共享未来:未来的城市营造 FUTURE OF SHARING: urban making




The BAITASI RemadeProject takes an investigative approach of participatory observation into today’s urban making processes. The spotlight is on understanding what motivates individuals’ and systemic interests to co-participate in the grand narrative of urban transformations.

Addressing potential outcomes for network-based and digitally-shaped economies of sharing, the Project strives to configure a new dialogue among clusters of knowledge and expertise. The goal is to generate new ideas for innovative start-ups, social entrepreneurship and creative initiatives to be integrated in the area.

With an eye on extant urban problems and their social effects, BAITASI Remade wants to engage people and institutions in a deep understanding of the city and its dynamics.


BAITASI Print Club: culture of making

围绕“共享未来”这一主题,白塔寺再生计划团队营造了BTS Print Club/白塔寺印刷俱乐部这个知识创造中心。白塔寺印刷俱乐部项目将围绕现代传播文化及其相关拓展领域,以印刷品、电子文档等形式集中展现多元化的创意成果和实验性研究。项目将侧重当代都市人群与未来知识共享,举办为期一周的成果汇报、创客研讨和学术辩论,吸引专家学者、相关企业、国内外工作室的设计师的参与。其中,与出版及平面设计相关的展览将在印刷俱乐部及临近空间举办。

The BTS Print Club is a multifaceted unit for creative production and experimental investigations around the culture of contemporary communication and its expanding fields, from print and digital to augmented.

Here, experts in relevant industries, local and international studios and designers will take part in a one-week series of presentations, making sessions and intellectual debates around the future of knowledge-sharing with ever more segmented groups of contemporary urbanites.

Relevant exhibitions about publishing and graphic design will also be hosted in the Print Club and adjacent locations.

2016年设计周期间白塔寺印刷俱乐部的场地包括三处院子:直向建筑/Vector Architects设计的混合院(宫门口四条22号)、标准营造ZAO/standardarchitecture设计的共生院(宫门口四条36号)、DnA建筑事务所设计的盒院(宫门口四条32号)。作为2016年白塔寺再生计划的一部分,这三个院落改造项目将在今年秋天陆续完工,并与由迹.建筑事务所/TAO设计、2015年已完成改造的四分院一同在设计周期间亮相。从2017年起,这些院落将作为下一阶段白塔寺再生计划的核心场地投入使用。

Crucial part of the BTS Remade 2016 Program is also the unveiling of courtyard-renovation projects by renown architects Dong Gong (Vector Architects), Xu Tiantian (DnA) and Zhang Ke (ZAO/standardarchitecture), that join Hua Li (TAO Office)’s Split House presented already in 2015. These will be activated as core venues for the next phases of the Baitasi Remade project from 2017.


BAITASI Projects: architecture meets people

在世界学院和白塔寺印刷俱乐部之外,2016白塔寺再生计划的整体项目中还包含一系列Baitasi Projects/白塔寺项目,这些项目将与白塔寺区域的活动主体密切联系,并在选定的地点开展相关活动。其中有一些尤其值得特别关注,比如“软城市”(Soft City)系列(将举办论坛、工作坊以及“章鱼亭”展示)。“软城市”以白塔寺为背景,构建一个探讨“软性”设计在城市中如何应用的平台,探讨软系统(软科技、软组织、软设施、软界面、软空间、软性力量)如何在硬性的、自上而下的城市设计中开辟出一种新的可能。所展示的“章鱼亭”在设计上受章鱼多动态、强适应力和高度表达特征的启发,突出了软系统和智能皮肤的特点,可以回应动作和声音,反应并映射在现场活动。

The Projects supported by BAITASI Remade share community-oriented goals. Interventions into public spaces are developed taking into account the importance of the human factor. These initiatives strive to bond with the context of the neighborhood and initiate both soft dialogues as well as locals’ engagement with the temporary set up of BJDW events.

