



黄梅戏(Huangmei Opera)源于湖北省黄梅县的采茶歌曲,连同京剧、越剧 (Yue Opera)、评剧(Ping Opera)和豫剧(Yu Opera)是中国的五大戏曲。它最初是以一种简单的载歌载舞的戏剧形式出现的。后来,随着饱受洪水灾害的灾民,黄梅戏传到了安徽省安庆市。它吸收了徽剧和当地歌舞的元素,发展到了今天的形式。黄梅戏以一种淸新的风格反映了普通居民的生活,受到了群众的喜爱。


Huangmei Opera was originated from tea picking songs in Huangmei county, Hubei province.It is one of the Five Operas in China together with Beijing Opera, Yue Opera, Ping Opera and Yu Opera.It first appeared as a simple drama of song and dance. Later, it was spread to Anqing city, Anhui province by immigrating victims of floods. Absorbing elements of Anhui Opera and local songs and dances, Huangmei Opera was developed to the present form. It enjoys great popularity among the masses by reflecting the life of ordinary people in a fresh style.


1.黄梅戏源于湖北省黄梅共的采茶歌曲,连同京剧、越剧、评剧和豫剧是中国的五大戏曲:后半句可以理解为“黄梅戏是中国五大戏曲之一”,即 Huangmei Opera is one of the Five Operas in China。再翻译句子的剩余部分连同京剧、越剧、评剧和豫剧”时,可将其着作是句子的状语,译为together with Beijing Opera, Yue Opera, Ping Opera and Yu Opera。

2.它最初是以一种简单的载歌载舞的戏剧形式出现的:“简单的载歌载舞的戏剧形式”可译为a simple drama of song and dance。

3.后来,随着饱受洪水灾害的灾民,黄梅戏传到了安徽省安庆市:该句可译为被动句,其中主干则是it was spread to...by immigrating victims of floods。
题目二、中国五年前根本没有高速铁路。但是现在高铁列车(high-speed trains)的票经常很快就售罄,尽管发车间隔比较短。人们能够很方便地以两倍于美国火车最髙速的速度在全国周游。高速铁路系统的运菅非常成功,它运载的乘客是全国民航 (civil aviation)系统运载的乘客的两倍。中国有世界上最先进的、低排放的快速运输系统之一,而做到这一点仅仅用了五年。


China didn't have a high-speed rail five years ago.But now the tickets of high-speed trains are usually sold out very quickly, even though the departure interval is quite short.And people can conveniently travel around the nation at a speed that doubles the speed of the fastest American train.The operation of high-speed rail system is very successful; it carries twice as many passengers as the nation's civil aviation system.China has one of the most advanced rapid transit systems with low emissions in the world, and it only takes five years to achieve this.


1.但是现在高铁列车的票经常很快就售罄,尽管发车间隔比较短:“售罄”可译 为sell out,意为“卖完了,卖光了”;“发车间隔”译为departure interval。

2.人们能够很方便地以两倍于美国火车最高速的速度在全国周游:“以...的速度”可译为at a speed...,speed意为“速度”;“两倍于”即“是...的两倍”,可译为double,也可译为twice。

3.高速铁路系统的运营非常成功,它运栽的乘客是全国民航系统运载的乘客的两倍:“运栽”可用carry来表示。“倍数+as+many/much/large等形容词+(比较的内容)+as”为英语中表达倍数时常用的结构,中间的形容词根据比较的内容来定,如比较大小则用as large as,表示“是...的两倍大”则为twice as large as。

题目三、众所周知,吸烟不仅有害我们的健康,对环境也不利。吸烟能引起许多疾病,如肺癌(lung cancer)。吸烟也会影响不吸烟的人。被动吸烟者(passive smokers)生病的几率甚至高于吸烟者。有些年轻人认为吸烟很酷,有些人则认为吸烟能提神。如今,越来越多的公共场合挂起了禁止吸烟的标志。这是我们取得的巨大进步。为了我们的健康,我们需要做出更大的努力,禁止人们在公共场所吸烟。


As we all know,smoking is not only harmful to our health,but also harmful to the environment.Smoking can cause many diseases,such as lung cancer.Smoking also affects non-smokers.For passive smokers,their chance of getting ill is even greater than that of smokers.Some young people think that smoking is cool,and some think that smoking can refresh themselves.Nowadays,more and more public places have hung up “non-smoking” signs.This is a big progress we have made.Greater efforts need to be made to ban smoking in public places for the sake of our health.


1.吸烟也会影响不吸烟的人。被动吸烟者生病的几率甚至高于吸烟者:“不吸烟的人”可用non-smokers表示;“被动吸烟者”可译为passive smokers,passive意为“被动的”,其反义词是active,意思是“主动的”;“生病的几率”可译为chance of getting ill。

2.为了我们的健康,我们需要做出更大的努力,禁止人们在公共场所吸烟:“为了我们的健康”可译为for the sake of our health;for the sake of 意为“为了...”;“做出更大的努力”可用make greater efforts来表示,参考译文使用了被动语态;“禁止人们在公共场所吸烟”即“在公共场所禁止吸烟”,其中“禁止吸烟”译为ban smoking,ban后常跟V+ing形式。

    关注 智力库


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