


Indonesia :: Komodo

The islands of Komodo and Rinca are the largest of about 90 islands that lie in between the larger islands of Sumbawa to the west and Flores in the east along the Nusa Tenggara. Together with a extensive area of the surrounding ocean they form the Komodo National Park which was established in 1980 and declared a World Heritage Site in 1986. The park is most famous for its enormous lizards, the Komodo dragon, however its underwater attractions should not be overlooked and are rated as some of the best dive sites in the world.

在Nusa Tenggare区域中的Sumbawa和Flores两座大岛之间星罗棋布了90多座岛屿,Komodo和Rinca是其中最大的两座。她们连同周围的海域于1980年成为Komodo国家公园,并于1986年被列入世界遗产名录。这座国家公园一种生活在这里的巨型蜥蜴闻名于世,它就是科莫多龙。况且这里的水下景致也不容被忽略,这里拥有世界上最棒的潜点。

The diversity of dive options around Komodo is astounding, from calm and colourful shallow reefs teeming with hundreds of reef fishes and crammed with invertebrates, to current-swept deep water sea mounts, walls and pinnacles patrolled by sharks, tuna and other big fish. The multiple islands and relatively shallow seas between Flores and Komodo's west coast result in extremely fast currents at tidal changes. There are deep seas both north and south and upwellings bring nutrients and plankton to keep the seas rich and well-fed.


The water in the south of Komodo is usually much colder (21° to 26°C) than in the north. There is also a noticeable change in marine life. The north has more unpredictable currents due to the Indonesian throughflow hitting the island straight. This makes for shiftling currents and eddies but also attracts large fish in large quantity. Coral cover here is less colourful than in the south, but visibility generally better. The best time to dive is from late October to early May however the plankton rich seas between November and January produce some spectacular fish life.

Komodo南面海域的水温比北面低很多(21° 至 26°C)。南北水温的差异造成海洋生物种类的不同。由于印尼贯穿流直接冲击这些岛屿,所以北面的水流通常变幻莫测。这些造成水流的不稳定性和涡流,但同时也带来大群的大型鱼类。这里的覆盖的珊瑚可能比南面贫瘠些,但是能见度非常好。来此最佳潜水季节为10月底至次年5月初,而且在浮游生物最为丰富的11月至1月,会给我们带来壮观的海洋奇观。

Indonesia :: Komodo: Banta Island

Banta Island lies off to the northwest of Komodo, currents are usually strong here as it is one of the widest gaps between islands in Nusa Tenggara. Cold water from the Flores basin in the north is forced through this channel which often attracts big pelagics.

Banta岛位于Komodo岛的西北面,由于这里处于Nusa Tenggara岛屿之间最宽阔间隙,水流通常会比较强。来自北面Flores的冷水穿过这段海峡,并带来大型的远洋鱼类。

The Dive Sites

GPS Point is a great spot located to the north of Banta. The submerged sea bank attracts barracuda, dogtooth tuna, spanish mackerel and sharks since the currents are usually strong. Up to five species of shark have been identified in a single dive at GPS Point. Unfortunately hard coral was damaged by dynamite fishing in 1997 and 1998 and sharks have been extensively fished by sharksfinners.

GPS Point是位于Banta岛北部一个非常棒的潜点。强劲的水流使得这里的岸边游弋着梭鱼、犬齿金枪鱼、西班牙鲭鱼和鲨鱼。在GPS Point可能一次潜水就能遇见5种不同的鲨鱼。不幸的是,在1997-1998年间,硬珊瑚被炸鱼活动大量破坏,且鲨鱼也被捕猎者大肆捕杀。

Tanjung Rasa is around the northern most peninsular of Banta, it consists of steep slopes to 40 meters swept with vertical as well as horizontal currents. With large rock formations and deep canyons sharks are abundant at this dive site including greys, whitetips and blacktips. This spot which attracts two different species of barracuda is also often refered to as Highway to Heaven. In contrast a number of macro creatures such as frogfish and leaffish can be found at the coral gardens of Toro Oi orIt's a Small World on the other peninsular.

