迷幻自赏乐队Flyying Colours 巡演小酒馆音乐空间专场



2016年11月5日 20:30
November 5, 2016 20:30

预售/ADV ¥80

地址/ADD: 成都市成华区双庆路8号万象城1期B1层喷泉广场B120号 小酒馆空间

千呼万唤始出来 - 澳洲迷幻自赏Flyying Colours巡演公布

我们极度兴奋的宣布:风靡澳洲并席卷全欧的墨尔本迷幻自赏乐队Flyying Colours要来中国了!就在刚过去的这个十一假期,终于确认了最后一场待定演出,于是现在终于可以公布巡演全日程了:(FOR ENGLISH, PLEASE SCROLL DOWN)

Flyying Colours是一只来自澳大利亚的后朋色彩的迷幻-自赏(Phych-shoegaze)乐队,2011年底成立于墨尔本。2013年推出以同名处子EP,不但获得乐评界的一致好评,也在各独立电台得到大量播放。在网上这张作品得到更大范围的关注,很多知名音乐博客都对其赞誉有加。很快,一些国际厂牌也发现了这块璞玉,短短5个月之后乐队就在欧洲和美国发行了EP,在美国签约在Shelflife旗下,在欧洲则是Club ac30。同时,EP在BBC, Amazing Radio,XFM等著名音乐广播得到广泛,一些知名媒体如”Clashmagazine”也对Flyying Colours做了报道及专访。

乐队在第二张EP中更是将他们的音乐喜好以及所受的影响毫无顾忌的展现了出来。散漫的吉他失真,凶猛的贝司线,以及90年代那不高不低不快不慢的轻吟唱腔,甚至新浪潮经典的双主唱”呜呜”声,都让人一下就想到传奇乐队My Bloody Valentine,以及澳洲本土的著名乐队Swervedriver。 ROYGGIV在美国、英国、欧洲本土、以及日本的发行让Flyying Colours在国际乐坛取得了空前的成功,热门歌曲”Running Late” 在Stereogum和Clash Managine做了首发,在BBC6和XFM获得了长时间的播放,在Amazing Radio排行榜上连续上榜数周,在CMJTOP200电台排行榜中更是一度达到全球第47位。
巡演方面,Flyying Colours同样没有让人失望。在英国和欧洲大陆的首次巡演就卖光了所有的票,这对于一个新乐队来说实在太不常见也太令人振奋了。这次巡演乐队也登上了欧洲主流音乐节的舞台,分别在英国久负盛名的Great Escape和西班牙以前卫时尚著称的Primavera Sound音乐节上进行了表演。

在签约Island Records之后,ROYGBIV在2015年8月在新西兰发行,大金曲Running Late席卷各大电台及排行榜,澳大利亚最著名的音乐广播JJJ也将Running Late加入到了年度最佳歌曲的竞争榜单之中。除此之外,Flyying Colours还受邀作为Johnny Marr, Brian Jonestown Massacre,以及A Place To Bury Strangers等澳洲顶尖音乐人和乐队的嘉宾,在澳大利亚进行了巡演。
在2016年9月Flyying Colours发行了全新同名专辑,并展开新一轮的世界巡演,9月10月欧洲,11月上半月中国下半月澳大利亚,之后紧锣密鼓的还有北美巡演。这是一直潜力无限前景极度光明的乐队,不要错过!

Flyying Colours make reverb drenched pop music that echoes sounds of shoegaze, postpunk and psychedelia.

The astonishing reaction to their mesmerizing live shows in Melbourne was followed up with the release of their debut self-titled EP in 2014. It received rave reviews, stacks of indie radio support and online attention in Australia but it was the international blogosphere that really got behind them, posting their psychedelic filmclips on sites the world over. It didn’t take long for the international music industry to come knocking and 5 months later the EP was released in UK/Europe through Club ac30 and in the USA through Shelflife, being played regularly on BBC, Amazing radio and XFM and featured on international blogs like clashmagazine online

Flyying Colours unashamedly display their influences on their follow up EP “ROYGBIV”. Tone-bending My Bloody Valentine / Swervedriver guitars, ferocious bass hooks and the familiar soft hush of early 90s dueting vocals. Added to the mix is their own edgy, refreshing pop-mindedness, buoyed by the lush vocal interplay and finely crafted songwriting wrapped up in a bombastic live show.

“ROYGBIV” made waves internationally with its release in The UK/Europe, Japan and The US. “Running Late” was premiered on Stereogum and Clash Magazine online, received substantial airplay on BBC6 and XFM, sat in the Amazing Radio Charts for weeks on end and hit #47 in the CMJ Top 200 Radio Charts in the U.S. The psych-shoegazers also received overseas attention through their spectacular sold-out live shows in the UK and Europe and appearances at The Great Escape (UK) and Primavera Sound (Spain) Festivals.

After signing with Island Records, the ROYGBIV EP was released in OZ in Aug 2015 with the single “Running Late” being added to JJJ and every community radio station in the country. With the increased attention the offers started rolling in and the gang spent the year supporting Johnny Marr, Brian Jonestown Massacre and A Place To Bury Strangers on their national tours

2016 has seen Flyying Colours knuckle down in the studio and fully experiment with their sound to complete their debut album set for release internationally September 9 2016. The band is now on a 2-month tour in Europe and will be visiting China for the first time in the first half of November.

乐队阵容/Line Up:
Brodie J Brummer – Guitar/Vocal
Gemma O’Connor – Guitar/Vocal
Melanie Barbaro – Bass
Andy Lloyd Russell – Drums
嘉宾乐队 时光盒子 https://site.douban.com/timecase/

“Guys, Let’s have some fun ”——四位远没有被生活击倒的青年抱着对摇滚音乐的热爱,于2015年的秋天在成都决定成立时光盒子(Timecase)乐队。作品创造过程中他们坚持保留Brit-pop英式经典架构及韵味,同时融入年轻激情的演绎与即兴奔放的狂热。


Vocal&Guitar: 喃泉
Guitar: 郑博文
Bass : 周科
Drum : 付文俊
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