Announcement of Non-Participation in the 2016 WASMQ Conference



Announcement of Non-Participation in the 2016 WASMQ Conference

On May 18th the Chairman of the  World Academic Society for Medical Qigong (WASMQ), Gao Heting, in the presence of the WASMQ General Secretary and the Chairman of the WAMSQ Academic Committee, announced this decision: "We agree that the article Immortal  Splendor, by Lin Zhongpeng, will be selected for inclusion in this year's WASMQ Conference Papers, and we give instructions that he be granted sufficient time to present the paper in a lecture at the Conference."

On May 30th, the 13th day after Chairman Gao’s decision, General Secretary Hua Yuan suddenly broke that agreement, and single-handedly overthrew the decision. In an email, she mentioned the above stated article would not be included in this years' Conference Papers. I wish to express regret about this arbitrary and erratic conduct of General Secretary Hua Yuan.

Therefore I declare as below:

1.The conduct of General Secretary Hua Yuan, who, arbitrarily, has overthrown a collective decision made by the Chairman and the leadership of the WASMQ, has a tremendously destructive influence on a healthy development of the WASMQ. That a singular person, in a lower position of hierarchy, should overthrow a decision made by those in higher positions, and that this individual should overthrow the collective agreement of the leadership, and, further, that a non-expert should ban an academic article written by an expert in the field - this scenario already has undermined themoral basis of the WASMQ, and has violated theacademic order of the WASMQ.

2.As my previously accepted scholarly paper has been banned, this action also automatically has stripped me of my qualification to attend the conference. This is plainly clear, common sense. Therefore, I will not attend the 2016 annual conference of the WASMQ. Furthermore, and in relation to this, it means I cannot hold the planned scholarly lecture on the evening of June 26th, part of Chairman Gao Heting’s original directive from 5.18. I ask the esteemed Board of Directors for your understanding.

3.“Immortal Splendor” is a scholarly work, completed on the basis of the collection, preparation and analysis of 2,591 papers that have been published since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. In 2009, within the framework of the WASMQ, the “Sino-Japanese Daoyin Studies Research Cooperative Group” was established. In 2010,this work was the first academic accomplishment of that Research Cooperation Group - however, for non-scholarly reasons, it had received a long-term ban. At that time, the authors had no alternative to express our discontent with the ban other than “asking for advice”, and printing and handing it out to a small number of experts in the field. Never would it have occurred to us that, with this years' WASMQ congress, yet again it could be unreasonably and unjustifiably banned!

To ensure a correct understanding of the facts, we authors and colleagues have decided not to wait any longer - to publish this and await an evaluation by the public. Our reasoning is to rescue the reputation of the WASMQ, an international academic body. The truth cannot be banned!

WASMQ Vice-Chairman

WASMQ  Academic Committee, Director

Lin Zhong-peng


  1. If you wang to learn more information, including the papers, PLS click活水 button below the title to subscribe this online magzine.
  2. The Chinese Edition of the Announcement is as following:
声 明


  1. 华源秘书长擅自推翻以学会主席为首的领导集体所作决议的行为,对世气会的健康发展具有很大的破坏性。下级推翻上级的决定;个人推翻领导集体的决议;非专业人士封杀专业学术论文,此举已经败坏了世气会的道德基础、扰乱了世气会的学术秩序,是不能接受的。
  2.  鉴于本人的学术论文被封杀,参会的学术资格也就连带自动被剥夺,这是常识,因此我将不出席2016年度世气会年会。与此相关,高鹤亭主席“5.18”指示中原定由我于6月26日晚作学术演讲也就无法履行计划,鉴请诸位理事原谅
  3. 《不朽的辉煌》是在搜集、整理、分析自建国以来全部2591篇文献的基础上完成的学术专著。2009年,在世气会的框架内成立了“中日导引学研究合作小组”。2010年,该文是合作研究小组第一个完成的学术成果,但被以非学术的原因长期封杀。期间,作者不得已以“意见征求”的方式印发给业内少数专家,以表达我们的不满,未曾想本届年会再遭无理封杀!

世界医学气功学会副主席世气会学术委员会    主任



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