






1. bath  bathe  bathrobe  bathtub  bus  double-decker  breath  breathe breathless


1. bath  n. 洗澡   A bath can make you fresh again. 洗个澡你就会感到清爽。

2. bathe  vi. 洗澡  It’s wonderful to bathe in the sea. 在大海里游泳太棒了。

3. robe, 衣物;bathrobe  浴衣  It’s not good manners to meet guests in a bathrobe.穿着浴衣会客不太礼貌。

4. tub  盆;bathtub  n.浴缸澡盆  In my opinion,  a shower is much better than a bathtub. 我认为,淋浴比盆浴好。

5. bus  n. 公共汽车 We can go there by bus. 我们可以乘公交车到那儿去。

6. double-decker  双层汽车 A doubl-decker carries more passengers for the city. 双层车多装运乘客,有利于城市交通。

7. breath  n. 呼吸  After the race, he was quite out of breath. 比赛下来时他几乎喘不过气来。 hold one’s breath屏住呼吸out of breath喘不过气

8. breathe  n. 呼吸  I suggested he go out and breathe in some fresh air. 我建设他出去呼吸一下新鲜空气。

9. breathless  adj.无声息的喘不过气来的停止呼吸的死的 How comes the classroom is breathless at this moment?教室里此刻怎么毫无声息?


After getting the hotel by bus, Jerry thought he needed a bath. He went to the bathroom. While bathing, he found the thick vapour made his breath a bit difficult. He had to breathe hard. Fearing to become breathless, he put on his bathrobe quickly and left the bathroom.

2.  beat  hit  strike  buffet  heat  heated  hot  temperature  fever  cold  cool warm  warn


1. eat  吃;beat  吃打,To strike repeatedly (强调反复性),击败心跳  With the heart beating quickly, he was eager to beat his rival. 他心跳得很快,渴望能打败对手。

2. hit   it, 它;hit,打在迁上面, (强调打中了),To come into contact with forcefully  撞上  A stone hit him on the head and he was hurried to the nearest hospital. 他头中了一块石头,被匆忙里送进了最近的医院。

3. strike    To hit sharply, as with the hand, the fist, or a weapon重打,(钟)敲,擦(火柴),罢工  An terrible earthquake struck the area just after the clock struck twelve. 时钟刚打十二点,一场可怕的地震摇撼了这个地区。

4. buffet  To hit or beat, especially repeatedly or forcefully.  v. 打击搏斗 Strong winds buffet the ship from time to time. 狂风时不时里搏打着航船。

5. heat  h, 联想hot, heat,  n. & adj. 热, 加热 We heated the water with the heat from some dry leaves. 我们用干树叶发出的热来热水。

6. 加形容词后缀-ed, heated  adj. 热烈的  His suggestion is under heated discussion. 他的建设正在热烈讨论之中。

7. temper心情,脾气;temperature   n.温度  I will take your temperature to see if you have caught a fever. 我要为你量量体温,看看你是否发烧。

8. fever  f-ever 发,一直发热,fever,  n. 发烧  Among some young people there some kind of fever one after another. 年轻人总有一个又一个的狂热举动。

9. cold  n.冷,感冒  Be careful not to catch a cold in such cold weather. 在这样冷的天气里要当心感冒。

10. cool  adj. 凉的,酷的  Dressed in a strange way, he thought he must look very cool in others’ eyes. 他穿着古怪,自以为在别人眼中很酷。

11. warm adj. 暖和的,温暖的  I felt quite warm when you gave me your warm hand.当你热情地帮助我时,我感到特别温暖。

12. warn vt. 告诫,警告  I was warned not to follow the fashion. 我被告诫不要去追逐时尚。


It’s warned that no one could make a fire. With the heart beating fast, he stroke a match. The heat began to warm him. After all, a bad luck hit him, and he caught a bad cold. Taking his temperature, he knew he also had a fever, which was no cool at all.

3. beautiful  beauty  beautify  ugly  uglify


1. beauty  音“必优体”,必然是优美的人体或物体, n. 美丽,美人,美景  Beauty has an attractive charm for everyone. 美对每个人都有迷人的魅力。  格言:  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 美不美,由人说。Goodness is better than beauty.善胜于美。

2. 加形容词后缀-ful, beautiful  adj. 美丽的  It’s pleasant to live in beautiful surroundings. 生活在优美的环境里是令人愉快的。

3. 加动词后缀-ify, beautify   vt. 美化 We have been beautifying our schoolyard. 我们一直在美化我们的校园。

4. ugly   音“啊,割裂”,不协调的,adj. 丑的  Every man with an ugly heart doesn’t have an ugly face. 内心丑陋的人未必长相丑陋。

5. 加动词后缀-ify, uglify   vt. 丑化  Some Americans are making every effort to uglify China. 一些美国人总在设法丑化中国。


The beautiful girl wants to beautify herself. However, if improperly done, the beauty can be damaged and even become ugly. It uglifies her more than beautifies her!

