【印刷俱乐部】混合院里的“超软性”和“事儿多” Supersoft Exhibition and LAWAAI Magazine



超软性:介于基础设施与沟通设计之间/ SUPERSOFT: Between Infrastructure and Communication design



With the exhibition “SUPERSOFT: Between Infrastructure and Communication design” Supersoft introduces the design concept of a “supersoft infrastructure”, exploring the possibility for design to get involved with urban operations.

The word “supersoft” is chosen to define a flowing system in a civil infrastructure, usually connected with the data flow, visual spectacle and cultural contents in the city. The city, seen as a “machine”, is lubricated by this fundamental system.

This whole could be separated in sub-divided systems, such as spacial info navigation system, spacial identification system, spacial event operation system, spacial language system, and so on. These ones deal with issues concerning how the city operates, how people manage and use spaces, how a community space generates culture and vitality, how people communicate with spaces and how to reinvent lifestyles.

Traditional architecture and new design modes will intervene together for an improved design of city operations and for the optimization design of the built environment.

The result is the creation of a highly crossed practice field, but also the combination of multiple professions and methodologies, setting the basis for a more dynamic domain of network practice.

策划/Curator: 章寿品/Max Office

9.23 - 10.7 / Sept. 23rd - Oct. 7th


BTS Print Club/No.22 Gongmenkou Sitiao Hutong/Courtyard Hybrid


事儿多杂志/LAWAAI Magazine 漫步在白塔寺地区,犹如置身在西部影片中的鬼城:年久失修的美发沙龙的门面发出尴尬的声响,干枯的风滚草躺在胡同深处。在午后的阳光中闲逛,或许只有微声细语才不会打扰到正在午睡的阿姨们。然而,谁又知道这宁静表面之下的真正的白塔寺?

为了挖掘出白塔寺的秘密,熔岩(北京)决定在这里的一间再生四合院里,发起一个独立杂志工作坊。在一周的时间内,他们要打造的就是“事儿多杂志”(LAWAAI Magazine)。



The “LAWAAI Magazine” is a project created by the designers of LAVA Beijing. Inspired by the willing to find out what residents and visitors of Baitasi have in their minds, issue by issue, the team had the idea of developing this magazine workshop. The name “LAWAAI” has been chosen as it can be read either as 老外 (foreigner) in Chinese or as the Dutch word for loud noise (噪音).

The designated workspace will feature an “ideas wall”, A3 printer, staples — everything for a quick and dirty print run. Themes, interviews, photos and drawings will be solicited from locals and visitors of the BJDW, who are warmly invited to share their creative ideas.

策划/Curator: 熔岩(北京)/ LAVA Beijing

赞助/Sponsor: 荷兰驻华大使馆/The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

9.23 - 9.30 / Sept. 23rd - 30th


BTS Print Club/No.22 Gongmenkou Sitiao Hutong/Courtyard Hybrid


    关注 白塔寺再生计划


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