Among the many projects, Soft City explores the notion of “soft systems” - technologies, organizations, infrastructure, interface, spaces, powers – as coterminous with that of rigid or top-down constructs by emphasizing flexibility, responsiveness and reconfigurability as present at various scales, where people ‘are’ infrastructure.

Their “Octopus Pavilion” is an inviting and interacting open-air public space, exploring the concept of Soft City. Its structure is reactive to movement and sound, mapping the on-site unfolding events and people’s interactions.

Andrés López和Isabel Driessen所呈现的“胡同峰会”展也十分契合“城市研习·共享未来”的主题。他们将借助一系列图纸现场展示对北京胡同空间、空间功能以及空间变化的研究成果,此外还将展示在区域内道路交叉口呈现的功能模块。功能模块的设计考虑到了社会因素(风俗),根据人的五种主要活动设计而成,功能涉及垃圾箱、花架、展示、自行车存放、户外活动可以用到的桌椅,能让居民有机会与这些模块互动,为他们还原公共生活本来的样子。根据不同的背景和当地居民的需求,这些模块既可以独立存在,也可以组成一个系统。每一天模块组成的调整、不同的用途以及变化将通过一组图文日记的形式被记录下来。

Another soft approach to intervening in the setting of Baitasi is presented by Andrés López and Isabel Driessen’s “Hutong Summit”, taking everyday rituals as its subject of investigation. Their work is led by an interest in understanding the relationship between space, its use and the adaptive appropriations typical of hutongs.

Taking the busy commercial area adjacent to the Old Food Market as a prime site of study, they have enucleated a set of activities normally performed by residents (playing, food selling and making, resting/interacting informally, etc) and thereof rendered them into five different typologies of modular furniture that can be adapted to the physical context of the streets as well as to locals’ preferences.

The final output will be a graphic diary to keep track of all the modifications, different uses and transformations, related to these modules used in the Baitasi area.


The Baitasi Construction Shop is envisioned by DAMU Design as a place where design innovation meets community engagement as a localized response to the evolution of the built environment of Baitasi. The key aim of this is the advancement of building knowledge as the foundation of design research.

There will be an exhibition serving as an “information gathering device” to engage the community in the discussion about design and development of the Baitasi urban fabric. The core of the exhibition space will be a design questionnaire expressed as an interactive sculptural installation.


TGS Lab: Where Knowledge Materializes  

世界学院内包含的TGS Lab/世界学院实验室,将作为白塔寺胡同区域的核心服务平台,进一步吸引专业人士和本地居民的参与。此平台由LCD(Laboratory for Creative Design)主持,TGS Lab本身将给予TGS/世界学院足够的在地知识储备和技术支撑,同时LCD也致力于以集群的方式集结和整合全球的资源,持续不断地在白塔寺这个语境中转化输出,从而使TGS Lab成为联结专业人士和本地居民的、知识实体化和物质化的机器。

TGS Lab is an innovative onsite design and technology service platform for the urban regeneration of Baitasi, guided by LCD (Laboratory for Creative Design).

TGS Lab provides essential design knowledge storage and technical support for The Global School.

在TGS Lab里,LCD与其合作伙伴一起,依据不同的设计方法论、尺度、材料和建造技术,关注开源设计、胡同更新、三维打印、智能建造、虚拟现实、互动设计六个模块的在地接口和演化。LCD将试图连接、混合、打破这六个模块的边界,创造出在白塔寺这个特定区域的开源、丰富和灵活的应对机制,持续不断地关注和反思全球化浪潮下,社会历史褶皱与新兴技术之间的交流和碰撞。设计周期间LCD将组织一系列活动,展示TGS Lab设计方法的拓展、快速制造技术及开源系统的探讨。

LCD and collaborators work together to integrate global resources in order to make TGS Lab a unique knowledge materialization machine for designers and local communities.

Their approach is based on onsite rapid fabrication solutions, divided into six sectors according to design methodologies, scales, materials and fabrication methods.

These six categories are: Open Source Design, Hutong Regeneration, 3D Printing, Robotic Fabrication, Virtual Reality, Interactive Design.

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