



2. 大姚入选NBA“名人堂”


online tutoring

An official from the Ministry of Education said they are still studying if primary and middle school teachers should be prohibited from online tutoring. The news that an online teacher made RMB18,842 in an hour in Nanjing has drawn great public attention.


➤"在线辅导(online tutoring)"即教师利用网络提供课程直播(live-broadcast lectures/lessons)。随着互联网的快速发展,在线教育服务(online education services)优势明显,发展迅速。虽然缺少面对面的互动(face-to-face interactivity),但在线辅导费用低、效率高,吸引了不少家长和学生。不过也有不少人担心,在职教师(teacher in-service)如果兼职有偿补课(be engaged in paid make-up classes),很有可能分散其精力(diffuse one's energies),影响其在学校的教学质量。

➤利润颇丰的在线辅导市场(lucrative online teaching market)如果能获得有效监管,对学生和老师来说未尝不是一项双赢的解决方案(a win-win solution for both students and teachers)。但也有分析人士指出,在线辅导的红火,从根本上说还是因为社会存在旺盛的补课需求(a huge demand for extra classes),而这需要改革升学考试评价制度(reforms on the entrance exam assessment system)才能有效治理。


在线教育平台 online education platform

教师报酬过低 underpaid teachers

资源分配不均 uneven distribution of resources

重听课程 replay the lecture
Hall of Fame
Former Houston Rockets center Yao Ming, who is credited with building the popularity of professional US basketball in China, has been elected to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame for the class of 2016.


➤奈史密斯篮球名人纪念堂(Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame)成立于1959年,位于美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德,用以纪念为篮球运动作出卓越贡献的人(commemorate those who has made remarkable contributions to basketball)。球员、教练、裁判,或者是特殊的球队均可入选。

➤姚明作为首位入选名人堂的中国人缔造了历史(create history by becoming the first Chinese to be elected to the hall of fame)。姚明是2002年美国职业篮球联赛选秀状元(No 1 overall pick in the 2002 National Basketball Association draft)。被火箭队选中后为其效力9年,8度入选全明星阵容(be voted to the NBA all star lineup)。2011年,受伤病困扰的姚明结束职业生涯(hampered by injuries, Yao had to call an end to his sporting career in 2011)。


季后赛 playoff

板凳球员 bench warmer

篮板 rebound

封盖 block

助攻 assist
cross-border online shopping

China is tightening its grip on cross-border e-commerce, imposing a new tax system on cross-border online shopping that forms a growing business catering to Chinese consumers with an appetite for foreign goods starting April 8.


➤不同类别的商品税率不同,因此很难计算政策调整给商品带来的影响(calculating the impact of the changes on merchandise is difficult given that different categories of goods carry different rates)。根据新政策,对于专门销售婴幼儿配方奶粉(infant formula milk)的公司来说,如果单笔销售额不足500元,就需要多缴付将近12%的税(pay nearly 12% more in taxes if the sale is under RMB500)。珠宝等奢侈品将额外征收9%-17%不等的税款(luxury goods like jewelry will see extra taxes between 9% and 17%)。针对个人护理产品和化妆品的税款则可能有所降低(levies on personal-hygiene and cosmetic products could fall)。


电商公司 e-commerce player

压低需求 dampen demand

输出消费 outbound consumption

母婴产品 baby and maternal products

营养补充剂 nutritional supplement

"中国制造"的产品 "made-in-China" products
assault at hotel

Police arrested the man who reportedly assaulted a woman at a Beijing hotel on April 3. The suspect, surnamed Li, was caught in Xuchang, Henan, according to an announcement posted on Friday by the official Weibo account of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.


性别暴力 gender-based violence

人身安全 personal safety

财产损失 property damage

人身损害 personal injury

女性平权 equal rights for women

反家暴 anti-domestic violence

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