Tanjung Rasa位于Banta最北端的半岛附近,是一处延伸至40米深的陡峭斜坡,伴随着垂直及水平变化的水流。巨大的岩石和深邃的峡谷之间,大量的鲨鱼在此出没,你可以看到灰鲨、白鳍鲨和黑鳍鲨。这里还能发现2种不同的梭鱼,同样在Highway to Heaven也是如此。在Toro Oi或另一座半岛的It’s a Small World的珊瑚花园可以近距离的观赏蹩鱼和叶鱼,这里是名副其实的微距天堂。

Star Wars, a gentle slope down to 30 meters, has excellent small fish numbers that look like they're taking part in some epic space battle, very good coral growth and the occasional mantas. Pygmy seahorses may be found on close inspection of gorgonians at this dive site.

Star Wars,一座缓慢下探到30米深的斜坡。数不胜数的小鱼们看上去正在玩一场Epic空间大战游戏。这里的珊瑚生长的很棒,吸引到蝠鲼偶尔的拜访。细细搜索海扇,还能惊喜的发现豆丁海马的身影。

Indonesia :: Komodo : Gili Lawa Laut

A submerged rock at high tide which offers great fish life and good coral cover. A couple of valleys play home to oriental sweetlips and there are some big groupers around. The bigger feeders such as jacks and tuna can be found out where the currents are stronger. There are a few other interesting dive sites in the area including Lighthouse which has a "honey hole" on the point that is home to sweetlips and batfish with mantas often spotted on the safety stop.

在涨潮时,这座巨大的礁石将被淹没于水下。这里汇聚丰富的鱼类和茂盛的珊瑚。水下纵横的峡谷是oriental sweetlips游玩的乐园,也是一些大石斑鱼的栖息之地。在水流强的地方聚集着大群的Jack Fish和金枪鱼。周围还有一些有趣的潜点,比如Lighthouse是Sweetlips和燕鱼的家,而且当你在做安全停留时也有可能邂逅蝠鲼呢。

The Dive Sites
Crystal Rock named after the surrounding clear waters just breaks the surface and is home to large schools of fusiliers and anthias beneath it. Nice soft coral coverage here with some impressive table corals. There is a small mound northwest of the rock where different species of fish school seasonally, including tuna and mackerel.

Crystal Rock得名于此处清澈的海水,礁石顶部恰好露出水面。这里水下有大群的Fusilier和Anthia。漂亮的软珊瑚覆盖在此,还有壮观的桌面珊瑚。在礁石的西北部有一座小丘,在不同的季节,会有不同的鱼在此栖息,包括金枪鱼和鲭鱼。

Castle Rock is another nearby spot with good fishlife including batfish and morays. Soft corals and sea fans are prolific at around 20 meters. Currents can be strong, usually flow eastwards and are much stronger at the surface than in the deeper water but it is possible to find shelter near the top of the rock where conditions are calmer (hence the name of this site). Sharks and big rays can be spotted here.

Castle Rock是附近另一个鱼类丰富的潜点,包括燕鱼和海鳗。20米深度左右广泛的生长着软珊瑚和海扇。这里的水流比较强,通常水流的方向自西向东,且在水面的水流会比水底更强些,但是在礁石的顶部往往可以找到躲避水流的场所。鲨鱼和鳐鱼也是这里的常客。

Indonesia::Komodo: Darat Passage

Located between Komodo and Gili Lawa Laut is the Darat Passage. There are good dives available here when current is kind.

位于Komodo岛和Gili Lawa Laut之间的是Darat Passage. 当水流平和时,这里是绝佳的潜水点。

Darat Passage South
Nice coral growth at 20 to 25 meters attracts myriad reef fish including coral trout, groupers, tuna and trevally. Garden eels can be found on the bottom and there may also be the odd whitetip resting on the sand. The best time to dive it is when the current east to west through the narrow strait. Snorkelling is possible but dynamite fishing damage is evident.


Darat Passage North
Good drift diving can be done in either direction on the north face of the passage. Best time is just before or after slack water when the flow is not too strong, the reef slopes down to a sandy bottom at around 15 meters which then drops away to about 35. On approach to the channel keep an eye out for turtles and a family of giant sweetlips that live in a grotto near the surface. The shallow parts of this dive are better for marine life keep an eye out for turtles and reef sharks.

在通道的北面通道可以做很棒的放流潜水。在水流滞缓之前或之后是最佳的潜水时机,礁石斜坡缓缓的下降至15米深度,然后陡直的下降到35米。随着水流潜水时,注意观察身边游过的海龟和生活在距离水面不远洞窟里成群的Giant Sweetlips。甚至在浅水区也能遇见海龟和鲨鱼呢。

Indonesia::Komodo: Tatawa Besar & Kecil

The two islands of Tatawa Besar (large) and Tatawa Kecil (small) offer some great drift diving opportunities including a seamount at Current City or Batu Bolong that is teeming with marine life.

