青苗MYP个人项目展 与创意与思考同行,迈向明日的成功 BIBS Personal Project Exhibition


个人设计项目(Personal Project)是青苗国际文凭MYP中学教育项目的终极任务,它既是对学校MYP教学成果的综合评估,也是给MYP学生一个机会,让他们展示通过MYP学习所积累的跨学科地运用知识、技能来进行自主探究及个人创造的能力...

一套点缀着星空的手绘华裙,一个通往世界的自编旅游网站,一条抚慰心灵的学生音乐视频,一个引人入胜的基督山伯爵复仇记式的短篇故事…..., 在上周绚烂揭幕的青苗2017年MYP项目成果展上,青苗十年级的同学们与青苗教育集团创始人施华女士以及众多青苗以及来自鼎石等其他国际学校的教师,学子以及亲朋好友们分享他们经历了内心无数次头脑风暴与改进,最终化茧成蝶的创意与思考之作。

个人设计项目(Personal Project)是青苗国际文凭MYP中学教育项目的终极任务,它既是对学校MYP教学成果的综合评估,也是给MYP学生一个机会,让他们展示通过MYP学习所积累的跨学科地运用知识、技能来进行自主探究及个人创造的能力。
青苗十年级的孩子们结合自身的专长与兴趣,运用所擅长的知识和能力,结合国际文凭中学项目的要求,在老师的辅导下, 尽情展开天马行空的想象去选定适合自己的目标,然后脚踏实地用汗水与行动去打磨作品,诠释梦想。
通过个人设计项目的磨练,孩子们感受到设计是一场创意与思考的头脑风暴, 从此岸到彼岸,在梦想与现实之间自由穿行。孩子们也体会到设计也是一段修行,纵使道路曲折,只要不忘初心,努力前行,必能到达理想的彼岸。



"我要热烈祝贺青苗十年级的学生近日成功举办MYP个人设计项目成果展。学生们向我们介绍自己的学习成果时所展示出的自主与自信令人印象深刻。不少同学的设计在我看来若稍加完善就可以来一场说开始就开始的创业了,相当棒!学生们的成果也凝聚了所有指导老师的心血,我也向他们致以敬意与谢意。”-青苗国际教育集团首席执行官Rob Stewart
“今年的个人设计展学生们的选题维度广泛,最终的成果作品也是形式多元,富有个性,精彩夺目。 我在这里祝贺所有的十年级学生成功地应对挑战,顺利完成任务, 同时也要深深感谢所有指导老师为学生们在学习和探索世界的过程中提供方向与指引。”- 青苗国际教育集团MYP个人设计项目协调Nicolette Lau
“青苗顺义校区MYP十年级的个人设计展是每年学生展示其学习成果的重要活动。 它既集中反映了孩子们在MYP阶段掌握的学习能力和技能,也可以显示出他们适应下一阶段大学预科乃至未来大学学习的潜能。这次个人项目活动的成功要很大程度上归功于我们个人项目协调员Nicolette Lau老师的努力,她兢兢业业地为指导老师和学生们提供了专业的引导与支持。 我们也要感谢整个十年级教师组和学校艺术教师团队对个人设计项目和成果展的大力支持。 我们青苗教育集团创始人施华女士也专程拨冗参加此次活动,兴致盎然地与所有学生互动,分享孩子们的收获。今年孩子们的成果展内容尤其丰富,可谓精彩纷呈,是一次青苗教育维度和深度的最佳展示。”- 青苗国际教育集团MYP项目协调员Terry Linton

At Beanstalk, the IB Middle Years Program (IB MYP) Personal Project Exhibition is a great opportunity for all Grade 10 students to present, inform and showcase project based learning.  Some projects this year included making an original music video, writing a short story, building a tourism website, making an animation and designing and creating an evening gown.
The exhibition held at BIBS Shunyi Campus on February 23rd, 2017 was certainly a true and colorful reflection of students’ creativity, passion, enthusiasm and achievement.  Our G10 students undoubtedly excelled and were confident an keen to share their accomplishments with students and teachers from both BIBS and fellow international schools like Keystone Academy Beijing as well as their friends and families.
The goal of the Personal Project is for each IB MYP student to develop a focus of personal interests that reflects the knowledge and skills he/she gained through participation in the five years during the IB MYP.  Being a required component of the IB MYP around the world, it is a challenging yet rewarding experience for all Year 10 students.  It provides an excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly personal and creative work of their choice and to demonstrate the skills they have developed through approaches to learning.
We congratulate all our G10 students on a mighty achievement reached with determination, self-motivation and tenacity.  We are excited about our students’ mastery of all the great skills that will take them successfully forward into Year 11 and get them fully prepared for the challenges ahead during the Diploma Programme (DP) stage.  Way to go, G10s!
’‘Congratulations to the students of Personal Projects presentations. The displays where thoughtful, engaging and very clear. More importantly I was extremely impressed with the confidence in the students when giving their presentations and clearly had ownership of their projects. There were many that I felt with further ACTION these projects could propel the students into an amazing entrepreneurship opportunity. The students have obviously had significant support from their teachers who I thank sincerely for their efforts."- Rob Stewart, BIBS CEO

“The personal project is the most important event we have for middle school students at BIBS Shunyi Campus. It shows the development of our students as independent learners and gives us a glimpse into their future lives. This year’s projects were the best we have ever done as a school and it is largely due to the efforts of our Personal Project coordinator Nicolette Lau. She has provided the necessary professional development to our teachers and has given our students the opportunity to succeed. The grade 10 team and arts team did a great job supporting the projects. It was great to see everyone so engaged with the students including our founder Kathy Shi. A big thanks to our marketing team for supporting our events.”  - Terry Linton, BIBS MYP Coordinator
“The Personal Project Exhibition was a great success with a diverse number of presentations, ranging from science to art, and this was demonstrated through the very impressive creative work on display. Congratulations to all Grade 10s and also to the supervisors who supported them through the learning process.” - Nicolette Lau,BIBS Personal Project Coordinator

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