December3am: Opening For Lambchop in Beijing 不插电的民谣摇滚



Lambchop的音乐有一个固定的主题,就是如何面对“变化”。或“适应”,或“转变”,或是在大起大落中找寻意义、对生活的无情摆布迅速想出应对办法。这也是乡村音乐的基本理念,尽管你觉得有些根本不算“乡村”。作为主唱的Kurt Wagner,同时也是创作人兼吉他手,将这种蕴藏着不安与扭曲的潜流,完美地融入到了Lambchop灵动不息、忧郁含蓄的作品中。

At its very heart, Lambchop’s music has always been about dealing with change. About adapting, shifting, marshalling a response to what life throws your way. About making sense of life’s ups and downs. You might even call it the essential spirit of ‘country music’, even if the band doesn’t sound like what you’d expect a ‘country’ band to.

Singer-songwriter-guitarist Kurt Wagner's songs were restless, melancholy and often restrained, hiding an undercurrent of discord and distortion.

这种生生不息的躁动感,同样从北京的暖场嘉宾December3am的作品中涌现出来。这个由Horse Radio(“走马电台”)前成员达莱和老杜组成的二人乐队,将自己的风格称为“后后前摇”。那时候北京的民谣摇滚风头正劲,Horse Radio从中脱颖而出,为蒙古音乐注入了一剂忧郁质朴的清新暖流。首张专辑《走马电台》便显示出他们打破既定音乐形式的野心,《蓝色故乡》和《乌鸦》里,他们加入民谣中不常见的叮当声和弱拍,动人的旋律下藏匿着炽热、浓烈的情绪表达。

Our support band for Beijing is similarly restless. Former Horse Radio members Da Lai and Lao Du return asDecember3am, playing what they describe as “postpostpre-rock”.

Horse Radio were among the rising stars of Beijing’s folk-rock circuit, bringing to that popular ‘Inner Mongolian’ folk sound a certain delicate melancholy and improvisational flair.

Listen to the songs 蓝色故乡 (‘Blue Heimat’)  and 乌鸦 (‘Crow’) off their debut album and you’ll hear a group straining to break the confines of their chosen genre, infusing it with a mood and lyrical delicacy not usually associated with jangly, upbeat folk.

Horse Radio - 《Blue Heimat》
December3am像是不插电的Horse Radio。这种“不插电”并非指声音上的效果,而是从民谣摇滚的风格范式来讲,December3am的实验性极大拓宽了流派的范围和界限。这种尝试与Lamchop对美国乡村音乐的影响相映成趣:他打破音乐流派的桎梏,正如Lamchop曾经做过的那样。如此看来,December3am无疑是暖场嘉宾的不二人选。6月17日愚公移山,这是你绝不能错过的一场中西碰撞和奇妙体验。December3am is Horse Radio, unplugged. Not unplugged as in acoustic, but unplugged from the norms and expectations of folk-rock – an experiment in where that sound can go next, and what it can say.

In that searching disquiet, we see a fascinating resonance between the two bands. One actively subverting the rules of Chinese “country” music, the other already well known for doing the same in the US.

Friday, June 17. It’s going to be hard to describe but harder to dismiss. Best get your presale tickets from the venue as soon as possible.



联系电话:010 – 64042711

Pre-sale tickets are available at the venue (open daily from 5.30pm)

Address: 3-2 Zhangzizhong Lu, Dongcheng District (Take Exit A of the Zhangzhizhonglu subway stop)
Contact: 010 – 64042711
* Pre-sales end June 16
北京 Beijing @ 愚公移山 Yugong Yishan
6月17日 周五 21:00 | 17 June FRI 9PM
票价 Tickets:120RMB(presale)/ 150RMB(door)
嘉宾 Support:December3am
Address: 3-2 Zhangzizhong Lu, Dongcheng district 

    关注 splitworks潮流音乐


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