在Tatawa Besar和Tatawa Kecil两座岛周围有机会体验到非常棒的放流潜水。我们可以在在Current City的海山之间穿梭,或在Batu Bolong欣赏丰富的海洋生物。

Tatawa Besar
Starting at the northwestern tip of Tatawa is a good drirft dive down the western side in about 15 to 20 meters of water. Fish life is plentiful and an endless field of stunning orange soft corals can be seen. Mantas are often seen in this area also. It is also possible to drift down the north coast of Tatawa from the same entry point.


Tatawa Kecil
When currents are favourable diving can be good here, the best dives are down the western side of the island where rocks, caves and beautiful coral gardens in the shallows can be found. There is abundant fish life including large groupers, snappers, sweetlips, jacks, sharks and no shortage of anthias.


Current City (Batu Bolong)
This submerged sea mount is just south of Tatawa Kecil and offers some exhilarating diving. Huge rocks play host to swirling clouds of schooling fish such as fusiliers, sweetlips, anthias and redtooth triggers. However as the name suggests currents can be savage here so take extreme precautions. The reef is undamaged due to these strong currents and steep dropoffs, it makes conditions for local fishermen to use dynamite or cyanide difficult which is not a bad thing.

这座被水淹没的海底山峰位于Takawa Kecil的南面,在这里可以带给你令人振奋的潜水经历。巨大的岩石四周盘旋着叹为观止的鱼群,包括有fusiliers、sweetlips、anthias和红齿扳机鱼。正如潜点名字一样,这里的水流奔放不羁,所以潜水时请特别的留意。但是由于如此强的水流和陡直的峭壁,也使渔民这里捕鱼带来很大的困难。因此这里的珊瑚礁未遭到人为的破坏,这也未尝是件好事。

Indonesia:: Komodo : Batu Tiga

Meaning three rocks this dive site is probably the most current affected in Komodo. Due to its exposed location in the Linta Strait the submerged rocks in deeper water to the west offer excellent habitat for grouper and other big fish such as napoleon wrasse. Giant trevally, barracuda and other big pelagics are often seen here along with the occasional manta. Coral growth is stunted due to the fierce currents.

Batu Tiga在印尼语中的意思是三块巨石,该潜点可能是整个Komodo岛中受水流影响最大的潜点。由于这些水下巨石为于Linta水道较深水域的西岸,所以为石斑鱼及拿破仑隆头鱼、大鲹鱼、梭鱼和其他大型远洋鱼类提供了栖息场所,并且偶尔也能遇见蝠鲼。但是由于强烈的水流使得这里的珊瑚生长较为迟缓。

The best diving entry is at the northeastern side of the three rocks. Swim anti clockwise until reaching some big boulders at 33 meters depth. After exploring the area around these boulders turn around and swim back, keeping the reef to your right.


Indonesia:: Komodo: Pantai Merah

Also named Pink Beach this dive site has an abundance of fish life and critters including scorpionfish, nudibranchs and ribbon eels. Large coral outcrops are at around 25 meters with a slight vertical drop where glassfish swarm in the cracks and crevices. This dive makes a nice change from raging currents however visibility can vary and is usually best when the tide is going out. It represents a transition between tropical waters of the north and the temperate seas of the south.

这里也被称为Pink Beach。生活着种类繁多的鱼类和微小生物,包括蝎子鱼、海蛞蝓和丝带海鳗。在垂直峭壁的25米深度生长着巨大的珊瑚,在岩石的裂缝中你会发现有几近透明的小鱼在游玩。在这里潜水方式可随着水流的改变而改变,而且能见度也会有所不同,通常在退潮时能见度最好。这是北部亚热带海水和南部温带海水交汇的典型代表。

Indonesia:: Komodo: Loh Namu

The Loh Namu peninsular has a nice spot for finding big groupers. The best way to dive it is south to north at around 25 meters, just before high tide. This is because most of the bigger fish congregate to the south around a few boulders just before a drop off. There are a couple of small caves housing other interesting species and a number of large coral trout and naopleon wrasse that visit this area to breed.

