


本次分享节选自Yuki English 美剧英语板块


scotch, neat (纯的scotch )

scotch on the rocks(scotch 加冰)

scotch with a splash of water/ soda (scotch 少加水/苏打)

make it a double要双份

剧情:Let`s see. I lost my job today. Top it all off, they canceled my flight. 让我们来看看,我今天丢了工作,更惨的是,我的航班被取消了

I am a journalist. That comes with the territory.  我是个记者,都是家常便饭了

lose one`s job丢掉工作;失业

IfI can`t turn in my proposal on time, I will lose my job. 我如果不能准时上交我的提案,我会失业的

top it all (off ):(spoken) 而且;加之

Totop it all, she left me with huge debts. 更糟的是,她给我留下了巨额债务

Cancel the / one`s flight取消航班

Ihad to cancel my flight because I left my ticket and passport at home. 我不得不取消我的航班,因为我把护照和机票落在家里了

come/go with the territory 成为很自然的事;是难免的事

Inprofessional football, serious injuries come with the territory. 职业足球,严重的受伤是很自然的事情

剧情: I am just curious if you believe ina higher power. Imagine if the world had utterly changed, and no one hadnoticed a thing. 我就是好奇你是否相信更高层的力量。想象一下如果世界已经彻底改变,却没人注意到

I`m just curious if…我就是好奇…是否能…

Iam just curious if my daughter finish her homework in such a short time. 我只是好奇我女儿是否能够在这么短的时间内写完作业

Utterly 完全地,十足地

Youngchildren are utterly dependent on their parents. 幼儿完全依赖他们的父母

Youare being utterly unreasonable. 你真是毫不讲理

No one had noticed a thing. 没人知道

剧情:I think an A.I. slipped into the world unannounced then set out to strangle itsrivals in the crib. And I know I`m on to something, because my sources keepdisappearing. 我认为某个人工智能已悄然降世,正着手把它的竞争对手都扼杀在摇篮中。我知道我肯定是查到点子上了,因为我的线人不断消失

A.I.= artificial intelligence 人工智能

Slip into… unannounced 偷偷/悄然进入…而没被发觉

Yukimust have slipped into this party unannounced because I didn’t notice her untilleaving. Yuki 一定是偷溜进这个趴体的,因为我直到离开才注意到她

Set out to开始做…;打算…

Whenwe set out on this project, we knew it would be difficult. 我们开始做这个项目的时候,就知道会有困难

Be on to something…认识到重要意义;将要发生…; 明白…

Yuki just showed me her article and I think she might be on to something. Yuki 刚刚把文章给我看了,我感觉她或许参透了其中的奥秘






新增"a day in the life" ( male and female version) " a day at work" 课程,教你基本日常用语和工作用语;





Happy every day

Best regards,


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