


Oh no, all my teeth fell out again.




8 Common Dream Symbols And What They Actually Mean


1. Falling  梦到坠落

Whether you dream about frequent tripping, having trouble standing up, or falling off a cliff, the symbolic meaning is likely the same: typically, a kind of loss. You may be going through lowered self-esteem, a job loss, or a strained relationship.


2. Flying梦到会飞

Flying, pretty typically, represents a symbolic freedom from one’s physical body or earthly restraints. Usually, flying in dreams is a pleasant experience, reflective of the fact that you’re feeling good about something in your waking life: maybe it’s a new relationship, or recent graduation, or another promising development. 


Occasionally, you may dream that you are trying to fly, but remain tethered to the ground in some way; usually this means that you’re meeting resistance in something you want to do, or are hesitant because of a fear of failure.


3. Teeth

For how weird dreaming about teeth (particularly losing them) may seem, it’s one of the most common dream themes there is — perhaps because it’s generally thought to represent anxiety. 


Often this anxiety is generalized or unaddressed, though some interpreters suggest dreaming of lost/ruined teeth may reflect insecurity with one’s appearance. 


Still more literal interpreters have said that dreaming of teeth means that you need to go to the dentist, which is probably always a good idea anyway.


4. Hair

Dreaming of our hair is, unsurprisingly, thought to be indicative of our self-image, and sometimes sexuality. Large quantities of attractive, healthy hair is thought to be a symbol of virility, while dreaming of, say, picking one’s split ends or cutting one’s hair off completely may reveal insecurities about one’s appearance, or a decreased libido.


5. The ocean

Water in dreams is thought to represent the unconscious mind, or something that’s been bubbling to the surface of your brain but has not yet become fully clear. 


If you’re on a shore overlooking a calm, beautiful ocean, that’s likely to mean that whatever’s been on your (subconscious) mind is something that will bring you peace and resolve. 


If, however, you’re dreaming of turbulent seas, it could mean that you’re ignoring something, or trying to suppress something you may, on a deeper level, already know to be true.


6. Being naked梦到裸奔

The symbolic meaning of nudity in one’s dreams is often context-specific: 


when it’s unintentional, and especially when it’s suddenly revealed to you as a surprise (as in the case of dreaming about going to school and only realizing halfway through class that you forgot to put on pants), it often indicates vulnerability and/or feelings of inadequacy. 


It’s telling if the people around you in the dream don’t notice — this usually suggests that your concerns are exaggerated, or obvious only to you.


7. Things that don’t work梦到东西坏了或者打不开

This category can be a little nebulous, but dreaming of things that don’t work — like computer screens you can’t read, or fuzzy TVs, or a treadmill that won’t go the speed you want it to — are thought to be indicative of the brain’s language centers shutting down while asleep. You may feel that you are unable to communicate in the way you’d like.

这类梦往往比较含糊,但是如果梦到一些东西坏了或者打不开,例如梦到你看不清电脑屏幕,或者看不清电视,或者在跑步机上迈不开腿,这些都代表在你睡觉时,大脑负责语言的那部分也休息了。8. Exams梦到考试

Dreaming of an exam (or a class, typically one for which you are vastly unprepared) is another common theme that can represent a variety of anxieties.If you are currently a student, you probably know the reason for this. Go study! If you’re not currently a student, dreaming of an exam often represents anxiety about a recent or upcoming change.





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