1. because  become  before  behind  belong  below  beside  between  beyond


1. cause  原因, because  conj. 因为  Because of the heavy rain, we had to delay our trip. 雨很大,我们不得不推迟行期。

2. come  来;become  v. 来了, 成为  When did you become so hesitant? 你何时变得如此优柔寡断?

3. fore  前; before  在之前

4. hind [ haind ] 后;behind  prep 在之后

5. long 长久;belong长久是某人的, vi. 属于  Success belongs to those who have  confidence. 成功属于有自信心的人。

6. low  低;below  prep比……低, 低于

7. side  边;beside  在……旁边

8. tween  二;between  prep. 在两者之间

9. yond 那边的;beyond  prep 在那边,超越  The beauty there is beyond any words. 那儿的美难以言表。


He became hopeless because it belonged to a house beside a farm behind a factory before a school between two shops below the TV tower beyond the river!

2.  beef  veal  steak  cattle  cow  cowboy  ox  bull  milk  silk


1. b, 联想bull [ bul ] 牛;beef [ bi:f ]从牛身上取下来的肉,n. 牛肉

2. veal [ vi:l ] The meat of a calf. n. 小牛肉

3. steak [ steik ]  A slice of meat, typically beef, usually cut thick and across  n.(供煎, 烤等的)肉, 鱼, 肉片, 鱼片, 肉排, 牛排

4. cattle  n.(复数词)Cattle are useful in the mountainous areas. 牛在山区很有用场。

5. cow [ kau ]  n. 奶牛,母牛

6. cowboy   n. 牛仔

7. ox   n.(拉车、阉割了的)公牛(复数为oxen)The cart was pulled by two oxen. 车是由两头牛拉的。

8. bull [ bul ]  n. 公牛(知道芝加哥公牛队的人肯定熟悉bull: Chicago Bull)The Spanish like to fight bulls. 西班牙人喜欢斗牛。

9. milk [ milk ]  n.   vt. 挤奶

10. silk [ silk ] si, 音“丝”, silk  n. 丝绸



We drink milk from cows and eat beef from cattle. In Spain people even like to fight against bulls with red silk

6. begin  beginning  beginner  start  end  finish  final  confine  complete completely  compete  competitor  competition  competence  competent


1. begin  v. 开始  Well, let’s begin from the very beginning.好吧,我们就从最初的地方开始吧。  begin to do sth  begin doing sth  begin sth  begin with sth 以……开始

2. 加名词后缀-ing: beginning  n. 开始  At the beginning I was too shy to speak in public. 开始时我胆小,不敢在公共场合讲话。

3. 加名词后缀-er, beginner, n. 开始者,初学者  As a beginner, you need to be familiar with the rules here. 作为初学者,你应该熟悉这儿的规则。

4. start  n.& v. 开始,出发  When can we start off for Xi’an? 我们什么时候出发到西安?

5. end [ end ]  n.& v. 结束,终止,终点  He ended the story suddenly. 他突然地结束了那个故事。 格言:All good things must come to an end. 天下没有不散的宴席。

6. fin- 表示终极, finish   fin-ish  vt. 结束,完成(后接doing形式)We can finish cooking in ten minutes. 我们能在十分钟内作好饭菜。

7. final   fin-al  adj. 最后的  It’s Mr Li who has the final say. 李先生才具有最后的决定权。

8. confine  con-fine  在终点了,即受限了;confine, vt. 限制  Please confine your speech to the topic at hand. 请把你的演讲限制在手边的话题内。

7. complete  com-plete  vt. 完成(复杂的、较难的工程计划等); adj. 完全的,彻底的 The book will be completed within two months. 那本书两个月人完稿。

8. 加副词后缀-ly: completely  adv. 完全地,彻底地  Sorry, but you are completely wrong. 很抱歉,你完全错了。

9. compete  com-pete com-, 一起;pete,音似“比”; compete, 在一起竞争,比赛  How many people competed in the 1500-meter race? 多少人参加了1500米比赛?

10, 加后缀-or: competitor n. 竞争者,竞赛者 No competitor, no excitement.没有竞争对手,就没有令人兴奋的时候。

11. 加名词后缀-ition: competition  n. 竞争,竞赛 We are supposed to prepare ourselves for future competitions. 我们应当为未来的竞争做好准备。

12. 加名词后缀-ence: competence    competence, 竞争的本事, n. 能力  You should employ the people with the necessary competence. 你应当雇用有相应能力的人。

13. competent  adj. 能干的,胜任的。He is competent for the task.他胜任这件工作。



A beginner should begin at his very beginning and never end halfway, and then he can complete his task completely as well as have a chance to win the competition when competing in the modern society.


Professor.:“A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer.”

Student.:“No wonder so many of us fail in our exams!”







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