Should your cat eat grass? 你的猫应该吃草吗?


cats donx26#39;t only eat grass to purge. Read more to understand why cats eats grass....



From what I know, cats are obligate carnivores, so they require meat to thrive. Cats normally don’t need vegetables in their diet but they lack the enzyme required to properly digest carbohydrates and process them metabolitically.


I saw many times my first cats eat some grass in the garden of my parents in France, so why these cats eat some grass? Is it a natural necessity? Are they attract by the taste of grass? Should your cats eat grass?


It is very difficult to answer to all these questions as there are only a few studies about it. Meanwhile, some natural behaviors can explain why your cats enjoy eating grass:

In the nature, cats hunt birds and mice. When the cats catch these preys, most of the time, they eat it. So, sometimes cats also eat feathers and bones that are very difficult to digest. Eating grass may help them to digest. Sometimes, the cat will throw up after eating grass. Your cat may clean his digestive tract.


When your cat is grooming himself, sometimes, it happens that some hairballs form in the stomach so cats will eat grass as a kind of natural laxative (grass contain fibers). Sometimes, eating grass also help them to throw up their hairballs.


There is a more scientific reason that can explain why cats eat grass. Grass is a source of folic acid; essential vitamin to cat’s bodily functions and assists in the production of hemoglobin (helps to oxygenate the blood). Grass may also help to detoxify the liver and may have anti-inflammatory properties. 


Most of domestic cats in Shanghai are only indoor cats. Do we still recommend buying some grass to your cats?



Yes, definitively. Cats eat grass naturally in the nature and grow grass in your flat enrich their territory. Next to your cat grass, you can also grow some parsley and sage. Your cat will also enjoy it and will avoid the other plants (Most of plants are toxic or poisonous to cats). An “happy” cat is a cat who lives in a territory where he can find a complete safety and all the attributes of the nature. Grass is one of these attributes.



Le Caignec Stephane


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Also, if you need help as you meet with behavior difficulties with your cat, I’m your cat behavior consultant in Shanghai. You can contact me at this email address:

Le Caignec Stephane.


我是猫咪行为专家Le Caignec Stephane, 如果您需要我帮助您的猫解决行为问题,欢迎通过这个邮箱地址联系我

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