康莱德水疗开幕礼遇 | 雕琢时光,于都市之上开启焕活旅程

Floating on the clouds, indulge in Conrad Xiamen sky-high spa...

Pamper your senses at the soothing Conrad Spa, where indulgent treatments use only the purest of natural products to calm and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit – all while you enjoy views of the brilliant sea below.


Situated in the 37th floor of the hotel, the incomparable sea view takes you merely a first look to conciliate your unrest minds and exhausted souls.


Attentive and considerate are the services, professional and skilled are the massage techniques, modern and cosy is the ambiance, it is suffice to say that all of the elements make it a wonderful sensuous journey. You shall relax and shower in the exclusive therapy room before the treatment starts. In a gradual process you’ll enter a world without all the hustle and bustle, where the relaxation and joy are the only remainders.


The products of Conrad Spa are the United Kingdom’s Royal brand Aromatherapy Associates and Madonna’s favorite long-live brand Intraceutical. While The former is deeply infatuated by the royals and British celebrities, Princess Diana, the Duchess of Cambridge and David Beckham are not the exceptions, the latter represents Australia’s topnotch anti-aging technology and cosmetology, both presenting a world-class royal vibe. The incomparable ambiance and quality-guaranteed product collections, making the journey an option that you can’t miss out.

康莱德水疗的产品是英国皇室御用经典品牌Aromatherapy Associates雅容玛香熏之家与麦当娜最爱的不老神话品牌Intraceutical。两款殿堂级别的产品,一个是三十年来深受皇室及英伦名人的喜爱,戴安娜王妃、凯特王妃、大卫贝克汉姆都深深沉醉于它的魅力;一个是澳大利亚最顶尖的抗衰老美容新科技。无与伦比的空间加之如此品质的护理产品甑选,谁又能拒绝这次旅行呢!

CONRAD SPA in clouds 云端理疗
The inaugural privileged benefits will open to public de dato (from now on)
即日起至1月25日  臻享开幕礼遇
Exclusive Aromatherapy 60min / RMB 580
极致香熏体验 60分钟 / RMB580
The essential oil products used during the treatment are elaborately selected from the United Kingdom’s Royal brand Aromatherapy Associates, which are extracted from herbs and plants in natural process. While laying emphases on the moisturization, the essential oil also serves as a highlight as the aroma push the experience to accomplish the goal of reaching the inner peace and mental tranquility.

选用英国芳疗协会Aromatherapy Associates的香薰精油,所有精油均以天然植物及鲜萃取制成,在强调保湿效果的同时,通过独特的精油芳香达到舒缓宁静的体验。

Therapist will dedicate his effort to satisfy both your psychiatrical and mental needs, for the purpose of design a tailor-made individual catering. You are encouraged to take the aroma test to select your favorite essential oil. With this privilege you are blessed with the natural-forming scent and the whole-body catering curative effect.


Ardent romantic couple therapy / RMB1388
纵容宠爱双人套餐 / RMB1388

Starting with the refreshing rose petal bath for 30 minutes, elaborately-made healthy drink and snacks will be served to give you a little break in between so that you can better enjoy the therapy as a whole.


The recipients will immerse themselves in the traditional massage techniques. 60-minute Tailor-made deep skin catering for men and elaborate exclusive facial aromatic catering for women with essential oil, both parties will definitely set themselves apart from the world chaos that they encounter in their lives and the pressure from high-tempo life will be relieved.


Energy restoring therapy /RMB 1088
恢复能量之旅 / RMB1088
(From Jan 1st to 31st)

The most season-fitting energy hot rock therapy just enough to cope with the typical severe humid coldness in southern China, especially here in coastal city Xiamen. Apart from deep exfoliation, the combo of essential oil and hot rock are the best and most thorough galvanizers for massage and relaxation. In order to save the white-collars from sedentary work pattern and related illnesses. The head massage in the end will relieve your pressure from sensitive nerves brought from work, at the same time your heart, mind and soul will be catered and put in the position of deep relaxation.


For more information please call Conrad Spa at 0592-2586666

详询热线:0592 2586666 转 康莱德水疗

Address:37th Floor in Hotel Conrad, No.186 Yanwu West Road, Siming District, Xiamen

地址: 厦门市思明区演武西路186号,康莱德酒店37层。

Life is too beautiful to stay alone.

Travel on with La Luna.


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