


上文讲到“北外国际伦敦私人办公室”推出了CampusMate项目,儿子作为体验者,在和他的那位把剑桥、UCL、牛津神经科学专业读了个遍的campus mate首次交流之后,马不停蹄地写了一篇反思。第一次交流的主题是英国大学的校园生活。

说、写、记、听... CampusMate进行中








  1. Confirmations: The session has reinforcedsome of my knowledge of Oxbridge/British University life, e.g. the collegiatesystem, the workload and the length of a semester.
  2. Reassurance of a supportivecommunity: Shehas described how supportive the college peers, the librarians and theuniversity system in general are. Such reassurance may seem trivial on abroader view, but it is nevertheless spiritually aiding. It would ease thefear one may have for studying in a British university.
  3. Correction of misconceptions: She corrected my tremendousmisunderstanding of the tutorial system through providing details rather thangiving general statements.
  4. Extended information: She provided somemind-blowing information on aspects of university life that I was particularlycurious/ignorant about. For instance, she described to me how universitystudents actually use the library (emphasis on difference between art studentsand science students), and how the sports activities are organised.

I believe that reason behindthese gains (i.e. the difference between this session and a lecture done by analumni) is its interactive nature. The interactivity humanises thespeaker, and hence enables the pupil to become mentally reassured foruniversity life. It has also enabled the pupil to correct misconceptions anddevelop a wholesome knowledge of the subject by posing questions and confirmingthe answers by paraphrasing.

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