时光——逵园艺术馆五周年邀请展/TIME—Kui Yuan Gallery 5th Anniversary Exhibition


展期/Exhibition Duration:2017.01.07 — 2017.02.21...

|展览信息|[b]Exhibition Info|[/b]

艺术家/Artists:林蓝、齐喆、韦潞、万小宁、郅敏/Lin Lan, Qi Zhe, Wei Lu, Wan Xiaoning, Zhi Min

策展人/[b]Curator[/b]:黄轶群/Kelvin Huang

展期/Exhibition Duration:2017.01.07 — 2017.02.21

时间/[b]Open Hours[/b]:10:00 - 22:00

地点/Venue:广州市越秀区恤孤院路9号 逵园艺术馆/Kui Yuan Gallery, No.9, Xuguyuan Road,Yuexiu District, Guangzhou

万小宁 Wan Xiaoning《早樱 Sakura》纸本着色、岩彩 Mineral color on paper 65x96cm 2015

万小宁 Wan Xiaoning《杏儿 Apricot》纸本着色、岩彩 Mineral color on paper 64x77.5cm 2016

林蓝 Lin Lan《二 No.2》纸本设色 Ink & color on paper 32x41cm 2009

林蓝 Lin Lan《千堆雪之六 Snow No.6》纸本设色 Ink & color on paper 32x41cm 2015

前 言








郅敏 Zhi Min《贝壳 Shell》纸本施彩 Color on paper 57x76cm 2014

郅敏 Zhi Min《撒拉的花 Flowers》纸本施彩 Color on paper 57x76cm 2014


Time flies. Five years have passed since Kui Yuan Gallery hosted its very first exhibition, and today we all come together to celebrate this extraordinary occasion. Since its establishment, Kui Yuan Gallery has worked with nearly one hundred artists in organizing over sixty art exhibitions and activities. For the past five years, thanks to all the support from fellow friends, artists, and art lovers, Kui Yuan Gallery has faced up to difficulties and challenges, and has made them the finest moments of its accomplishments. It is also because of all the generous friendships and warm support, Kui Yuan Gallery keeps moving forward on its journey of art and proudly presents the 5th anniversary exhibition.

The exhibition celebrates this special occasion with rich and colorful artistic mediums of ink, printmaking, mineral colors, paper-cuts, and watercolors. The five artists invited to participate in this exhibition have all demonstrated their profound influences in the academic art field, and by juxtaposing their distinct artworks with each other, the display has created the effect of integration, intensity, and contrast. It is the intense yet harmonious collision of artistic practices that brings the audience insightful understandings and original interpretations. Meanwhile, a comprehensive presentation of unique artistic approaches and creative thinking is able to convey the characteristics and mutual integrations of individual cultural and artistic fields.

Lin Lan’s works are simple and concise, full of freshness and vibrancy. She is able to portray the most beautiful scenes with delicate outlines on gold leaves and repeating rendering of colors, which presents a new realm of modern ink art, modest yet elegant. Qi Zhe’s woodblock prints employ various techniques such as reverse color printing and monotype. Qi creates visual impressions of original structures, exquisite imageries, and rich layers, and his use of powerful lines and steady tones accurately conveys the accumulated cultural spirit and the modern day sympathetic emotions. Wan Xiaoning insists on emphasizing the inherent logics in her creation, and she takes excellent control of the overall palette. Wan’s strongly distinct color relations, outstanding heavy coloring, and the unique quality of “mineral” visual textures inevitably contribute to gorgeous appearances that are refined yet splendid, saturate yet transparent. Wei Lu has dedicated her art career to paper-cuts for over thirty years. Standing in front of her free flowing style of artworks, it is stunning to realize her persistent search of the dark, sharp, mysterious, and feminine self, through which she illustrates her interpretation of life’s eternity and glory. Zhi Min’s recent works have demonstrated his reflection upon nature and traditional Eastern culture. Regardless of sculpture or painting, his artworks always seek to show the balance not only between men themselves, but also among all things in the world. Zhi’s watercolors in this exhibition therefore reveal Zhi’s sympathetic, elegant, and keen observation of life.

Art embodies the essence of cultural values: it takes a poetic and philosophical approach to present artists’ understanding of life, and it rises above the restriction of mediums for greater spiritual experiences. The exhibiting artists have shown their devotion and persistence for art, their efforts in carrying on the legacy and creativity of culture, their admiration and pursuit of beauty, and their comprehension and respect of life. These are the ideals and beliefs that Kui Yuan Gallery cherishes very much, and wishes to succeed the past and sustain the hope of the future.

In precious times, we hold dear to our heart the warm memories, draft a poem of unforgettable time, and move towards our promising journey of art. Occasionally, we take a moment to gaze back, and always remember the first dream.

Curator: Kelvin Huang


齐喆 Qi Zhe《九月 September》油印套色木刻 Multi-colored woodcut 52x92cm 2014

齐喆 Qi Zhe《还不是烟花样的人生? Soaring》油印套色木刻 Multi-colored woodcut 62.5x76.5cm 2010

韦潞 Wei Lu《蓝之六 Blue No.6》剪纸 Paper-cut 79x56cm 2016

韦潞 Wei Lu《万物生长之七 Everything Growing No.7》剪纸 Paper-cut 110x79cm 2012


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