大型石斑鱼是Loh Namu半岛的特产。最佳的潜水方式是在高潮来临前,从北向南保持在25米深度。这是因为大多数的大型鱼类通常会在南面悬崖顶部的岩石附近聚集,形成一派壮观的景象。这里还有些小型洞穴,里面生活着一些有趣的物种,以及大群鳟鱼和拿破仑隆头鱼也会来此繁衍。

The small island of Indihiang has a couple of good walls with good coral growth and plentiful fish life including snappers, potato grouper and big wrasse. Slack tide is the best time to dive.


Indonesia:: Komodo:  Letuhoh Reef

The reef stretches south of Tanjung Letuhoh and has some large submerged boulders and pinnacles. Falling tide with a northerly flowing current is the best time to dive here. There are some large coral covered pinnacles at around 30 meters that attract a diverse quantity of fish life. Another big fish dive here with potato cod, napoleon wrasse, trevally, tuna, eagle rays and reef sharks.

这是一片Tanjung Letuhoh南部向外延伸的礁石,包括一些沉没于水下的巨石和山峰。退潮时形成偏北方向的水流,此时是最佳的潜水时机。在30米左右的深度,有一些大型的珊瑚,吸引着众多的鱼类。拿破仑隆头鱼、鲹鱼、金枪鱼、鹰魟和礁鲨也在这里出没。

Nisaleme Island
Just off shore is Nisaleme island that is very exoposed and drops off into deep water very quickly. Watch those down currents. More big pelagics here including dogtooth tuna, rainbow runners and jacks.


Further north there are a number of other dive sites including Toroletuhoh, Batu Saloka, Tukoh Serikaya and Lohwenci. All of these offer healthy coral and good marine life typical to that found around Komodo island.

再往北还有一些其他的潜点,其中有Toroletuhoh, Batu Saloka, Tukoh Serikaya 和 Lohwenci。这些潜点都布满了生机盎然的珊瑚和Komodo岛周围典型的海洋鱼类。

Indonesia:: Komodo: Tanjung Loh Sera

The cooler waters of this southern Komodo dive site offer some great diving. Several submerged large rocks and pinnacles form valleys to swim through however the current can be strong here. There is also a wall closer to shore that is a little more sheltered. Marine life here includes dogtooth tuna, turtles, giant trevally, potato cod, bumphead parrotfish and malabar grouper ... a real big fish dive!


Indonesia:: Komodo : Tala Island

Towards the south of Tala island are steep rocky walls and strong surge. One site called The End of the World has a sheer wall of black rock that drops to 100 meters deep. There are vast shoals of small fish in the shallows and some interesting invertebrates on the wall. Huge schools of surgeonfish, snappers and some large groupers can be found further down.

在Tala岛南面是陡峭的悬崖和强大的涌浪。其中一个被称为The End of the World的潜点,那是一面陡直的黑色岩壁,直入100米的深渊。在浅处大片的浅滩生活着无数的热带鱼,而在在峭壁上有着众多有趣的无脊椎动物。在更深处则会发现大群的刺尾鱼、鲷鱼和一些大型石斑鱼。

German Flag
From September to January high densities of plankton attract many large manta rays that can normally be seen swimming on the surface along the shores and rocks along southern Komodo Island. This dive site is a great place to spot them, drifting is the norm here since currents can be strong. Also spotted on this dive are malabar groupers, potato cod and napoleon wrasse.


The Alley
Or Manta Alley is just along from German Flag in the channel that separates Komodo from Tala island. It is a relaltively shallow dive to around 20 meters but if the season is right you wont want to stray from close to the surface where the mantas are from November through March. Fish and coral life are abundant and healthy even if there are no mantas.

这里也被称为Manta Alley,与German Flag在同一段海峡中。这段海峡将Komodo岛和Tala岛分开。这是一次相对较浅的潜水,深度在20米左右。但是如果在季节恰当的时候,你将不愿意潜的很深。因为在11月至次年3月间,大群的Manta集合在水面觅食。当然,如果没有Manta,丰富且健康的珊瑚和鱼类也一样让你流连忘返。

Indonesia:: Komodo : Langkoi Rock

This submerged pinnacle just off Langkoi Island to the Southwest of Komodo can be an exhilarating dive. It is extremely exposed and experiences strong currents and surge. The topography drops off dramatically into deep water. Highlights here are sharks. Grey reefs, Whitetip reef sharks, hammerheads and bronze whalers aggregate around this site from July to September. It is reputed to be a breeding ground for grey reef sharks in April. This dive is for experienced divers only.


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